sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx         |  198 +-
 sc/source/core/opencl/op_math.cxx                |  114 -
 sc/source/core/opencl/op_math.hxx                |   90 -
 sc/source/core/opencl/op_math_helpers.hxx        |   26 
 sc/source/core/opencl/op_statistical.cxx         | 2006 -----------------------
 sc/source/core/opencl/op_statistical.hxx         |  132 -
 sc/source/core/opencl/op_statistical_helpers.hxx |   23 
 sc/source/core/opencl/opbase.cxx                 |  124 +
 sc/source/core/opencl/opbase.hxx                 |  107 +
 9 files changed, 450 insertions(+), 2370 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 424595a5997d1cbbf5ab0e3601e329efac9c2fd0
Author:     Luboš Luňák <>
AuthorDate: Tue Sep 20 09:57:45 2022 +0200
Commit:     Luboš Luňák <>
CommitDate: Tue Sep 20 17:54:03 2022 +0200

    fix and simplify openCL *A functions (COUNTA,MINA, etc.)
    These work just like their non-A counterparts, they just also accept
    strings and treat them as zeros. So instead of having a duplicated
    function for everything, use the basic functions, detect that string
    arguments should be treated this way and then convert them in the input
    data. This as a side-effect also makes
    the ScCalcConfig::StringConversion::ZERO part work (no idea if that's
    even been used).
    Change-Id: I3385b5363c15b0ae45ff191df00ac357e80bd3c6
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Luboš Luňák <>

diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx 
index 87c34f53ef1c..46e40d357464 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/formulagroupcl.cxx
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ OUString LimitedString( const OUString& str )
         return OUString::Concat("\"") + str.subView( 0, 20 ) + "\"...";
+const int MAX_PEEK_ELEMENTS = 5;
 // Returns formatted contents of the data (possibly shortened), to be used in 
debug output.
 std::string DebugPeekData(const FormulaToken* ref, int doubleRefIndex = 0)
@@ -117,16 +118,19 @@ std::string DebugPeekData(const FormulaToken* ref, int 
doubleRefIndex = 0)
             static_cast<const formula::SingleVectorRefToken*>(ref);
         outputstream buf;
         buf << "SingleRef {";
-        for( size_t i = 0; i < std::min< size_t >( 4, pSVR->GetArrayLength()); 
++i )
+        for( size_t i = 0; i < std::min< size_t >( MAX_PEEK_ELEMENTS, 
pSVR->GetArrayLength()); ++i )
             if( i != 0 )
                 buf << ",";
-            if( pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray != nullptr )
-                buf << pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray[ i ];
-            else if( pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray != nullptr )
+            if( pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray != nullptr
+                && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray[ i ] != nullptr )
+            {
                 buf << LimitedString( OUString( 
pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray[ i ] ));
+            }
+            else if( pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray != nullptr )
+                buf << pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray[ i ];
-        if( pSVR->GetArrayLength() > 4 )
+        if( pSVR->GetArrayLength() > MAX_PEEK_ELEMENTS )
             buf << ",...";
         buf << "}";
         return buf.str();
@@ -137,16 +141,19 @@ std::string DebugPeekData(const FormulaToken* ref, int 
doubleRefIndex = 0)
             static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken*>(ref);
         outputstream buf;
         buf << "DoubleRef {";
-        for( size_t i = 0; i < std::min< size_t >( 4, pDVR->GetArrayLength()); 
++i )
+        for( size_t i = 0; i < std::min< size_t >( MAX_PEEK_ELEMENTS, 
pDVR->GetArrayLength()); ++i )
             if( i != 0 )
                 buf << ",";
-            if( pDVR->GetArrays()[doubleRefIndex].mpNumericArray != nullptr )
-                buf << pDVR->GetArrays()[doubleRefIndex].mpNumericArray[ i ];
-            else if( pDVR->GetArrays()[doubleRefIndex].mpStringArray != 
nullptr )
+            if( pDVR->GetArrays()[doubleRefIndex].mpStringArray != nullptr
+                && pDVR->GetArrays()[doubleRefIndex].mpStringArray[ i ] != 
nullptr )
+            {
                 buf << LimitedString( OUString( 
pDVR->GetArrays()[doubleRefIndex].mpStringArray[ i ] ));
+            }
+            else if( pDVR->GetArrays()[doubleRefIndex].mpNumericArray != 
nullptr )
+                buf << pDVR->GetArrays()[doubleRefIndex].mpNumericArray[ i ];
-        if( pDVR->GetArrayLength() > 4 )
+        if( pDVR->GetArrayLength() > MAX_PEEK_ELEMENTS )
             buf << ",...";
         buf << "}";
         return buf.str();
@@ -172,13 +179,13 @@ std::string DebugPeekDoubles(const double* data, int size)
     outputstream buf;
     buf << "{";
-    for( int i = 0; i < std::min( 4, size ); ++i )
+    for( int i = 0; i < std::min( MAX_PEEK_ELEMENTS, size ); ++i )
         if( i != 0 )
             buf << ",";
         buf << data[ i ];
-    if( size > 4 )
+    if( size > MAX_PEEK_ELEMENTS )
         buf << ",...";
     buf << "}";
     return buf.str();
@@ -200,7 +207,21 @@ size_t VectorRef::Marshal( cl_kernel k, int argno, int, 
cl_program )
         SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "SingleVectorRef len=" << pSVR->GetArrayLength() 
<< " mpNumericArray=" << pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray << " (mpStringArray=" 
<< pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray << ")");
-        pHostBuffer = const_cast<double*>(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray);
+        if( forceStringsToZero && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray != nullptr )
+        {
+            dataBuffer.resize( pSVR->GetArrayLength());
+            for( size_t i = 0; i < pSVR->GetArrayLength(); ++i )
+                if( pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray[ i ] != nullptr )
+                    dataBuffer[ i ] = 0;
+                else
+                    dataBuffer[ i ] = pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray[ i ];
+            pHostBuffer =;
+            SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "Forced strings to zero : " << 
DebugPeekDoubles( pHostBuffer, pSVR->GetArrayLength()));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pHostBuffer = const_cast<double*>(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray);
+        }
         szHostBuffer = pSVR->GetArrayLength() * sizeof(double);
     else if (ref->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
@@ -210,8 +231,21 @@ size_t VectorRef::Marshal( cl_kernel k, int argno, int, 
cl_program )
         SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "DoubleVectorRef index=" << mnIndex << " len=" 
<< pDVR->GetArrayLength() << " mpNumericArray=" << 
pDVR->GetArrays()[mnIndex].mpNumericArray << " (mpStringArray=" << 
pDVR->GetArrays()[mnIndex].mpStringArray << ")");
-        pHostBuffer = const_cast<double*>(
-            pDVR->GetArrays()[mnIndex].mpNumericArray);
+        if( forceStringsToZero && pDVR->GetArrays()[mnIndex].mpStringArray != 
nullptr )
+        {
+            dataBuffer.resize( pDVR->GetArrayLength());
+            for( size_t i = 0; i < pDVR->GetArrayLength(); ++i )
+                if( pDVR->GetArrays()[mnIndex].mpStringArray[ i ] != nullptr )
+                    dataBuffer[ i ] = 0;
+                else
+                    dataBuffer[ i ] = 
pDVR->GetArrays()[mnIndex].mpNumericArray[ i ];
+            pHostBuffer =;
+            SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "Forced strings to zero : " << 
DebugPeekDoubles( pHostBuffer, pDVR->GetArrayLength()));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            pHostBuffer = 
+        }
         szHostBuffer = pDVR->GetArrayLength() * sizeof(double);
@@ -333,57 +367,6 @@ public:
-/// Arguments that are actually compile-time constants
-class DynamicKernelConstantArgument : public DynamicKernelArgument
-    DynamicKernelConstantArgument( const ScCalcConfig& config, const 
std::string& s,
-        const FormulaTreeNodeRef& ft ) :
-        DynamicKernelArgument(config, s, ft) { }
-    /// Generate declaration
-    virtual void GenDecl( outputstream& ss ) const override
