chart2/source/inc/CommonConverters.hxx     |   16 -
 chart2/source/tools/CommonConverters.cxx   |   63 ----
 chart2/source/view/charttypes/Splines.cxx  |  403 -----------------------------
 chart2/source/view/charttypes/Splines.hxx  |    9 
 chart2/source/view/inc/PropertyMapper.hxx  |    5 
 chart2/source/view/inc/ShapeFactory.hxx    |   16 -
 chart2/source/view/main/PropertyMapper.cxx |   50 ---
 chart2/source/view/main/ShapeFactory.cxx   |  100 -------
 8 files changed, 662 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit d1bc9d8510299aa9c31589ecb31457b98e644e58
Author:     Noel Grandin <>
AuthorDate: Wed Jan 12 11:26:32 2022 +0200
Commit:     Noel Grandin <>
CommitDate: Wed Jan 12 13:36:19 2022 +0100

    remove unused code
    Change-Id: Ieb5100dab1ed8af23e765926a8a1f33d75132406
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <>

diff --git a/chart2/source/inc/CommonConverters.hxx 
index bbe5ec92cb7b..d10bf91984c8 100644
--- a/chart2/source/inc/CommonConverters.hxx
+++ b/chart2/source/inc/CommonConverters.hxx
@@ -100,9 +100,6 @@ OOO_DLLPUBLIC_CHARTTOOLS css::drawing::Position3D 
                 , sal_Int32 nPointIndex, sal_Int32 nPolyIndex );
-void addPolygon( css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rRet
-                , const css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rAdd );
 void addPolygon( std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rRet
                 , const std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& 
rAdd );
 /** PolyPolygonShape3D + PolyPolygonShape3D -> PolyPolygonShape3D
@@ -129,9 +126,6 @@ css::drawing::PointSequenceSequence PolyToPointSequence(
 /** PolyPolygonShape3D ->  basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon (2D)
-basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon PolyToB2DPolyPolygon(
-                const css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPolyPolygon );
 basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon PolyToB2DPolyPolygon(
                 const std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& 
rPolyPolygon );
@@ -169,21 +163,11 @@ OOO_DLLPUBLIC_CHARTTOOLS css::awt::Point 
Position3DToAWTPoint( const css::drawin
 OOO_DLLPUBLIC_CHARTTOOLS css::awt::Size Direction3DToAWTSize( const 
css::drawing::Direction3D& rDirection );
-/** B3DPoint -> Sequence<double>
-OOO_DLLPUBLIC_CHARTTOOLS css::uno::Sequence< double > B3DPointToSequence( 
const ::basegfx::B3DPoint& rPoint );
 /** Sequence<double> -> drawing::Position3D
 OOO_DLLPUBLIC_CHARTTOOLS css::drawing::Position3D
                 SequenceToPosition3D( const css::uno::Sequence< double >& rSeq 
-/** drawing::Position3D -> Sequence<double>
-OOO_DLLPUBLIC_CHARTTOOLS css::uno::Sequence< double >
-                Position3DToSequence( const css::drawing::Position3D& 
rPosition );
 /** chart2::XDataSequence -> uno::Sequence< double >
diff --git a/chart2/source/tools/CommonConverters.cxx 
index 0c8f8bd8665a..20a3346f69b0 100644
--- a/chart2/source/tools/CommonConverters.cxx
+++ b/chart2/source/tools/CommonConverters.cxx
@@ -245,32 +245,6 @@ drawing::Position3D getPointFromPoly( const 
     return aRet;
-void addPolygon( drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rRet, const 
drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rAdd )
-    sal_Int32 nAddOuterCount = rAdd.SequenceX.getLength();
-    sal_Int32 nOuterCount = rRet.SequenceX.getLength() + nAddOuterCount;
-    rRet.SequenceX.realloc( nOuterCount );
-    auto pSequenceX = rRet.SequenceX.getArray();
-    rRet.SequenceY.realloc( nOuterCount );
-    auto pSequenceY = rRet.SequenceY.getArray();
-    rRet.SequenceZ.realloc( nOuterCount );
-    auto pSequenceZ = rRet.SequenceZ.getArray();
-    sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
-    sal_Int32 nOuter = nOuterCount - nAddOuterCount;
-    for( ; nOuter < nOuterCount; nOuter++ )
-    {
-        if( nIndex >= nAddOuterCount )
-            break;
-        pSequenceX[nOuter] = rAdd.SequenceX[nIndex];
-        pSequenceY[nOuter] = rAdd.SequenceY[nIndex];
-        pSequenceZ[nOuter] = rAdd.SequenceZ[nIndex];
