vcl/headless/CairoCommon.cxx        |   11 +++++------
 vcl/headless/SvpGraphicsBackend.cxx |   28 ++++++++++++----------------
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 20f0ab23b1c0b60ca36a053464f3ba41bf27c80e
Author:     dldld <>
AuthorDate: Sat May 14 17:54:35 2022 +0200
Commit:     Caolán McNamara <>
CommitDate: Sat May 14 20:00:56 2022 +0200

    tdf#133716: Fix edge gradient when upscaling image
    When an image is getting upscaled with cario as engine it got blured 
    The issue that was worked on showed, in the PresenterConsole, that the
    borders of the previews and control area had an unnecessary gradient in it.
    As these borders are build from images which are getting upscaled,
    either in width or height a graident ocurred. This was because the cairo
    rending didn't had the correct pattern extention set: CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD.
    Nearly same issue also occured when adding an image to a presentation
    and upscaling it, the borders got blured. For images with either height or
    width equal to one this was a while back fixed: tdf#114117, but not for the
    general case. Using another extend mode fixes this, because the PAD
    extend mode doesn't blur the borders.
    pixels outside of the pattern copy the closest pixel from the source
    Change-Id: I39f8a14a69f035a43a93afb303f0a2e7ec8699c7
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Caolán McNamara <>

diff --git a/vcl/headless/CairoCommon.cxx b/vcl/headless/CairoCommon.cxx
index 73a6b72f802e..9897334d4532 100644
--- a/vcl/headless/CairoCommon.cxx
+++ b/vcl/headless/CairoCommon.cxx
@@ -876,12 +876,11 @@ basegfx::B2DRange renderWithOperator(cairo_t* cr, const 
SalTwoRect& rTR, cairo_s
     cairo_set_source_surface(cr, source, -rTR.mnSrcX, -rTR.mnSrcY);
-    if ((fXScale != 1.0 && rTR.mnSrcWidth == 1) || (fYScale != 1.0 && 
rTR.mnSrcHeight == 1))
-    {
-        cairo_pattern_t* sourcepattern = cairo_get_source(cr);
-        cairo_pattern_set_extend(sourcepattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);
-        cairo_pattern_set_filter(sourcepattern, CAIRO_FILTER_NEAREST);
-    }
+    //tdf#133716 borders of upscaled images should not be blured
+    cairo_pattern_t* sourcepattern = cairo_get_source(cr);
+    cairo_pattern_set_extend(sourcepattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD);
     cairo_set_operator(cr, eOperator);
diff --git a/vcl/headless/SvpGraphicsBackend.cxx 
index 14a9a017ed94..0566f444013d 100644
--- a/vcl/headless/SvpGraphicsBackend.cxx
+++ b/vcl/headless/SvpGraphicsBackend.cxx
@@ -488,12 +488,11 @@ void SvpGraphicsBackend::drawMask(const SalTwoRect& rTR, 
const SalBitmap& rSalBi
     double fYScale = static_cast<double>(rTR.mnDestHeight) / rTR.mnSrcHeight;
     cairo_scale(cr, fXScale, fYScale);
     cairo_set_source_surface(cr, aSurface.getSurface(), -rTR.mnSrcX, 
-    if ((fXScale != 1.0 && rTR.mnSrcWidth == 1) || (fYScale != 1.0 && 
rTR.mnSrcHeight == 1))
-    {
-        cairo_pattern_t* sourcepattern = cairo_get_source(cr);
-        cairo_pattern_set_extend(sourcepattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);
-        cairo_pattern_set_filter(sourcepattern, CAIRO_FILTER_NEAREST);
-    }
+    //tdf#133716 borders of upscaled images should not be blured
+    cairo_pattern_t* sourcepattern = cairo_get_source(cr);
+    cairo_pattern_set_extend(sourcepattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD);
     m_rCairoCommon.releaseCairoContext(cr, false, extents);
@@ -674,16 +673,13 @@ bool SvpGraphicsBackend::drawAlphaBitmap(const 
SalTwoRect& rTR, const SalBitmap&
     cairo_scale(cr, fXScale, fYScale);
     cairo_set_source_surface(cr, source, -rTR.mnSrcX, -rTR.mnSrcY);
-    //tdf#114117 when stretching a single pixel width/height source to fit an 
-    //set extend and filter to stretch it with simplest expected interpolation
-    if ((fXScale != 1.0 && rTR.mnSrcWidth == 1) || (fYScale != 1.0 && 
rTR.mnSrcHeight == 1))
-    {
-        cairo_pattern_t* sourcepattern = cairo_get_source(cr);
-        cairo_pattern_set_extend(sourcepattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);
-        cairo_pattern_set_filter(sourcepattern, CAIRO_FILTER_NEAREST);
-        cairo_pattern_set_extend(maskpattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);
-        cairo_pattern_set_filter(maskpattern, CAIRO_FILTER_NEAREST);
-    }
+    cairo_pattern_t* sourcepattern = cairo_get_source(cr);
+    //tdf#133716 borders of upscaled images should not be blured
+    //tdf#114117 when stretching a single or multi pixel width/height source 
to fit an area
+    //the image will be extended into that size.
+    cairo_pattern_set_extend(sourcepattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD);
+    cairo_pattern_set_extend(maskpattern, CAIRO_EXTEND_PAD);
     //this block is just "cairo_mask_surface", but we have to make it explicit
     //because of the cairo_pattern_set_filter etc we may want applied

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