-    {
-        ss << "double " << mSymName;
-    }
-    virtual void GenDeclRef( outputstream& ss ) const override
-    {
-        ss << mSymName;
-    }
-    virtual void GenSlidingWindowDecl( outputstream& ss ) const override
-    {
-        GenDecl(ss);
-    }
-    virtual std::string GenSlidingWindowDeclRef( bool = false ) const override
-    {
-        if (GetFormulaToken()->GetType() != formula::svDouble)
-            throw Unhandled(__FILE__, __LINE__);
-        return mSymName;
-    }
-    virtual size_t GetWindowSize() const override
-    {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    double GetDouble() const
-    {
-        FormulaToken* Tok = GetFormulaToken();
-        if (Tok->GetType() != formula::svDouble)
-            throw Unhandled(__FILE__, __LINE__);
-        return Tok->GetDouble();
-    }
-    /// Create buffer and pass the buffer to a given kernel
-    virtual size_t Marshal( cl_kernel k, int argno, int, cl_program ) override
-    {
-        OpenCLZone zone;
-        double tmp = GetDouble();
-        // Pass the scalar result back to the rest of the formula kernel
-        SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "Kernel " << k << " arg " << argno << ": double: 
" << preciseFloat( tmp ));
-        cl_int err = clSetKernelArg(k, argno, sizeof(double), 
-        if (CL_SUCCESS != err)
-            throw OpenCLError("clSetKernelArg", err, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-        return 1;
-    }
 class DynamicKernelPiArgument : public DynamicKernelArgument
@@ -1109,6 +1092,7 @@ size_t 
DynamicKernelSlidingArgument<Base>::GenReductionLoopHeader( outputstream&
 template class DynamicKernelSlidingArgument<VectorRef>;
+template class DynamicKernelSlidingArgument<VectorRefStringsToZero>;
 template class DynamicKernelSlidingArgument<DynamicKernelStringArgument>;
 namespace {
@@ -2070,26 +2054,38 @@ 
DynamicKernelSoPArguments::DynamicKernelSoPArguments(const ScCalcConfig& config,
                         else if (pDVR->GetArrays()[j].mpNumericArray &&
                             pCodeGen->takeNumeric() &&
(AllStringsAreNull(pDVR->GetArrays()[j].mpStringArray, pDVR->GetArrayLength()) 
|| mCalcConfig.meStringConversion == ScCalcConfig::StringConversion::ZERO))
(AllStringsAreNull(pDVR->GetArrays()[j].mpStringArray, pDVR->GetArrayLength())
+                                    || mCalcConfig.meStringConversion == 
+                                    || pCodeGen->forceStringsToZero()))
                             // Function takes numbers, and either there
                             // are no strings, or there are strings but
                             // they are to be treated as zero
                             SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "Numbers (no strings or 
strings treated as zero)");
-                            mvSubArguments.push_back(
-                                VectorRefFactory<VectorRef>(mCalcConfig,
-                                        ts, ft->Children[i], mpCodeGen, j));
+                            {
+                                mvSubArguments.push_back(
+                                            ts, ft->Children[i], mpCodeGen, 
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                mvSubArguments.push_back(
+                                    VectorRefFactory<VectorRef>(mCalcConfig,
+                                            ts, ft->Children[i], mpCodeGen, 
+                            }
                         else if (pDVR->GetArrays()[j].mpNumericArray == 
nullptr &&
                             pCodeGen->takeNumeric() &&
                             pDVR->GetArrays()[j].mpStringArray &&
-                            mCalcConfig.meStringConversion == 
+                            ( mCalcConfig.meStringConversion == 
+                                || pCodeGen->forceStringsToZero()))
                             // Function takes numbers, and there are only
                             // strings, but they are to be treated as zero
                             SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "Only strings even if want 
numbers but should be treated as zero");
-                                VectorRefFactory<VectorRef>(mCalcConfig,
                                         ts, ft->Children[i], mpCodeGen, j));
                         else if (pDVR->GetArrays()[j].mpStringArray &&
@@ -2145,26 +2141,34 @@ 
DynamicKernelSoPArguments::DynamicKernelSoPArguments(const ScCalcConfig& config,
                     else if (pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray &&
                         pCodeGen->takeNumeric() &&
(AllStringsAreNull(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray, pSVR->GetArrayLength()) || 
mCalcConfig.meStringConversion == ScCalcConfig::StringConversion::ZERO))
(AllStringsAreNull(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray, pSVR->GetArrayLength())
+                                || mCalcConfig.meStringConversion == 
+                                || pCodeGen->forceStringsToZero()))
                         // Function takes numbers, and either there
                         // are no strings, or there are strings but
                         // they are to be treated as zero
                         SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "Numbers (no strings or strings 
treated as zero)");
-                        mvSubArguments.push_back(
-                            std::make_shared<VectorRef>(mCalcConfig, ts,
-                                    ft->Children[i]));
+                        if( !AllStringsAreNull(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray, 
+                            mvSubArguments.push_back(
std::make_shared<VectorRefStringsToZero>(mCalcConfig, ts,
+                                        ft->Children[i]));
+                        else
+                            mvSubArguments.push_back(
+                                std::make_shared<VectorRef>(mCalcConfig, ts,
+                                        ft->Children[i]));
                     else if (pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray == nullptr &&
                         pCodeGen->takeNumeric() &&
                         pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray &&
-                        mCalcConfig.meStringConversion == 
+                        (mCalcConfig.meStringConversion == 
+                            || pCodeGen->forceStringsToZero()))
                         // Function takes numbers, and there are only
                         // strings, but they are to be treated as zero
                         SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "Only strings even if want 
numbers but should be treated as zero");
-                            std::make_shared<VectorRef>(mCalcConfig, ts,
std::make_shared<VectorRefStringsToZero>(mCalcConfig, ts,
                     else if (pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray &&
@@ -2208,6 +2212,16 @@ 
DynamicKernelSoPArguments::DynamicKernelSoPArguments(const ScCalcConfig& config,
                         std::make_shared<ConstStringArgument>(mCalcConfig, ts,
+                else if (pChild->GetType() == formula::svString
+                    && !pCodeGen->takeString()
+                    && pCodeGen->takeNumeric()
+                    && pCodeGen->forceStringsToZero())
+                {
+                    SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "Constant string case, treated as 
+                    mvSubArguments.push_back(
+                        DynamicKernelArgumentRef(new 
DynamicKernelStringToZeroArgument(mCalcConfig, ts,
+                                ft->Children[i])));
+                }
                     SAL_INFO("sc.opencl", "Unhandled operand, rejecting for 
@@ -2230,15 +2244,27 @@ 
DynamicKernelSoPArguments::DynamicKernelSoPArguments(const ScCalcConfig& config,
             case ocAverage:
                 mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts, 
ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpAverage>(nResultSize), nResultSize));
+            case ocAverageA:
+                mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts, 
ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpAverageA>(nResultSize), nResultSize));