-        nIndex++;
-    }
 void addPolygon( std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rRet, 
const std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rAdd )
     sal_Int32 nAddOuterCount = rAdd.size();
@@ -417,33 +391,6 @@ drawing::PointSequenceSequence PolyToPointSequence(
     return aRet;
-basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon PolyToB2DPolyPolygon(
-                const drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPolyPolygon )
-    basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aRetval;
-    for(sal_Int32 nN = 0; nN < rPolyPolygon.SequenceX.getLength(); nN++)
-    {
-        basegfx::B2DPolygon aNewPolygon;
-        sal_Int32 nInnerLength = rPolyPolygon.SequenceX[nN].getLength();
-        if(nInnerLength)
-        {
-            aNewPolygon.reserve(nInnerLength);
-            for( sal_Int32 nM = 0; nM < nInnerLength; nM++)
-            {
-                auto X = 
-                auto Y = 
-                aNewPolygon.append(basegfx::B2DPoint(X, Y));
-            }
-            // check for closed state flag
-            basegfx::utils::checkClosed(aNewPolygon);
-        }
-        aRetval.append(std::move(aNewPolygon));
-    }
-    return aRetval;
 basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon PolyToB2DPolyPolygon(
                 const std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& 
rPolyPolygon )
@@ -531,11 +478,6 @@ awt::Size Direction3DToAWTSize( const 
drawing::Direction3D& rDirection )
     return aRet;
-uno::Sequence< double > B3DPointToSequence( const ::basegfx::B3DPoint& rPoint )
-    return { rPoint.getX(), rPoint.getY(), rPoint.getZ() };
 drawing::Position3D SequenceToPosition3D( const uno::Sequence< double >& rSeq )
     OSL_ENSURE(rSeq.getLength()==3,"The sequence needs to have length 3 for 
conversion into vector");
@@ -547,11 +489,6 @@ drawing::Position3D SequenceToPosition3D( const 
uno::Sequence< double >& rSeq )
     return aRet;
-uno::Sequence< double > Position3DToSequence( const drawing::Position3D& 
rPosition )
-    return { rPosition.PositionX, rPosition.PositionY, rPosition.PositionZ };
 using namespace ::com::sun::star::chart2;
 uno::Sequence< double > DataSequenceToDoubleSequence(
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/charttypes/Splines.cxx 
index c79fbbcb9fc7..bd54b266345a 100644
--- a/chart2/source/view/charttypes/Splines.cxx
+++ b/chart2/source/view/charttypes/Splines.cxx
@@ -529,126 +529,6 @@ void applyNtoParameterT(const lcl_tSizeType i,const 
double tk,const sal_uInt32 p
 } //  anonymous namespace
-// Calculates uniform parametric splines with subinterval length 1,
-// according ODF1.2 part 1, chapter 'chart interpolation'.
-void SplineCalculater::CalculateCubicSplines(
-    const drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rInput
-    , drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rResult
-    , sal_uInt32 nGranularity )
-    OSL_PRECOND( nGranularity > 0, "Granularity is invalid" );
-    sal_uInt32 nOuterCount = rInput.SequenceX.getLength();
-    rResult.SequenceX.realloc(nOuterCount);
-    rResult.SequenceY.realloc(nOuterCount);
-    rResult.SequenceZ.realloc(nOuterCount);
-    auto pSequenceX = rResult.SequenceX.getArray();
-    auto pSequenceY = rResult.SequenceY.getArray();
-    auto pSequenceZ = rResult.SequenceZ.getArray();
-    if( !nOuterCount )
-        return;
-    for( sal_uInt32 nOuter = 0; nOuter < nOuterCount; ++nOuter )
-    {
-        if( rInput.SequenceX[nOuter].getLength() <= 1 )
-            continue; //we need at least two points
-        sal_uInt32 nMaxIndexPoints = rInput.SequenceX[nOuter].getLength()-1; 
// is >=1
-        const double* pOldX = rInput.SequenceX[nOuter].getConstArray();
-        const double* pOldY = rInput.SequenceY[nOuter].getConstArray();
-        const double* pOldZ = rInput.SequenceZ[nOuter].getConstArray();
-        std::vector < double > aParameter(nMaxIndexPoints+1);
-        aParameter[0]=0.0;
-        for( sal_uInt32 nIndex=1; nIndex<=nMaxIndexPoints; nIndex++ )
-        {
-            aParameter[nIndex]=aParameter[nIndex-1]+1;
