source/text/shared/01/02100001.xhp |  104 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 52 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit e4f2e673eae5e1c3ffcc54d2253a35145aba7774
Author:     Olivier Hallot <>
AuthorDate: Wed Apr 5 08:42:01 2023 -0300
Commit:     Olivier Hallot <>
CommitDate: Wed Apr 5 20:06:58 2023 +0200

    Refactor file (no content change)
    Remove xml-lang
    Change-Id: I88f54ed44b795f7a5731748eccbafbe5f926ff27
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Olivier Hallot <>

diff --git a/source/text/shared/01/02100001.xhp 
index 7bbdcabe88..73d57d4a45 100644
--- a/source/text/shared/01/02100001.xhp
+++ b/source/text/shared/01/02100001.xhp
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@
   <topic id="textshared0102100001xml" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
-    <title xml-lang="en-US" id="tit">List of Regular Expressions</title>
+    <title id="tit">List of Regular Expressions</title>
-<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" id="bm_id3146765">
+<bookmark branch="index" id="bm_id3146765">
 <bookmark_value>regular expressions; list of</bookmark_value>
 <bookmark_value>regular expressions; new line</bookmark_value>
 <bookmark_value>regular expressions; empty paragraph</bookmark_value>
@@ -38,22 +38,22 @@
 <bookmark_value>concatenation, see ampersand symbol</bookmark_value>
 <bookmark_value>ampersand symbol, see also operators</bookmark_value>
 </bookmark><comment>mw added "replacing;" and "tab stops;"</comment>
-<h1 xml-lang="en-US" id="hd_id3146765"><variable id="02100001"><link 
href="text/shared/01/02100001.xhp">List of Regular 
+<h1 id="hd_id3146765"><variable id="02100001"><link 
href="text/shared/01/02100001.xhp">List of Regular 
 <table id="tbl_id3149517">
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3149741" 
+      <paragraph id="par_id3149741" role="tablehead">Term</paragraph>
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3155577" 
+      <paragraph id="par_id3155577" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id6600543" role="tablecontent">Any 
+      <paragraph id="par_id6600543" role="tablecontent">Any 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id9824518.00000001" 
role="tablecontent">The given character, unless it is a regular expression meta 
character. The list of meta characters follows in this table.</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id9824518.00000001" role="tablecontent">The given 
character, unless it is a regular expression meta character. The list of meta 
characters follows in this table.</paragraph>
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
       <paragraph localize="false" id="par_id3152427" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3149031" role="tablecontent">Any 
single character except a line break or a paragraph break. For example, the 
search term "sh.rt" matches both "shirt" and "short".</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3149031" role="tablecontent">Any single character 
except a line break or a paragraph break. For example, the search term "sh.rt" 
matches both "shirt" and "short".</paragraph>
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
         <paragraph localize="false" id="par_id3154682" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3155351" role="tablecontent">The 
beginning of a paragraph or cell. Special objects such as empty fields or 
character-anchored frames, at the beginning of a paragraph are ignored. 
Example: "^Peter" matches the word "Peter" only when it is the first word of a 
+        <paragraph id="par_id3155351" role="tablecontent">The beginning of a 
paragraph or cell. Special objects such as empty fields or character-anchored 
frames, at the beginning of a paragraph are ignored. Example: "^Peter" matches 
the word "Peter" only when it is the first word of a paragraph.
@@ -78,8 +78,8 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3159194" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3152542" role="tablecontent">The 
end of a paragraph or cell. Special objects such as empty fields or 
character-anchored frames at the end of a paragraph are ignored. Example: 
"Peter$" matches only when the word "Peter" is the last word of a paragraph, 
note "Peter" cannot be followed by a period.</paragraph>
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3152543" role="tablecontent">$ on 
its own matches the end of a paragraph. This way it is possible to search and 
replace paragraph breaks.</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3152542" role="tablecontent">The end of a 
paragraph or cell. Special objects such as empty fields or character-anchored 
frames at the end of a paragraph are ignored. Example: "Peter$" matches only 
when the word "Peter" is the last word of a paragraph, note "Peter" cannot be 
followed by a period.</paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3152543" role="tablecontent">$ on its own matches 
the end of a paragraph. This way it is possible to search and replace paragraph 
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3156414" role="tablecontent" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3155555" 
role="tablecontent">Zero or more of the regular expression term immediately 
preceding it. For example, "Ab*c" matches "Ac", "Abc", "Abbc", "Abbbc", and so 
+        <paragraph id="par_id3155555" role="tablecontent">Zero or more of the 
regular expression term immediately preceding it. For example, "Ab*c" matches 
"Ac", "Abc", "Abbc", "Abbbc", and so on.