+                break;
             case ocMin:
                 mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts, 
ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpMin>(nResultSize), nResultSize));
+            case ocMinA:
+                mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts, 
ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpMinA>(nResultSize), nResultSize));
+                break;
             case ocMax:
                 mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts, 
ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpMax>(nResultSize), nResultSize));
+            case ocMaxA:
+                mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts, 
ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpMaxA>(nResultSize), nResultSize));
+                break;
             case ocCount:
                 mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts, 
ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpCount>(nResultSize), nResultSize));
+            case ocCount2:
+                mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts, 
ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpCountA>(nResultSize), nResultSize));
+                break;
             case ocSumProduct:
                 mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts, 
ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpSumProduct>(), nResultSize));
@@ -2849,22 +2875,6 @@ 
DynamicKernelSoPArguments::DynamicKernelSoPArguments(const ScCalcConfig& config,
                 mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts,
                         ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpFact>(), 
-            case ocMinA:
-                mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts,
-                        ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpMinA>(), 
-                break;
-            case ocCount2:
-                mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts,
-                        ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpCountA>(), 
-                break;
-            case ocMaxA:
-                mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts,
-                        ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpMaxA>(), 
-                break;
-            case ocAverageA:
-                mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts,
-                        ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpAverageA>(), 
-                break;
             case ocVarA:
                 mvSubArguments.push_back(SoPHelper(mCalcConfig, ts,
                         ft->Children[i], std::make_shared<OpVarA>(), 
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_math.cxx 
index 249a03416bb5..3ffae0d27f42 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_math.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/op_math.cxx
@@ -1650,102 +1650,6 @@ void SumOfProduct::GenSlidingWindowFunction( 
outputstream& ss,
     ss << "}";
-void Reduction::GenSlidingWindowFunction( outputstream& ss,
-    const std::string& sSymName, SubArguments& vSubArguments )
-    GenerateFunctionDeclaration( sSymName, vSubArguments, ss );
-    ss << "{\n";
-    ss << "double tmp = " << GetBottom() << ";\n";
-    ss << "int gid0 = get_global_id(0);\n";
-    if (isAverage() || isMinOrMax())
-        ss << "int nCount = 0;\n";
-    ss << "double tmpBottom;\n";
-    unsigned i = vSubArguments.size();
-    while (i--)
-    {
-        if (NumericRange* NR = 
-        {
-            bool needBody;
-            NR->GenReductionLoopHeader(ss, needBody);
-            if (!needBody)
-                continue;
-        }
-        else if (ParallelNumericRange* PNR = 
-        {
-            //did not handle yet
-            bool bNeedBody = false;
-            PNR->GenReductionLoopHeader(ss, mnResultSize, bNeedBody);
-            if (!bNeedBody)
-                continue;
-        }
-        else if (StringRange* SR = 
-        {
-            //did not handle yet
-            bool needBody;
-            SR->GenReductionLoopHeader(ss, needBody);
-            if (!needBody)
-                continue;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            FormulaToken* pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-            assert(pCur);
-            assert(pCur->GetType() != formula::svDoubleVectorRef);
-            if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef ||
-                pCur->GetType() == formula::svDouble)
-            {
-                ss << "{\n";
-            }
-        }
-        if (ocPush == vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            bool bNanHandled = HandleNaNArgument(ss, i, vSubArguments);
-            ss << "tmpBottom = " << GetBottom() << ";\n";
-            if (!bNanHandled)
-            {
-                ss << "if (isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << "))\n";
-                if (ZeroReturnZero())
-                    ss << "    return 0;\n";
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "    tmp = ";
-                    ss << Gen2("tmpBottom", "tmp") << ";\n";
-                }
-                ss << "else\n";
-            }
-            ss << "{";
-            ss << "        tmp = ";
-            ss << Gen2(vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef(), "tmp");
-            ss << ";\n";
-            ss << "    }\n";
-            ss << "}\n";
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ss << "tmp = ";
-            ss << Gen2(vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef(), "tmp");
-            ss << ";\n";
-        }
-    }
-    if (isAverage())
-        ss <<
-            "if (nCount==0)\n"
-            "    return CreateDoubleError(DivisionByZero);\n";
-    else if (isMinOrMax())
-        ss <<
-            "if (nCount==0)\n"
-            "    return 0;\n";
-    ss << "return tmp";
-    if (isAverage())
-        ss << "/(double)nCount";
-    ss << ";\n}";
 void OpSum::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& decls,std::set<std::string>& 
@@ -1756,12 +1660,6 @@ void OpSum::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& 
decls,std::set<std::string>& fun
-void OpAverage::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& 
decls,std::set<std::string>& funs)
-    decls.insert(fsum_countDecl);
-    funs.insert(fsum_count);
 void OpSub::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& decls,std::set<std::string>& 
@@ -1772,18 +1670,6 @@ void OpSub::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& 
decls,std::set<std::string>& fun
-void OpMin::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& decls,std::set<std::string>& 
-    decls.insert(fmin_countDecl);
-    funs.insert(fmin_count);
-void OpMax::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& decls,std::set<std::string>& 
-    decls.insert(fmax_countDecl);
-    funs.insert(fmax_count);
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_math.hxx 
index 5e1649a7d6ed..ae5af5d6c0ac 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_math.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/op_math.hxx
@@ -570,29 +570,6 @@ public:
     virtual std::string BinFuncName() const override { return "fsop"; }
-class Reduction : public SlidingFunctionBase
-    int const mnResultSize;
-    explicit Reduction(int nResultSize) : mnResultSize(nResultSize) {}
-    typedef DynamicKernelSlidingArgument<VectorRef> NumericRange;
-    typedef DynamicKernelSlidingArgument<DynamicKernelStringArgument> 
-    typedef ParallelReductionVectorRef<VectorRef> ParallelNumericRange;
-    virtual bool HandleNaNArgument( outputstream&, unsigned, SubArguments& ) 
-    {
-        return false;
-    }
-    virtual void GenSlidingWindowFunction( outputstream& ss,
-        const std::string& sSymName, SubArguments& vSubArguments ) override;
-    virtual bool isAverage() const { return false; }
-    virtual bool isMinOrMax() const { return false; }
-    virtual bool takeString() const override { return false; }
-    virtual bool takeNumeric() const override { return true; }
 /// operator traits
 class OpNop : public Reduction
@@ -607,22 +584,6 @@ public:
     virtual std::string BinFuncName() const override { return "nop"; }