-        }
-        // Split the calculation to X, Y and Z coordinate
-        tPointVecType aInputX;
-        aInputX.resize(nMaxIndexPoints+1);
-        tPointVecType aInputY;
-        aInputY.resize(nMaxIndexPoints+1);
-        tPointVecType aInputZ;
-        aInputZ.resize(nMaxIndexPoints+1);
-        for (sal_uInt32 nN=0;nN<=nMaxIndexPoints; nN++ )
-        {
-          aInputX[ nN ].first=aParameter[nN];
-          aInputX[ nN ].second=pOldX[ nN ];
-          aInputY[ nN ].first=aParameter[nN];
-          aInputY[ nN ].second=pOldY[ nN ];
-          aInputZ[ nN ].first=aParameter[nN];
-          aInputZ[ nN ].second=pOldZ[ nN ];
-        }
-        // generate a spline for each coordinate. It holds the complete
-        // information to calculate each point of the curve
-        std::unique_ptr<lcl_SplineCalculation> aSplineX;
-        std::unique_ptr<lcl_SplineCalculation> aSplineY;
-        // lcl_SplineCalculation* aSplineZ; the z-coordinates of all points in
-        // a data series are equal. No spline calculation needed, but copy
-        // coordinate to output
-        if( pOldX[ 0 ] == pOldX[nMaxIndexPoints] &&
-            pOldY[ 0 ] == pOldY[nMaxIndexPoints] &&
-            pOldZ[ 0 ] == pOldZ[nMaxIndexPoints] &&
-            nMaxIndexPoints >=2 )
-        {   // periodic spline
-            aSplineX.reset(new lcl_SplineCalculation( std::move(aInputX)));
-            aSplineY.reset(new lcl_SplineCalculation( std::move(aInputY)));
-            // aSplineZ = new lcl_SplineCalculation( aInputZ) ;
-        }
-        else // generate the kind "natural spline"
-        {
-            double fXDerivation = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
-            double fYDerivation = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
-            aSplineX.reset(new lcl_SplineCalculation( std::move(aInputX), 
fXDerivation, fXDerivation ));
-            aSplineY.reset(new lcl_SplineCalculation( std::move(aInputY), 
fYDerivation, fYDerivation ));
-        }
-        // fill result polygon with calculated values
-        pSequenceX[nOuter].realloc( nMaxIndexPoints*nGranularity + 1);
-        pSequenceY[nOuter].realloc( nMaxIndexPoints*nGranularity + 1);
-        pSequenceZ[nOuter].realloc( nMaxIndexPoints*nGranularity + 1);
-        double* pNewX = pSequenceX[nOuter].getArray();
-        double* pNewY = pSequenceY[nOuter].getArray();
-        double* pNewZ = pSequenceZ[nOuter].getArray();
-        sal_uInt32 nNewPointIndex = 0; // Index in result points
-        for( sal_uInt32 ni = 0; ni < nMaxIndexPoints; ni++ )
-        {
-            // given point is surely a curve point
-            pNewX[nNewPointIndex] = pOldX[ni];
-            pNewY[nNewPointIndex] = pOldY[ni];
-            pNewZ[nNewPointIndex] = pOldZ[ni];
-            nNewPointIndex++;
-            // calculate intermediate points
-            double fInc = ( aParameter[ ni+1 ] - aParameter[ni] ) / 
static_cast< double >( nGranularity );
-            for(sal_uInt32 nj = 1; nj < nGranularity; nj++)
-            {
-                double fParam = aParameter[ni] + ( fInc * static_cast< double 
>( nj ) );
-                pNewX[nNewPointIndex]=aSplineX->GetInterpolatedValue( fParam );
-                pNewY[nNewPointIndex]=aSplineY->GetInterpolatedValue( fParam );
-                // pNewZ[nNewPointIndex]=aSplineZ->GetInterpolatedValue( 
fParam );
-                pNewZ[nNewPointIndex] = pOldZ[ni];
-                nNewPointIndex++;
-            }
-        }
-        // add last point
-        pNewX[nNewPointIndex] = pOldX[nMaxIndexPoints];
-        pNewY[nNewPointIndex] = pOldY[nMaxIndexPoints];
-        pNewZ[nNewPointIndex] = pOldZ[nMaxIndexPoints];
-    }
 // Calculates uniform parametric splines with subinterval length 1,
 // according ODF1.2 part 1, chapter 'chart interpolation'.
 void SplineCalculater::CalculateCubicSplines(
@@ -757,289 +637,6 @@ void SplineCalculater::CalculateCubicSplines(
-// The implementation follows closely ODF1.2 spec, chapter chart:interpolation
-// using the same names as in spec as far as possible, without prefix.
