sw/source/core/layout/tabfrm.cxx |  349 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 172 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 95c31968efaaefad548d300b216598f51d7a0746
Author:     Justin Luth <justin.l...@collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Thu Mar 23 14:16:47 2023 -0400
Commit:     Justin Luth <jl...@mail.com>
CommitDate: Sat Apr 22 14:08:56 2023 +0200

    NFC flatten/clang-format SwTabFrame::CalcFlyOffsets
    No functional change intended
    Change-Id: I63a052ad39e7f90a744225d06cc4000ac6fdd602
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/149466
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Justin Luth <jl...@mail.com>

diff --git a/sw/source/core/layout/tabfrm.cxx b/sw/source/core/layout/tabfrm.cxx
index 47bbf801dfef..4d9f7f7d1630 100644
--- a/sw/source/core/layout/tabfrm.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/core/layout/tabfrm.cxx
@@ -2832,202 +2832,197 @@ bool SwTabFrame::CalcFlyOffsets( SwTwips& rUpper,
     const bool bWrapAllowed = 
rIDSA.get(DocumentSettingId::USE_FORMER_TEXT_WRAPPING) ||
                                 ( !IsInFootnote() && nullptr == 
FindFooterOrHeader() );
-    if ( pPage->GetSortedObjs() && bWrapAllowed )
+    if (!bWrapAllowed || !pPage->GetSortedObjs())
+        return bInvalidatePrtArea;
+    SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(this);
+    const bool bConsiderWrapOnObjPos
+        = rIDSA.get(DocumentSettingId::CONSIDER_WRAP_ON_OBJECT_POSITION);
+    tools::Long nPrtPos = aRectFnSet.GetTop(getFrameArea());
+    nPrtPos = aRectFnSet.YInc(nPrtPos, rUpper);
+    SwRect aRect(getFrameArea());
+    if (pSpaceBelowBottom)
-        SwRectFnSet aRectFnSet(this);
-        const bool bConsiderWrapOnObjPos = 
-        tools::Long nPrtPos = aRectFnSet.GetTop(getFrameArea());
-        nPrtPos = aRectFnSet.YInc( nPrtPos, rUpper );
-        SwRect aRect( getFrameArea() );
-        if (pSpaceBelowBottom)
-        {   // set to space below table frame
-            aRectFnSet.SetTopAndHeight(aRect, aRectFnSet.GetBottom(aRect), 
-        }
-        else
+        // set to space below table frame
+        aRectFnSet.SetTopAndHeight(aRect, aRectFnSet.GetBottom(aRect), 
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        tools::Long nYDiff = 
aRectFnSet.YDiff(aRectFnSet.GetTop(getFramePrintArea()), rUpper);
+        if (nYDiff > 0)
+            aRectFnSet.AddBottom(aRect, -nYDiff);
+    }
+    bool bAddVerticalFlyOffsets = 
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < pPage->GetSortedObjs()->size(); ++i)
+    {
+        SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*pPage->GetSortedObjs())[i];
+        auto pFly = pAnchoredObj->DynCastFlyFrame();
+        if (!pFly)
+            continue;
+        const SwRect aFlyRect = pFly->GetObjRectWithSpaces();
+        // #i26945# - correction of conditions,
+        // if Writer fly frame has to be considered:
+        // - no need to check, if top of Writer fly frame differs
+        //   from FAR_AWAY, because it's also checked, if the Writer
+        //   fly frame rectangle overlaps with <aRect>
+        // - no check, if bottom of anchor frame is prior the top of
+        //   the table, because Writer fly frames can be negative positioned.
+        // - correct check, if the Writer fly frame is a lower of the
+        //   table, because table lines/rows can split and an at-character
+        //   anchored Writer fly frame could be positioned in the follow
+        //   flow line.
+        // - add condition, that an existing anchor character text frame
+        //   has to be on the same page as the table.
+        //   E.g., it could happen, that the fly frame is still registered
+        //   at the page frame, the table is on, but it's anchor character
+        //   text frame has already changed its page.
+        const SwTextFrame* pAnchorCharFrame = pFly->FindAnchorCharFrame();
+        bool bConsiderFly =
+            // #i46807# - do not consider invalid
+            // Writer fly frames.
+            (pFly->isFrameAreaDefinitionValid() || bAddVerticalFlyOffsets)
+            // fly anchored at character or at paragraph
+            && pFly->IsFlyAtContentFrame()
+            // fly overlaps with corresponding table rectangle
+            && aFlyRect.Overlaps(aRect)
+            // fly isn't lower of table and
+            // anchor character frame of fly isn't lower of table
+            && (pSpaceBelowBottom // not if in ShouldBwdMoved
+                || (!IsAnLower(pFly) && (!pAnchorCharFrame || 
+            // table isn't lower of fly
+            && !pFly->IsAnLower(this)
+            // fly is lower of fly, the table is in
+            // #123274# - correction
+            // assure that fly isn't a lower of a fly, the table isn't in.