-class OpCount : public Reduction
-    explicit OpCount(int nResultSize) : Reduction(nResultSize) {}
-    virtual std::string GetBottom() override { return "0"; }
-    virtual std::string Gen2( const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs ) 
const override
-    {
-        outputstream ss;
-        ss << "(isnan(" << lhs << ")?" << rhs << ":" << rhs << "+1.0)";
-        return ss.str();
-    }
-    virtual std::string BinFuncName() const override { return "fcount"; }
-    virtual bool canHandleMultiVector() const override { return true; }
 class OpSum : public Reduction
@@ -641,24 +602,6 @@ public:
     virtual bool canHandleMultiVector() const override { return true; }
-class OpAverage : public Reduction
-    explicit OpAverage(int nResultSize) : Reduction(nResultSize) {}
-    virtual std::string GetBottom() override { return "0"; }
-    virtual std::string Gen2( const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs ) 
const override
-    {
-        outputstream ss;
-        ss << "fsum_count(" << lhs << "," << rhs << ", &nCount)";
-        return ss.str();
-    }
-    virtual void BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& 
decls,std::set<std::string>& funs) override;
-    virtual std::string BinFuncName() const override { return "average"; }
-    virtual bool isAverage() const override { return true; }
-    virtual bool canHandleMultiVector() const override { return true; }
 class OpSub : public Reduction
@@ -723,39 +666,6 @@ public:
-class OpMin : public Reduction
-    explicit OpMin(int nResultSize) : Reduction(nResultSize) {}
-    virtual std::string GetBottom() override { return "NAN"; }
-    virtual std::string Gen2( const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs ) 
const override
-    {
-        return "fmin_count(" + lhs + "," + rhs + ", &nCount)";
-    }
-    virtual void BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& 
decls,std::set<std::string>& funs) override;
-    virtual std::string BinFuncName() const override { return "min"; }
-    virtual bool isMinOrMax() const override { return true; }
-    virtual bool canHandleMultiVector() const override { return true; }
-class OpMax : public Reduction
-    explicit OpMax(int nResultSize) : Reduction(nResultSize) {}
-    virtual std::string GetBottom() override { return "NAN"; }
-    virtual std::string Gen2( const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs ) 
const override
-    {
-        return "fmax_count(" + lhs + "," + rhs + ", &nCount)";
-    }
-    virtual void BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& 
decls,std::set<std::string>& funs) override;
-    virtual std::string BinFuncName() const override { return "max"; }
-    virtual bool isMinOrMax() const override { return true; }
-    virtual bool canHandleMultiVector() const override { return true; }
 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_math_helpers.hxx 
index ada1cf8f50c6..94e2e0a280c5 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_math_helpers.hxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/op_math_helpers.hxx
@@ -86,32 +86,6 @@ const char atan2Content[] =
 "    return a;\n"
-const char fsum_countDecl[] = "double fsum_count(double a, double b, __private 
int *p);\n";
-const char fsum_count[] =
-"double fsum_count(double a, double b, __private int *p) {\n"
-"    bool t = isnan(a);\n"
-"    (*p) += t?0:1;\n"
-"    return t?b:a+b;\n"
-const char fmin_countDecl[] = "double fmin_count(double a, double b, __private 
int *p);\n";
-const char fmin_count[] =
-"double fmin_count(double a, double b, __private int *p) {\n"
-"    double result = fmin(a, b);\n"
-"    bool t = isnan(result);\n"
-"    (*p) += t?0:1;\n"
-"    return result;\n"
-const char fmax_countDecl[] =  "double fmax_count(double a, double b, 
__private int *p);\n";
-const char fmax_count[] =
-"double fmax_count(double a, double b, __private int *p) {\n"
-"    double result = fmax(a, b);\n"
-"    bool t = isnan(result);\n"
-"    (*p) += t?0:1;\n"
-"    return result;\n"
 const char is_representable_integerDecl[] =  "int 
is_representable_integer(double a);\n";
 const char is_representable_integer[] =
 "int is_representable_integer(double a) {\n"
diff --git a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_statistical.cxx 
index 459057f80e8f..b2f645f1e378 100644
--- a/sc/source/core/opencl/op_statistical.cxx
+++ b/sc/source/core/opencl/op_statistical.cxx
@@ -2466,2010 +2466,22 @@ void OpRsq::GenSlidingWindowFunction(
-namespace {
-enum MixDoubleString
+void OpMin::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& decls,std::set<std::string>& 
-    svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString,
-    svDoubleVectorRefDouble,
-    svDoubleVectorRefString,
-    svDoubleVectorRefNULL,
-    svSingleVectorRefDoubleString,
-    svSingleVectorRefDouble,
-    svSingleVectorRefString,
-    svSingleVectorRefNULL,
-    svDoubleDouble
+    decls.insert(fmin_countDecl);
+    funs.insert(fmin_count);
-void OpMinA::GenSlidingWindowFunction(
-    outputstream &ss, const std::string &sSymName, SubArguments &vSubArguments)
+void OpMax::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& decls,std::set<std::string>& 
-    int isMixed = 0;
-    GenerateFunctionDeclaration( sSymName, vSubArguments, ss );
-    ss << "{\n";
-    ss << "    int gid0=get_global_id(0);\n";
-    ss << "    double tmp0 = 1.79769e+308;\n";
-    ss <<"\n";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < vSubArguments.size(); i++)
-    {
-        FormulaToken *pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-        assert(pCur);
-        if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
-        {
-            const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDVR =
-                static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken *>(pCur);
-            if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray
-                && pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString;
-            else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefDouble;
-            else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefString;
-            else
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefNULL;
-            size_t nCurWindowSize = pDVR->GetRefRowSize();
-            ss << "    for (int i = ";
-            if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && pDVR->IsEndFixed()) {
-                ss << "gid0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < " << nCurWindowSize  << "; i++){\n";
-            } else if (pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed()) {
-                ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < gid0+"<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            } else if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed()){
-                ss << "0; i + gid0 < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < "<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            }
-            else {
-                ss << "0; i < "<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef)
-        {
-            const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR =
-                static_cast< const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* >(pCur);
-            if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray
-                && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefDoubleString;
-            else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefDouble;
-            else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefString;
-            else
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefNULL;
-            ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << "){\n";
-        }
-        else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDouble)
-        {
-            ss << "    {\n";
-            isMixed = svDoubleDouble;
-        }
-        if(ocPush==vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString
-                || isMixed == svSingleVectorRefDoubleString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if (!isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << "))\n";
-                ss << "            tmp0 = tmp0 > ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " ? ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " : tmp0;\n";