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3147399" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3157958" role="tablecontent">One 
or more of the regular expression term immediately preceding it. For example, 
"AX.+4" finds "AXx4", but not "AX4".</paragraph>
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3145313" role="tablecontent">The 
longest possible string that matches this regular expression in a paragraph is 
always matched. If the paragraph contains the string "AX 4 AX4", the entire 
passage is highlighted.</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3157958" role="tablecontent">One or more of the 
regular expression term immediately preceding it. For example, "AX.+4" finds 
"AXx4", but not "AX4".</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3145313" role="tablecontent">The longest possible 
string that matches this regular expression in a paragraph is always matched. 
If the paragraph contains the string "AX 4 AX4", the entire passage is 
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3143267" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3153684" 
role="tablecontent">Zero or one of the regular expression term immediately 
preceding it. For example, "Texts?" matches "Text" and "Texts" and "x(ab|c)?y" 
finds "xy", "xaby", or "xcy".</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3153684" role="tablecontent">Zero or one of the 
regular expression term immediately preceding it. For example, "Texts?" matches 
"Text" and "Texts" and "x(ab|c)?y" finds "xy", "xaby", or "xcy".</paragraph>
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3166410" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3147209" role="tablecontent">The 
special character that follows it is interpreted as a normal character and not 
as a regular expression meta character (except for the combinations "\n", "\t", 
"\b", "\&gt;" and "\&lt;"). For example, "tree\." matches "tree.", not "treed" 
or "trees".</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3147209" role="tablecontent">The special 
character that follows it is interpreted as a normal character and not as a 
regular expression meta character (except for the combinations "\n", "\t", 
"\b", "\&gt;" and "\&lt;"). For example, "tree\." matches "tree.", not "treed" 
or "trees".</paragraph>
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3152945" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3153700" 
role="tablecontent">When entered in the <widget>Find</widget> text box, finds a 
line break that was inserted with the <keycode>Shift+Enter</keycode> key 
combination in Writer, or the <keycode>Ctrl+Enter</keycode> key combination in 
a Calc cell. </paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3153700" role="tablecontent">When entered in the 
<widget>Find</widget> text box, finds a line break that was inserted with the 
<keycode>Shift+Enter</keycode> key combination in Writer, or the 
<keycode>Ctrl+Enter</keycode> key combination in a Calc cell. </paragraph>
         <paragraph role="tablecontent" id="par_id731559575258580">When entered 
in the <widget>Replace</widget> text box in Writer, inserts a paragraph break 
that can be inserted with the <keycode>Enter</keycode> or 
<keycode>Return</keycode> key. It has no special meaning in Calc, and is 
treated literally there.</paragraph>
         <paragraph role="tablecontent" id="par_id631559575338134">To change 
line breaks into paragraph breaks in Writer, enter \n in both the 
<widget>Find</widget> and <widget>Replace</widget> boxes, and then perform a 
search and replace.</paragraph>
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3153258" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3157809" role="tablecontent">A 
tab character. Can also be used in the <widget>Replace</widget> box.
+        <paragraph id="par_id3157809" role="tablecontent">A tab character. Can 
also be used in the <widget>Replace</widget> box.