+            // E.g., a table in the body doesn't wrap around a graphic,
+            // which is inside a frame.
+            && (!pMyFly || pMyFly->IsAnLower(pFly))
+            && pMyFly == 
+            // anchor frame not on following page
+            && pPage->GetPhyPageNum() >= 
+            // anchor character text frame on same page
+            && (!pAnchorCharFrame ||
+                pAnchorCharFrame->FindPageFrame()->GetPhyPageNum() == 
+        if (!bConsiderFly)
+            continue;
+        const SwFrame* pFlyHeaderFooterFrame = 
+        const SwFrame* pThisHeaderFooterFrame = FindFooterOrHeader();
+        if (pFlyHeaderFooterFrame != pThisHeaderFooterFrame
+            // #148493# If bConsiderWrapOnObjPos is set,
+            // we want to consider the fly if it is located in the header and
+            // the table is located in the body:
+            && (!bConsiderWrapOnObjPos || nullptr != pThisHeaderFooterFrame
+                || !pFlyHeaderFooterFrame->IsHeaderFrame()))
-            tools::Long nYDiff = aRectFnSet.YDiff( 
aRectFnSet.GetTop(getFramePrintArea()), rUpper );
-            if (nYDiff > 0)
-                aRectFnSet.AddBottom( aRect, -nYDiff );
+            continue;
-        bool bAddVerticalFlyOffsets = 
+        text::WrapTextMode nSurround = 
+        // If the frame format is a TextBox of a draw shape,
+        // then use the surround of the original shape.
+        bool bWrapThrough = nSurround == text::WrapTextMode_THROUGH;
+        SwTextBoxHelper::getShapeWrapThrough(pFly->GetFormat(), bWrapThrough);
+        if (bWrapThrough)
+            continue;
+        if (!bWrapThrough && nSurround == text::WrapTextMode_THROUGH)
+            nSurround = text::WrapTextMode_PARALLEL;
-        for ( size_t i = 0; i < pPage->GetSortedObjs()->size(); ++i )
+        const SwFormatHoriOrient& rHori= pFly->GetFormat()->GetHoriOrient();
+        bool bShiftDown = css::text::WrapTextMode_NONE == nSurround;
+        if (!bShiftDown && bAddVerticalFlyOffsets)
-            SwAnchoredObject* pAnchoredObj = (*pPage->GetSortedObjs())[i];
-            if ( auto pFly = pAnchoredObj->DynCastFlyFrame() )
+            if (nSurround == text::WrapTextMode_PARALLEL
+                && rHori.GetHoriOrient() == text::HoriOrientation::NONE)
-                const SwRect aFlyRect = pFly->GetObjRectWithSpaces();
-                // #i26945# - correction of conditions,
-                // if Writer fly frame has to be considered:
-                // - no need to check, if top of Writer fly frame differs
-                //   from FAR_AWAY, because it's also checked, if the Writer
-                //   fly frame rectangle overlaps with <aRect>
-                // - no check, if bottom of anchor frame is prior the top of
-                //   the table, because Writer fly frames can be negative 
-                // - correct check, if the Writer fly frame is a lower of the
-                //   table, because table lines/rows can split and an 
-                //   anchored Writer fly frame could be positioned in the 
-                //   flow line.
-                // - add condition, that an existing anchor character text 
-                //   has to be on the same page as the table.
-                //   E.g., it could happen, that the fly frame is still 
-                //   at the page frame, the table is on, but it's anchor 
-                //   text frame has already changed its page.
-                const SwTextFrame* pAnchorCharFrame = 
-                bool bConsiderFly =
-                    // #i46807# - do not consider invalid
-                    // Writer fly frames.
-                    (pFly->isFrameAreaDefinitionValid() || 
bAddVerticalFlyOffsets) &&
-                    // fly anchored at character or at paragraph
-                    pFly->IsFlyAtContentFrame() &&
-                    // fly overlaps with corresponding table rectangle
-                    aFlyRect.Overlaps( aRect ) &&
-                    // fly isn't lower of table and
-                    // anchor character frame of fly isn't lower of table
-                    (pSpaceBelowBottom // not if in ShouldBwdMoved
-                     || (!IsAnLower( pFly ) &&
-                          (!pAnchorCharFrame || 
!IsAnLower(pAnchorCharFrame)))) &&
-                    // table isn't lower of fly
-                    !pFly->IsAnLower( this ) &&
-                    // fly is lower of fly, the table is in
-                    // #123274# - correction
-                    // assure that fly isn't a lower of a fly, the table isn't 
-                    // E.g., a table in the body doesn't wrap around a graphic,
-                    // which is inside a frame.