-                ss << "        else if(isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ") && ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " != 0)\n";
-                ss << "            tmp0 = tmp0 > 0.0 ? 0.0 : tmp0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefDouble
-                || isMixed == svSingleVectorRefDouble)
-            {
-                ss << "        if (!isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << "))\n";
-                ss << "            tmp0 = tmp0 > ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " ? " << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " : tmp0;";
-                ss <<"\n    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " == 0)\n            continue;\n";
-                ss << "        tmp0 = tmp0 > 0.0 ? 0.0 : tmp0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svSingleVectorRefString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " != 0)\n";
-                ss << "            tmp0 = tmp0 > 0.0 ? 0.0 : tmp0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleDouble)
-            {
-                ss << "        tmp0 = tmp0 > ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " ? " << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " : tmp0;\n    }\n";
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ss << "        tmp0 = tmp0 > ";
-            ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-            ss << " ? " << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-            ss << " : tmp0;";
-            ss <<"\n    }\n";
-        }
-    }
-    ss << "    return tmp0 == 1.79769e+308 ? 0.0 : tmp0;\n";
-    ss << "}\n";
-void OpCountA::GenSlidingWindowFunction(
-    outputstream &ss, const std::string &sSymName, SubArguments &
-    int isMixed = 0;
-    GenerateFunctionDeclaration( sSymName, vSubArguments, ss );
-    ss << "{\n";
-    ss << "    int gid0=get_global_id(0);\n";
-    ss << "    double nCount = 0.0;\n";
-    ss <<"\n";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < vSubArguments.size(); i++)
-    {
-        FormulaToken *pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-        assert(pCur);
-        if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
-        {
-            const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDVR =
-                static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken *>(pCur);
-            if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray
-                && pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString;
-            else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefDouble;
-            else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefString;
-            else
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefNULL;
-            size_t nCurWindowSize = pDVR->GetRefRowSize();
-            ss << "    for (int i = ";
-            if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && pDVR->IsEndFixed()) {
-                ss << "gid0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < " << nCurWindowSize  << "; i++){\n";
-            } else if (pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed()) {
-                ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < gid0+"<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            } else if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed()){
-                ss << "0; i + gid0 < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < "<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            }
-            else {
-                ss << "0; i < "<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef)
-        {
-            const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR =
-                static_cast< const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* >(pCur);
-            if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray
-                && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefDoubleString;
-            else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefDouble;
-            else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefString;
-            else
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefNULL;
-            ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << "){\n";
-        }
-        else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDouble)
-        {
-            ss << "    {\n";
-            isMixed = svDoubleDouble;
-        }
-        if(ocPush==vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString
-                || isMixed == svSingleVectorRefDoubleString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if (!isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ")){\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-                ss << "        else if(isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ") && ";
-                ss<< vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " != 0)\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefDouble
-                || isMixed == svSingleVectorRefDouble)
-            {
-                ss << "        if (!isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ")){\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss <<"}\n    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if (!isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << "))\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss <<"\n    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svSingleVectorRefString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " != 0)\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleDouble)
-            {
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-        }
-    }
-    ss << "    return nCount;\n";
-    ss << "}\n";
-void OpMaxA::GenSlidingWindowFunction(
-    outputstream &ss, const std::string &sSymName, SubArguments &
-    int isMixed = 0;
-    GenerateFunctionDeclaration( sSymName, vSubArguments, ss );
-    ss << "{\n";
-    ss << "    int gid0=get_global_id(0);\n";
-    ss << "    double tmp0 = 2.22507e-308;\n";
-    ss <<"\n";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < vSubArguments.size(); i++)
-    {
-        FormulaToken *pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-        assert(pCur);
-        if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
-        {
-            const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDVR =
-                static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken *>(pCur);
-            if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray
-                && pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString;
-            else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefDouble;
-            else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefString;
-            else
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefNULL;
-            size_t nCurWindowSize = pDVR->GetRefRowSize();
-            ss << "    for (int i = ";
-            if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && pDVR->IsEndFixed()) {
-                ss << "gid0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < " << nCurWindowSize  << "; i++){\n";
-            } else if (pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed()) {
-                ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < gid0+"<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            } else if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed()){
-                ss << "0; i + gid0 < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < "<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            }
-            else {
-                ss << "0; i < "<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef)
-        {
-            const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR =
-                static_cast< const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* >(pCur);
-            if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray
-                && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefDoubleString;
-            else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefDouble;
