vcl/win/gdi/salfont.cxx |   68 ------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 68 deletions(-)
New commits:
commit 8815ae462f32915209c838688b7cc86f57e280d4
Author:     Stephan Bergmann <>
AuthorDate: Tue Oct 11 15:47:49 2022 +0200
Commit:     Stephan Bergmann <>
CommitDate: Tue Oct 11 22:59:58 2022 +0200

    ...after the last use of that RawFontData got removed in
    112d07027c4484dd571519911596d11eae897524 "vcl: Use
    PhysicalFontFace::GetRawFontData() for font embedding"
    Change-Id: Id85eb39b6fd946da132d53ba937032f3c58b061d
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Stephan Bergmann <>

diff --git a/vcl/win/gdi/salfont.cxx b/vcl/win/gdi/salfont.cxx
index 9d618c6b9c81..75080dae4261 100644
--- a/vcl/win/gdi/salfont.cxx
+++ b/vcl/win/gdi/salfont.cxx
@@ -85,74 +85,6 @@ static int IntTimes256FromFixed(FIXED f)
     return nFixedTimes256;
-namespace {
-// raw font data with a scoped lifetime
-class RawFontData
-    explicit    RawFontData( HDC, DWORD nTableTag=0 );
-    const unsigned char*    get() const { return mpRawBytes.get(); }
-    const unsigned char*    steal() { return mpRawBytes.release(); }
-    int               size() const { return mnByteCount; }
-    std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> mpRawBytes;
-    unsigned        mnByteCount;
-RawFontData::RawFontData( HDC hDC, DWORD nTableTag )
-:   mnByteCount( 0 )
-    // get required size in bytes
-    mnByteCount = ::GetFontData( hDC, nTableTag, 0, nullptr, 0 );
-    if (mnByteCount == GDI_ERROR)
-        mnByteCount = 0;
-    if (!mnByteCount)
-        return;
-    // allocate the array
-    mpRawBytes.reset(new unsigned char[ mnByteCount ]);
-    // get raw data in chunks small enough for GetFontData()
-    unsigned nRawDataOfs = 0;
-    DWORD nMaxChunkSize = 0x100000;
-    for(;;)
-    {
-        // calculate remaining raw data to get
-        DWORD nFDGet = mnByteCount - nRawDataOfs;
-        if( nFDGet <= 0 )
-            break;
-        // #i56745# limit GetFontData requests
-        if( nFDGet > nMaxChunkSize )
-            nFDGet = nMaxChunkSize;
-        const DWORD nFDGot = ::GetFontData( hDC, nTableTag, nRawDataOfs,
-            mpRawBytes.get() + nRawDataOfs, nFDGet );
-        if( !nFDGot )
-            break;
-        else if( nFDGot != GDI_ERROR )
-            nRawDataOfs += nFDGot;
-        else
-        {
-            // was the chunk too big? reduce it
-            nMaxChunkSize /= 2;
-            if( nMaxChunkSize < 0x10000 )
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    // cleanup if the raw data is incomplete
-    if( nRawDataOfs != mnByteCount )
-    {
-        mpRawBytes.reset();
-        // mnByteCount must correspond to mpRawBytes length
-        SAL_WARN( "vcl", "Raw data of font is incomplete: " << nRawDataOfs << 
" byte(s) found whereas " << mnByteCount << " byte(s) expected!" );
-        mnByteCount = 0;
-    }
 // platform specific font substitution hooks for glyph fallback enhancement
 namespace {

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