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3150670" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3153666" role="tablecontent">A 
word boundary. For example, "\bbook" matches "bookmark" and "book" but not 
"checkbook" whereas "book\b" matches "checkbook" and "book" but not 
+        <paragraph id="par_id3153666" role="tablecontent">A word boundary. For 
example, "\bbook" matches "bookmark" and "book" but not "checkbook" whereas 
"book\b" matches "checkbook" and "book" but not "bookmark".</paragraph>
         <paragraph role="tablecontent" id="par_id851559575484466">Note, this 
form replaces the obsolete (although they still work for now) forms "\&gt;" 
(match end of word) and "\&lt;" (match start of word).</paragraph>
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3149576" localize="false" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3151245" role="tablecontent">Finds 
an empty paragraph.</paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3151245" role="tablecontent">Finds an empty 
@@ -157,17 +157,17 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3148550" localize="false" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3159413" role="tablecontent">Finds 
the first character of a paragraph.</paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3159413" role="tablecontent">Finds the first 
character of a paragraph.</paragraph>
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3147282" role="tablecontent">&amp; 
or $0</paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3147282" role="tablecontent">&amp; or $0</paragraph>
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3153961" 
role="tablecontent">Adds the string that was found by the search criteria in 
the <widget>Find</widget> box to the term in the <widget>Replace</widget> box 
when you make a replacement.</paragraph>
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3149650" role="tablecontent">For 
example, if you enter "window" in the <widget>Find</widget> box and 
"&amp;frame" in the <widget>Replace</widget> box, the word "window" is replaced 
with "windowframe".</paragraph>
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3150543" role="tablecontent">You 
can also enter an "&amp;" in the <widget>Replace</widget> box to modify the 
<emph>Attributes</emph> or the <emph>Format</emph> of the string found by the 
search criteria.</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3153961" role="tablecontent">Adds the string that 
was found by the search criteria in the <widget>Find</widget> box to the term 
in the <widget>Replace</widget> box when you make a replacement.</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3149650" role="tablecontent">For example, if you 
enter "window" in the <widget>Find</widget> box and "&amp;frame" in the 
<widget>Replace</widget> box, the word "window" is replaced with 
+        <paragraph id="par_id3150543" role="tablecontent">You can also enter 
an "&amp;" in the <widget>Replace</widget> box to modify the 
<emph>Attributes</emph> or the <emph>Format</emph> of the string found by the 
search criteria.</paragraph>
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3145419" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3154630" role="tablecontent">Any 
single occurrence of any one of  the characters that are between the brackets. 
For example: "[abc123]" matches the characters ‘a’, ‘b’,  ’c’, ‘1’, ‘2’ and 
‘3’. "[a-e]" matches single occurrences of the characters a through e, 
inclusive (the range must be specified with the character having the smallest 
Unicode code number first). "[a-eh-x]" matches any single occurrence of the 
characters that are in the ranges ‘a’ through ‘e’ and ‘h’ through 
+        <paragraph id="par_id3154630" role="tablecontent">Any single 
occurrence of any one of  the characters that are between the brackets. For 
example: "[abc123]" matches the characters ‘a’, ‘b’,  ’c’, ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’. 
"[a-e]" matches single occurrences of the characters a through e, inclusive 
(the range must be specified with the character having the smallest Unicode 
code number first). "[a-eh-x]" matches any single occurrence of the characters 
that are in the ranges ‘a’ through ‘e’ and ‘h’ through ‘x’.</paragraph>
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3156293" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3149167" role="tablecontent">Any 
single occurrence of a character, including Tab, Space and Line Break 
characters, that is not in the list of characters specified inclusive ranges 
are permitted. For example "[^a-syz]" matches all characters not in the 
inclusive range ‘a’ through ‘s’ or the characters ‘y’ and ‘z’.</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3149167" role="tablecontent">Any single 
occurrence of a character, including Tab, Space and Line Break characters, that 
is not in the list of characters specified inclusive ranges are permitted. For 
example "[^a-syz]" matches all characters not in the inclusive range ‘a’ 
through ‘s’ or the characters ‘y’ and ‘z’.</paragraph>
@@ -192,9 +192,9 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3156544" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3153768" role="tablecontent">The 
character represented by the four-digit hexadecimal Unicode code 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3153769" role="tablecontent">The 
character represented by the eight-digit hexadecimal Unicode code 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3159252" role="tablecontent">For 
certain symbol fonts the symbol (glyph) that you see on screen may look related 
to a different Unicode code than what is actually used for it in the font. The 
Unicode codes can be viewed by choosing <menuitem>Insert - Special 
Character</menuitem>, or by using <link 
href="text/shared/04/01010000.xhp#unicode_shortcut">Unicode conversion 
+        <paragraph id="par_id3153768" role="tablecontent">The character 
represented by the four-digit hexadecimal Unicode code (XXXX).</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3153769" role="tablecontent">The character 