-            else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefString;
-            else
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefNULL;
-            ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << "){\n";
-        }
-        else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDouble)
-        {
-            ss << "    {\n";
-            isMixed = svDoubleDouble;
-        }
-        if(ocPush==vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString
-                || isMixed == svSingleVectorRefDoubleString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if (!isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << "))\n";
-                ss << "            tmp0 = tmp0 < ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " ? ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " : tmp0;\n";
-                ss << "        else if(isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ") && ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " != 0)\n";
-                ss << "            tmp0 = tmp0 < 0.0 ? 0.0 : tmp0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefDouble
-                || isMixed == svSingleVectorRefDouble)
-            {
-                ss << "        if (!isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << "))\n";
-                ss << "            tmp0 = tmp0 < ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " ? " << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " : tmp0;";
-                ss <<"\n    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " == 0)\n            continue;\n";
-                ss << "        tmp0 = tmp0 < 0.0 ? 0.0 : tmp0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svSingleVectorRefString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " != 0)\n";
-                ss << "            tmp0 = tmp0 < 0.0 ? 0.0 : tmp0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleDouble)
-            {
-                ss << "        tmp0 = tmp0 < ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " ? " << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " : tmp0;\n    }\n";
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ss << "        tmp0 = tmp0 < ";
-            ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-            ss << " ? " << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-            ss << " : tmp0;";
-            ss <<"\n    }\n";
-        }
-    }
-    ss << "    return tmp0 == 2.22507e-308 ? 0.0 : tmp0;\n";
-    ss << "}\n";
+    decls.insert(fmax_countDecl);
+    funs.insert(fmax_count);
-void OpAverageA::GenSlidingWindowFunction(
-    outputstream &ss, const std::string &sSymName, SubArguments &
-    int isMixed = 0;
-    GenerateFunctionDeclaration( sSymName, vSubArguments, ss );
-    ss << "{\n";
-    ss << "    int gid0=get_global_id(0);\n";
-    ss << "    double tmp0 = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double nCount = 0.0;\n";
-    ss <<"\n";
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < vSubArguments.size(); i++)
-    {
-        FormulaToken *pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-        assert(pCur);
-        if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
-        {
-            const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDVR =
-                static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken *>(pCur);
-            if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray
-                && pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString;
-            else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefDouble;
-            else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefString;
-            else
-                isMixed = svDoubleVectorRefNULL;
-            size_t nCurWindowSize = pDVR->GetRefRowSize();
-            ss << "    for (int i = ";
-            if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && pDVR->IsEndFixed()) {
-                ss << "gid0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < " << nCurWindowSize  << "; i++){\n";
-            } else if (pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed()) {
-                ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < gid0+"<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            } else if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed()){
-                ss << "0; i + gid0 < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                ss << " && i < "<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            }
-            else {
-                ss << "0; i < "<< nCurWindowSize << "; i++){\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef)
-        {
-            const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR =
-                static_cast< const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* >(pCur);
-            if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray
-                && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefDoubleString;
-            else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefDouble;
-            else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefString;
-            else
-                isMixed = svSingleVectorRefNULL;
-            ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << "){\n";
-        }
-        else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDouble)
-        {
-            ss << "    {\n";
-            isMixed = svDoubleDouble;
-        }
-        if(ocPush==vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString
-                || isMixed == svSingleVectorRefDoubleString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if (!isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ")){\n";
-                ss << "            tmp0 +=";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ";\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-                ss << "        else if(isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ") && ";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " != 0)\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefDouble
-                || isMixed == svSingleVectorRefDouble)
-            {
-                ss << "        if (!isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ")){\n";
-                ss << "            tmp0 +=";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ";\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss <<"}\n    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleVectorRefString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if (!isnan(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << "))\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss <<"\n    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svSingleVectorRefString)
-            {
-                ss << "        if(";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << " != 0)\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else if(isMixed == svDoubleDouble)
-            {
-                ss << "            tmp0 +=";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ";\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ss << "    }\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-                ss << "            tmp0 +=";
-                ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                ss << ";\n";
-                ss << "            nCount+=1.0;\n";
-                ss << "    }\n";
-        }
-    }
-    ss << "    return tmp0/nCount;\n";
-    ss << "}\n";
-void OpVarA::GenSlidingWindowFunction(outputstream &ss,
-            const std::string &sSymName, SubArguments &vSubArguments)
+void OpAverage::BinInlineFun(std::set<std::string>& 
decls,std::set<std::string>& funs)
-    int isMixedDV = 0;
-    int isMixedSV = 0;
-    GenerateFunctionDeclaration( sSymName, vSubArguments, ss );
-    ss << "{\n";
-    ss << "    int gid0 = get_global_id(0);\n";
-    ss << "    double fSum = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double fMean = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double vSum = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double fCount = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double arg = 0.0;\n";
-    unsigned i = vSubArguments.size();