-                    ( ( !pMyFly ||
-                        pMyFly->IsAnLower( pFly ) ) &&
-                      pMyFly == 
pFly->GetAnchorFrameContainingAnchPos()->FindFlyFrame() ) &&
-                    // anchor frame not on following page
-                    pPage->GetPhyPageNum() >=
-                      pFly->GetAnchorFrame()->FindPageFrame()->GetPhyPageNum() 
-                    // anchor character text frame on same page
-                    ( !pAnchorCharFrame ||
-                      pAnchorCharFrame->FindPageFrame()->GetPhyPageNum() ==
-                        pPage->GetPhyPageNum() );
-                if ( bConsiderFly )
-                {
-                    const SwFrame* pFlyHeaderFooterFrame = 
-                    const SwFrame* pThisHeaderFooterFrame = 
-                    if ( pFlyHeaderFooterFrame != pThisHeaderFooterFrame &&
-                        // #148493# If bConsiderWrapOnObjPos is set,
-                        // we want to consider the fly if it is located in the 
header and
-                        // the table is located in the body:
-                         ( !bConsiderWrapOnObjPos || nullptr != 
pThisHeaderFooterFrame || !pFlyHeaderFooterFrame->IsHeaderFrame() ) )
-                        bConsiderFly = false;
-                }
-                text::WrapTextMode nSurround = text::WrapTextMode_NONE;
-                if ( bConsiderFly )
-                {
-                    nSurround = pFly->GetFormat()->GetSurround().GetSurround();
-                    // If the frame format is a TextBox of a draw shape,
-                    // then use the surround of the original shape.
-                    bool bWrapThrough = nSurround == 
-                    SwTextBoxHelper::getShapeWrapThrough(pFly->GetFormat(), 
-                    if (bWrapThrough)
-                        bConsiderFly = false;
-                    else if (!bWrapThrough && nSurround == 
-                        nSurround = text::WrapTextMode_PARALLEL;
-                }
+                // We know that wrapping was requested and the table frame 
overlaps with
+                // the fly frame. Check if the print area overlaps with the 
fly frame as
+                // well (in case the table does not use all the available 
+                basegfx::B1DRange aTabRange(
+                    aRectFnSet.GetLeft(aRect) + 
+                    aRectFnSet.GetLeft(aRect) + 
+                        + aRectFnSet.GetWidth(getFramePrintArea()));
+                // Ignore spacing when determining the left/right edge of the 
fly, like
+                // Word does.
+                const SwRect aFlyRectWithoutSpaces = pFly->GetObjRect();
+                basegfx::B1DRange 
+                // If it does, shift the table down. Do this only in the 
compat case,
+                // normally an SwFlyPortion is created instead that increases 
the height
+                // of the first table row.
+                bShiftDown = aTabRange.overlaps(aFlyRange);
+            }
+        }
-                if (bConsiderFly)
+        if (bShiftDown)
+        {
+            // possible cases:
+            //        both in body
+            //        both in same fly
+            //        any comb. of body, footnote, header/footer
+            // to keep it safe, check only in doc body vs page margin for now
+            tools::Long nBottom = aRectFnSet.GetBottom(aFlyRect);
+            // tdf#138039 don't grow beyond the page body
+            // if the fly is anchored below the table; the fly
+            // must move with its anchor frame to the next page
+            SwRectFnSet fnPage(pPage);
+            if (!IsInDocBody() // TODO
+                || fnPage.YDiff(fnPage.GetBottom(aFlyRect), 
fnPage.GetPrtBottom(*pPage)) <= 0
+                || !IsNextOnSamePage(
+                       *pPage, *this,
+            {
+                if (aRectFnSet.YDiff(nPrtPos, nBottom) < 0)
+                    nPrtPos = nBottom;
+                // tdf#116501 subtract flys blocking space from below
+                // TODO this may not work ideally for multiple flys
+                if (pSpaceBelowBottom && 
aRectFnSet.YDiff(aRectFnSet.GetBottom(aRect), nBottom) < 0)
-                    const SwFormatHoriOrient &rHori= 
-                    bool bShiftDown = css::text::WrapTextMode_NONE == 
-                    if (!bShiftDown && bAddVerticalFlyOffsets)
-                    {
-                        if (nSurround == text::WrapTextMode_PARALLEL
-                            && rHori.GetHoriOrient() == 
-                        {
-                            // We know that wrapping was requested and the 
table frame overlaps with
-                            // the fly frame. Check if the print area overlaps 
with the fly frame as
-                            // well (in case the table does not use all the 
available width).
-                            basegfx::B1DRange aTabRange(
-                                aRectFnSet.GetLeft(aRect) + 
-                                aRectFnSet.GetLeft(aRect) + 
-                                    + 
-                            // Ignore spacing when determining the left/right 
edge of the fly, like
-                            // Word does.