represented by the eight-digit hexadecimal Unicode code (XXXXXXXX).</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3159252" role="tablecontent">For certain symbol 
fonts the symbol (glyph) that you see on screen may look related to a different 
Unicode code than what is actually used for it in the font. The Unicode codes 
can be viewed by choosing <menuitem>Insert - Special Character</menuitem>, or 
by using <link href="text/shared/04/01010000.xhp#unicode_shortcut">Unicode 
conversion shortcut</link>.</paragraph>
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3153951" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3154985" role="tablecontent">The 
infix operator delimiting alternatives. Matches the term preceding the "|" or 
the term following the "|". For example, "this|that" matches occurrences of 
both "this" and "that".</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3154985" role="tablecontent">The infix operator 
delimiting alternatives. Matches the term preceding the "|" or the term 
following the "|". For example, "this|that" matches occurrences of both "this" 
and "that".</paragraph>
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3147376" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3150103" role="tablecontent">The 
post-fix repetition operator that specifies an exact number of occurrences 
("N") of the regular expression term immediately preceding it must be present 
for a match to occur. For example, "tre{2}" matches "tree".</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3150103" role="tablecontent">The post-fix 
repetition operator that specifies an exact number of occurrences ("N") of the 
regular expression term immediately preceding it must be present for a match to 
occur. For example, "tre{2}" matches "tree".</paragraph>
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3151289" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3147317" role="tablecontent">The 
post-fix repetition operator that specifies a range (minimum of "N" to a 
maximum of "M") of occurrences of the regular expression term immediately 
preceding it that can be present for a match to occur. For example, "tre{1,2}" 
matches "tre" and "tree".</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id3147317" role="tablecontent">The post-fix 
repetition operator that specifies a range (minimum of "N" to a maximum of "M") 
of occurrences of the regular expression term immediately preceding it that can 
be present for a match to occur. For example, "tre{1,2}" matches "tre" and 
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id4870754" localize="false" 
-        <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id843836" role="tablecontent">The 
post-fix repetition operator that specifies a range (minimum "N" to an 
unspecified maximum) of occurrences of the regular expression term immediately 
preceding it that can be present for a match to occur. (The maximum number of 
occurrences is limited only by the size of the document). For example, 
"tre{2,}" matches "tree", "treee", and "treeeee".</paragraph>
+        <paragraph id="par_id843836" role="tablecontent">The post-fix 
repetition operator that specifies a range (minimum "N" to an unspecified 
maximum) of occurrences of the regular expression term immediately preceding it 
that can be present for a match to occur. (The maximum number of occurrences is 
limited only by the size of the document). For example, "tre{2,}" matches 
"tree", "treee", and "treeeee".</paragraph>
@@ -237,13 +237,13 @@
         <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id91559576682961">The grouping 
construct that serves three purposes.</paragraph>
         <list type="ordered">
-                <paragraph id="par_id871559576709007"  role="listitem">To 
enclose a set of ‘|’ alternatives. For example, the regular expression 
"b(oo|ac)k" matches both "book" and "back".</paragraph>
+                <paragraph id="par_id871559576709007" role="listitem">To 
enclose a set of ‘|’ alternatives. For example, the regular expression 
"b(oo|ac)k" matches both "book" and "back".</paragraph>
-                <paragraph id="par_id891559576747109"  role="listitem">To 
group terms in a complex expression to be operated on by the post-fix 
operators: "*", "+" and "?" along with the post-fix repetition operators. For 
example, the regular expression "a(bc)?d" matches both "ad" and "abcd" in a 
search.; the regular expression "M(iss){2}ippi" matches 
+                <paragraph id="par_id891559576747109" role="listitem">To group 
terms in a complex expression to be operated on by the post-fix operators: "*", 
"+" and "?" along with the post-fix repetition operators. For example, the 
regular expression "a(bc)?d" matches both "ad" and "abcd" in a search.; the 
regular expression "M(iss){2}ippi" matches "Mississippi".</paragraph>
-                <paragraph id="par_id801559576780692"  role="listitem">To 
record the matched sub string inside the parentheses as a reference for later 
use in the <widget>Find</widget> box using the "\n" construct or in the 
<widget>Replace</widget> box using the "$n" construct. The reference to the 
first match is represented by "\1" in the <widget>Find</widget> box and by "$1" 
in the <widget>Replace</widget> box. The reference to the second matched sub 
string by "\2" and "$2" respectively, and so on.</paragraph>
+                <paragraph id="par_id801559576780692" role="listitem">To 
record the matched sub string inside the parentheses as a reference for later 
use in the <widget>Find</widget> box using the "\n" construct or in the 
<widget>Replace</widget> box using the "$n" construct. The reference to the 
first match is represented by "\1" in the <widget>Find</widget> box and by "$1" 
in the <widget>Replace</widget> box. The reference to the second matched sub 
string by "\2" and "$2" respectively, and so on.</paragraph>
         <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id951559576846997">For example, 
the regular expression "(890)7\1\1" matches "8907890890".</paragraph>
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3154790" localize="false" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3147397" 