-    while (i--)
-    {
-        FormulaToken *pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-        assert(pCur);
-        if(ocPush == vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDVR =
-                    static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken *>(pCur);
-                assert(pDVR);
-                if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray
-                    && pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefNULL;
-                size_t nCurWindowSize = pDVR->GetRefRowSize();
-                ss << "    for (int i = ";
-                if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "gid0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < " << nCurWindowSize  << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < gid0+" << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i + gid0 < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " &&  i < " << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength() << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        if(isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "        fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "        fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "        fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "        continue;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR =
-                    static_cast< const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* >(pCur);
-                assert(pSVR);
-                if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray
-                    && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefNULL;
-                if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount += 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "    arg =0.0;\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ss << "    arg = " << pCur->GetDouble() << ";\n";
-                ss << "    fSum += arg;\n";
-                ss << "    fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ss << "    arg = ";
-            ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-            ss << "    fSum += arg;\n";
-            ss << "    fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-        }
-        if (i == 0)
-        {
-            ss << "    fMean = fSum / fCount;\n";
-        }
-    }
-    i = vSubArguments.size();
-    while (i--)
-    {
-        FormulaToken *pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-        assert(pCur);
-        if(ocPush==vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDVR =
-                    static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken *>(pCur);
-                if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray
-                    && pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefNULL;
-                size_t nCurWindowSize = pDVR->GetRefRowSize();
-                ss << "    for (int i = ";
-                if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "gid0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < " << nCurWindowSize  << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < gid0+" << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i + gid0 < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " &&  i < " << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength() << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        if(isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "        continue;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR =
-                    static_cast< const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* >(pCur);
-                if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray
-                    && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefNULL;
-                if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "    arg = 0.0;\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ss << "    arg = " << pCur->GetDouble() << ";\n";
-                ss << "    vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ss << "    arg = ";
-            ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-            ss << "    vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-        }
-    }
-    ss << "    if (fCount <= 1.0)\n";
-    ss << "        return DBL_MAX;\n";
-    ss << "    else\n";
-    ss << "        return vSum / (fCount - 1.0);\n";
-    ss << "}\n";
-void OpVarPA::GenSlidingWindowFunction(outputstream &ss,
-            const std::string &sSymName, SubArguments &vSubArguments)
-    int isMixedDV = 0;
-    int isMixedSV = 0;
-    GenerateFunctionDeclaration( sSymName, vSubArguments, ss );
-    ss << "{\n";
-    ss << "    int gid0 = get_global_id(0);\n";
-    ss << "    double fSum = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double fMean = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double vSum = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double fCount = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double arg = 0.0;\n";
-    unsigned i = vSubArguments.size();
-    while (i--)
-    {
-        FormulaToken *pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-        assert(pCur);
-        if(ocPush == vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDVR =
-                    static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken *>(pCur);
-                if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray
-                    && pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefNULL;
-                size_t nCurWindowSize = pDVR->GetRefRowSize();
-                ss << "    for (int i = ";
-                if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "gid0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < " << nCurWindowSize  << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < gid0+" << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i + gid0 < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " &&  i < " << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength() << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        if(isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "        fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "        fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "        fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "        continue;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR =
-                    static_cast< const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* >(pCur);
-                if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray
-                    && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefNULL;
-                if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount += 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "    arg =0.0;\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ss << "    arg = " << pCur->GetDouble() << ";\n";
-                ss << "    fSum += arg;\n";
-                ss << "    fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ss << "    arg = ";
-            ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-            ss << "    fSum += arg;\n";
-            ss << "    fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-        }
-        if (i == 0)
-        {
-            ss << "    fMean = fSum / fCount;\n";
-        }
-    }
-    i = vSubArguments.size();
-    while (i--)
-    {
-        FormulaToken *pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-        assert(pCur);
-        if(ocPush==vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDVR =
-                    static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken *>(pCur);
-                if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray
-                    && pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefNULL;
-                size_t nCurWindowSize = pDVR->GetRefRowSize();
-                ss << "    for (int i = ";
