2012/6/12 Joel Madero <jmadero....@gmail.com>:
> Hi All,
> Wondering if the behavior of opengrok is what is expected. My issue is that
> when I click on a variable name it takes me to the search page of opengrok
> and puts in the name as the description instead of as a full search. This
> rarely (actually never) comes up with anything. For instance if I do a
> regular full search as: validate between, it comes up with a list, I go into
> validate.src, then I click on SC_VALIDDLG_DATA_BETWEEN and it will
> place SC_VALIDDLG_DATA_BETWEEN in the description of a search, clicking
> search comes up with no results. Seems like it would be much more functional
> for the link to place the object name in the full search line.
> Just thinking out loud.
> Joel
Since it is code related the "symbol" search field might be a better
place for such links. This e.g. is the behaviour when clicking on a
function name (violet instead of green text) in opengrok source view.

Hopefully this is easily reconfigurable in opengrok's options...

Just my two cents...
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