role="tablecontent">Represents an alphabetic character. Use 
<emph>[:alpha:]</emph> to find one of them.</paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3147397" role="tablecontent">Represents an 
alphabetic character. Use <emph>[:alpha:]</emph> to find one of 
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3152885" localize="false" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3150010" 
role="tablecontent">Represents a decimal digit. Use <emph>[:digit:]</emph> to 
find one of them.</paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3150010" role="tablecontent">Represents a decimal 
digit. Use <emph>[:digit:]</emph> to find one of them.</paragraph>
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3153743" localize="false" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3153281" 
role="tablecontent">Represents an alphanumeric character ([:alpha:] and 
+      <paragraph id="par_id3153281" role="tablecontent">Represents an 
alphanumeric character ([:alpha:] and [:digit:]).</paragraph>
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3153726" localize="false" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3150961" 
role="tablecontent">Represents a space character (but not other whitespace 
characters).<comment>UFI: see #i41706#</comment></paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3150961" role="tablecontent">Represents a space 
character (but not other whitespace characters).<comment>UFI: see 
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3150486" localize="false" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3150872" 
role="tablecontent">Represents a printable character.</paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3150872" role="tablecontent">Represents a printable 
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3155854" localize="false" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3152576" 
role="tablecontent">Represents a nonprinting character.</paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3152576" role="tablecontent">Represents a 
nonprinting character.</paragraph>
@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3149958" localize="false" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3145730" 
role="tablecontent">Represents a lowercase character if <emph>Match case</emph> 
is selected in <emph>Options</emph>.</paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3145730" role="tablecontent">Represents a lowercase 
character if <emph>Match case</emph> is selected in 
@@ -311,11 +311,11 @@
         <paragraph id="par_id3148455" localize="false" 
-      <paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id3150092" 
role="tablecontent">Represents an uppercase character if <emph>Match 
case</emph> is selected in <emph>Options</emph>.</paragraph>
+      <paragraph id="par_id3150092" role="tablecontent">Represents an 
uppercase character if <emph>Match case</emph> is selected in 
-<paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id5311440" role="paragraph">For a full 
list of supported metacharacters and syntax, see <link 
 Regular Expressions documentation</link></paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id5311440" role="paragraph">For a full list of supported 
metacharacters and syntax, see <link 
 Regular Expressions documentation</link></paragraph>
 <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id261559577375317">Regular expression 
terms can be combined to form complex and sophisticated regular expressions for 
searches as show in the following examples.</paragraph>
 <h2 id="hd_id5311441">Examples</h2>
@@ -333,9 +333,9 @@
             <paragraph id="par_id641559577400292" role="tablecontent" 
-            <paragraph id="par_id621559577542068"  role="tablecontent">An 
empty paragraph.</paragraph>
-            <paragraph id="par_id311559577563701"  
role="tablecontent"><variable id="startpar">^ specifies that the match must be 
at the start of a paragraph,</variable></paragraph>
-            <paragraph id="par_id391559577592658"  
role="tablecontent"><variable id="endpar">$ specifies that a paragraph mark or 
the end of a cell must follow the matched string.</variable></paragraph>
+            <paragraph id="par_id621559577542068" role="tablecontent">An empty 
+            <paragraph id="par_id311559577563701" 
role="tablecontent"><variable id="startpar">^ specifies that the match must be 
at the start of a paragraph,</variable></paragraph>
+            <paragraph id="par_id391559577592658" 
role="tablecontent"><variable id="endpar">$ specifies that a paragraph mark or 
the end of a cell must follow the matched string.</variable></paragraph>
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
             <paragraph id="par_id191559578087559" role="tablecontent" 
-            <paragraph id="par_id551559578087559" role="tablecontent" >Matches 
a paragraph or cells containing exactly one digit.</paragraph>
+            <paragraph id="par_id551559578087559" role="tablecontent">Matches 
a paragraph or cells containing exactly one digit.</paragraph>
             <paragraph role="tablecontent" id="par_id721559578137006" 
localize="false"><embedvar href="text/shared/01/02100001.xhp#startpar" 
             <paragraph role="tablecontent" id="par_id941559578151564" 
localize="false"><embedvar href="text/shared/01/02100001.xhp#digit" 
             <paragraph role="tablecontent" id="par_id791559578157006" 
localize="false"><embedvar href="text/shared/01/02100001.xhp#endpar" 
@@ -408,8 +408,8 @@
   <embed href="text/swriter/guide/finding.xhp#finding"/>
-<paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id1751457" role="paragraph"><link 
 page about regular expressions in Writer</link></paragraph>
-<paragraph xml-lang="en-US" id="par_id5483870" role="paragraph"><link 
 page about regular expressions in Calc</link></paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id1751457" role="paragraph"><link 
 page about regular expressions in Writer</link></paragraph>
+<paragraph id="par_id5483870" role="paragraph"><link 
 page about regular expressions in Calc</link></paragraph>

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