Other functions where CharAttribList::ResortAttribs() is called seem to
not guarantee that. So your fix would only help where the entire array
is already sorted, not where only partial sorting is to be retained.
Would be good to know if ContentNode::ExpandAttribs() and
ContentNode::CollapsAttribs() and EditDoc::InsertAttribInSelection() and
EditDoc::RemoveAttribs() really work as expected in these cases. Could
you please check?

It should. Because on Linux the array is indeed partial sorted. (It is supposed to be, otherwise the bug will occur on Linux too). (Ref: the sort checks only the start/end not the nWhich)

[Not sure, if I understood you right, please do correct me if I misunderstood you. Thanks!]

- Muthu Subramanian
LibreOffice mailing list

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