-                            const SwRect aFlyRectWithoutSpaces = 
-                            basegfx::B1DRange 
-                            // If it does, shift the table down. Do this only 
in the compat case,
-                            // normally an SwFlyPortion is created instead 
that increases the height
-                            // of the first table row.
-                            bShiftDown = aTabRange.overlaps(aFlyRange);
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (bShiftDown)
-                    {
-                        // possible cases:
-                        //        both in body
-                        //        both in same fly
-                        //        any comb. of body, footnote, header/footer
-                        // to keep it safe, check only in doc body vs page 
margin for now
-                        tools::Long nBottom = aRectFnSet.GetBottom(aFlyRect);
-                        // tdf#138039 don't grow beyond the page body
-                        // if the fly is anchored below the table; the fly
-                        // must move with its anchor frame to the next page
-                        SwRectFnSet fnPage(pPage);
-                        if (!IsInDocBody() // TODO
-                            || fnPage.YDiff(fnPage.GetBottom(aFlyRect), 
fnPage.GetPrtBottom(*pPage)) <= 0
-                            || !IsNextOnSamePage(*pPage, *this,
-                        {
-                            if (aRectFnSet.YDiff( nPrtPos, nBottom ) < 0)
-                                nPrtPos = nBottom;
-                            // tdf#116501 subtract flys blocking space from 
-                            // TODO this may not work ideally for multiple flys
-                            if (pSpaceBelowBottom
-                                && 
aRectFnSet.YDiff(aRectFnSet.GetBottom(aRect), nBottom) < 0)
-                            {
-                                if (aRectFnSet.YDiff(aRectFnSet.GetTop(aRect), 
aRectFnSet.GetTop(aFlyRect)) < 0)
-                                {
-                                    aRectFnSet.SetBottom(aRect, 
-                                }
-                                else
-                                {
-                                    aRectFnSet.SetHeight(aRect, 0);
-                                }
-                            }
-                            bInvalidatePrtArea = true;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if ((css::text::WrapTextMode_RIGHT == nSurround
-                         || css::text::WrapTextMode_PARALLEL == nSurround) &&
-                         text::HoriOrientation::LEFT == rHori.GetHoriOrient() )
+                    if (aRectFnSet.YDiff(aRectFnSet.GetTop(aRect), 
aRectFnSet.GetTop(aFlyRect)) < 0)
-                        const tools::Long nWidth = aRectFnSet.XDiff(
-                            aRectFnSet.GetRight(aFlyRect),
aRectFnSet.GetLeft(pFly->GetAnchorFrame()->getFrameArea()) );
-                        rLeftOffset = std::max( rLeftOffset, nWidth );
-                        bInvalidatePrtArea = true;
+                        aRectFnSet.SetBottom(aRect, 
-                    if ((css::text::WrapTextMode_LEFT == nSurround
-                         || css::text::WrapTextMode_PARALLEL == nSurround) &&
-                         text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT == rHori.GetHoriOrient() 
+                    else
-                        const tools::Long nWidth = aRectFnSet.XDiff(
-                            aRectFnSet.GetLeft(aFlyRect) );
-                        rRightOffset = std::max( rRightOffset, nWidth );
-                        bInvalidatePrtArea = true;
+                        aRectFnSet.SetHeight(aRect, 0);
+                bInvalidatePrtArea = true;
-        rUpper = aRectFnSet.YDiff( nPrtPos, aRectFnSet.GetTop(getFrameArea()) 
-        if (pSpaceBelowBottom)
+        if ((css::text::WrapTextMode_RIGHT == nSurround
+             || css::text::WrapTextMode_PARALLEL == nSurround)
+            && text::HoriOrientation::LEFT == rHori.GetHoriOrient())
+        {
+            const tools::Long nWidth
+                = aRectFnSet.XDiff(aRectFnSet.GetRight(aFlyRect),
+            rLeftOffset = std::max(rLeftOffset, nWidth);
+            bInvalidatePrtArea = true;
+        }
+        if ((css::text::WrapTextMode_LEFT == nSurround
+             || css::text::WrapTextMode_PARALLEL == nSurround)
+            && text::HoriOrientation::RIGHT == rHori.GetHoriOrient())
-            *pSpaceBelowBottom = aRectFnSet.GetHeight(aRect);
+            const tools::Long nWidth
+                = 
+                                   aRectFnSet.GetLeft(aFlyRect));
+            rRightOffset = std::max(rRightOffset, nWidth);
+            bInvalidatePrtArea = true;
+    rUpper = aRectFnSet.YDiff( nPrtPos, aRectFnSet.GetTop(getFrameArea()) );
+    if (pSpaceBelowBottom)
+    {
+        *pSpaceBelowBottom = aRectFnSet.GetHeight(aRect);
+    }
     return bInvalidatePrtArea;

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