------------------------------------------------------------------ 发件人:Michael Weghorn <m.wegh...@posteo.de> 发送时间:2022年3月18日(星期五) 21:52 收件人:gcxyw1314 <gcxyw1...@aliyun.com>; libreoffice <libreoffice@lists.freedesktop.org> 主 题:Re: libreoffice-7.3.2 compile in arm system
dear all: The packages I compiled on the centos7.7 arm system are as follows: When I install it, it says it is missing libXinerama.so.1 But I have installed libXinerama-1.1.3-2.1.el7.aarch64 -> Finished Dependency Resolution Error: Package: lodevbasis7.0-core- (/lodevbasis7.0-core- Requires: libXinerama.so.1 You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem https://paste.debian.net/1235204/