-                if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "gid0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < " << nCurWindowSize  << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < gid0+" << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i + gid0 < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " &&  i < " << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength() << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        if(isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "        continue;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR =
-                    static_cast< const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* >(pCur);
-                if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray
-                    && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefNULL;
-                if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "    arg = 0.0;\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ss << "    arg = " << pCur->GetDouble() << ";\n";
-                ss << "    vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ss << "    arg = ";
-            ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-            ss << "    vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-        }
-    }
-    ss << "    if (fCount == 0.0)\n";
-    ss << "        return DBL_MAX;\n";
-    ss << "    else\n";
-    ss << "        return vSum / fCount;\n";
-    ss << "}\n";
-void OpStDevA::GenSlidingWindowFunction(outputstream &ss,
-            const std::string &sSymName, SubArguments &vSubArguments)
-    int isMixedDV = 0;
-    int isMixedSV = 0;
-    GenerateFunctionDeclaration( sSymName, vSubArguments, ss );
-    ss << "{\n";
-    ss << "    int gid0 = get_global_id(0);\n";
-    ss << "    double fSum = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double fMean = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double vSum = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double fCount = 0.0;\n";
-    ss << "    double arg = 0.0;\n";
-    unsigned i = vSubArguments.size();
-    while (i--)
-    {
-        FormulaToken *pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-        assert(pCur);
-        if(ocPush == vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDVR =
-                    static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken *>(pCur);
-                if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray
-                    && pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefNULL;
-                size_t nCurWindowSize = pDVR->GetRefRowSize();
-                ss << "    for (int i = ";
-                if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "gid0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < " << nCurWindowSize  << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < gid0+" << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i + gid0 < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " &&  i < " << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength() << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        if(isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "        fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "        fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "        fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "        continue;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR =
-                    static_cast< const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* >(pCur);
-                if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray
-                    && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefNULL;
-                if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            fSum += arg;\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount += 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "    arg =0.0;\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                ss << "    arg = " << pCur->GetDouble() << ";\n";
-                ss << "    fSum += arg;\n";
-                ss << "    fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ss << "    arg = ";
-            ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-            ss << "    fSum += arg;\n";
-            ss << "    fCount = fCount + 1.0;\n";
-        }
-        if (i == 0)
-        {
-            ss << "    fMean = fSum / fCount;\n";
-        }
-    }
-    i = vSubArguments.size();
-    while (i--)
-    {
-        FormulaToken *pCur = vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken();
-        assert(pCur);
-        if(ocPush==vSubArguments[i]->GetFormulaToken()->GetOpCode())
-        {
-            if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svDoubleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken* pDVR =
-                    static_cast<const formula::DoubleVectorRefToken *>(pCur);
-                if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray
-                    && pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pDVR->GetArrays()[0].mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedDV = svDoubleVectorRefNULL;
-                size_t nCurWindowSize = pDVR->GetRefRowSize();
-                ss << "    for (int i = ";
-                if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "gid0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < " << nCurWindowSize  << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " && i < gid0+" << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else if (!pDVR->IsStartFixed() && !pDVR->IsEndFixed())
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i + gid0 < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength();
-                    ss << " &&  i < " << nCurWindowSize << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "0; i < " << pDVR->GetArrayLength() << "; i++)\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                }
-                if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        if(isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedDV == svDoubleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " == 0)\n";
-                    ss << "            continue;\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "        vSum += (arg - fMean) * (arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    ss << "        continue;\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-            }
-            else if (pCur->GetType() == formula::svSingleVectorRef)
-            {
-                const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* pSVR =
-                    static_cast< const formula::SingleVectorRefToken* >(pCur);
-                if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray
-                    && pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDoubleString;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpNumericArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefDouble;
-                else if(pSVR->GetArray().mpStringArray)
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefString;
-                else
-                    isMixedSV = svSingleVectorRefNULL;
-                if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDoubleString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenDoubleSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        if (isnan(arg) && ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenStringSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            arg = 0.0;\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefDouble)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        arg = ";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef() << ";\n";
-                    ss << "        if (!isnan(arg))\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            vSum += (arg - fMean)*(arg - fMean);\n";
-                    ss << "        }\n";
-                    ss << "    }\n";
-                }
-                else if(isMixedSV == svSingleVectorRefString)
-                {
-                    ss << "    if (gid0 < " << pSVR->GetArrayLength() << ")\n";
-                    ss << "    {\n";
-                    ss << "        if (";
-                    ss << vSubArguments[i]->GenSlidingWindowDeclRef();
-                    ss << " != 0)\n";
-                    ss << "        {\n";
-                    ss << "            arg = 0.0;\n";

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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