-// More details can be found on
-// Dr. C.-K. Shene: CS3621 Introduction to Computing with Geometry Notes
-// Unit 9: Interpolation and Approximation/Curve Global Interpolation
-// Department of Computer Science, Michigan Technological University
-// [last called 2011-05-20]
-void SplineCalculater::CalculateBSplines(
-            const css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rInput
-            , css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rResult
-            , sal_uInt32 nResolution
-            , sal_uInt32 nDegree )
-    // nResolution is ODF1.2 file format attribute chart:spline-resolution and
-    // ODF1.2 spec variable k. Causion, k is used as index in the spec in 
-    // nDegree is ODF1.2 file format attribute chart:spline-order and
-    // ODF1.2 spec variable p
-    OSL_ASSERT( nResolution > 1 );
-    OSL_ASSERT( nDegree >= 1 );
-    // limit the b-spline degree at 15 to prevent insanely large sets of points
-    sal_uInt32 p = std::min<sal_uInt32>(nDegree, 15);
-    sal_Int32 nOuterCount = rInput.SequenceX.getLength();
-    rResult.SequenceX.realloc(nOuterCount);
-    rResult.SequenceY.realloc(nOuterCount);
-    rResult.SequenceZ.realloc(nOuterCount);
-    auto pSequenceX = rResult.SequenceX.getArray();
-    auto pSequenceY = rResult.SequenceY.getArray();
-    auto pSequenceZ = rResult.SequenceZ.getArray();
-    if( !nOuterCount )
-        return; // no input
-    for( sal_Int32 nOuter = 0; nOuter < nOuterCount; ++nOuter )
-    {
-        if( rInput.SequenceX[nOuter].getLength() <= 1 )
-            continue; // need at least 2 points, next piece of the series
-        // Copy input to vector of points and remove adjacent double points. 
-        // Z-coordinate is equal for all points in a series and holds the depth
-        // in 3D mode, simple copying is enough.
-        lcl_tSizeType nMaxIndexPoints = 
rInput.SequenceX[nOuter].getLength()-1; // is >=1
-        const double* pOldX = rInput.SequenceX[nOuter].getConstArray();
-        const double* pOldY = rInput.SequenceY[nOuter].getConstArray();
-        const double* pOldZ = rInput.SequenceZ[nOuter].getConstArray();
-        double fZCoordinate = pOldZ[0];
-        tPointVecType aPointsIn;
-        aPointsIn.resize(nMaxIndexPoints+1);
-        for (lcl_tSizeType i = 0; i <= nMaxIndexPoints; ++i )
-        {
-          aPointsIn[ i ].first = pOldX[i];
-          aPointsIn[ i ].second = pOldY[i];
-        }
-        aPointsIn.erase( std::unique( aPointsIn.begin(), aPointsIn.end()),
-                     aPointsIn.end() );
-        // n is the last valid index to the reduced aPointsIn
-        // There are n+1 valid data points.
-        const lcl_tSizeType n = aPointsIn.size() - 1;
-        if (n < 1 || p > n)
-            continue; // need at least 2 points, degree p needs at least n+1 
-                      // next piece of series
-        std::unique_ptr<double[]> t(new double [n+1]);
-        if (!createParameterT(aPointsIn, t.get()))
-        {
-            continue; // next piece of series
-        }
-        lcl_tSizeType m = n + p + 1;
-        std::unique_ptr<double[]> u(new double [m+1]);
-        createKnotVector(n, p, t.get(), u.get());
-        // The matrix N contains the B-spline basis functions applied to 
-        // In each row only p+1 adjacent elements are non-zero. The starting
-        // column in a higher row is equal or greater than in the lower row.
-        // To store this matrix the non-zero elements are shifted to column 0
-        // and the amount of shifting is remembered in an array.
-        std::unique_ptr<double*[]> aMatN(new double*[n+1]);
-        for (lcl_tSizeType row = 0; row <=n; ++row)
-        {
-            aMatN[row] = new double[p+1];
-            for (sal_uInt32 col = 0; col <= p; ++col)
-            aMatN[row][col] = 0.0;
-        }
-        std::unique_ptr<lcl_tSizeType[]> aShift(new lcl_tSizeType[n+1]);
-        aMatN[0][0] = 1.0; //all others are zero
-        aShift[0] = 0;
-        aMatN[n][0] = 1.0;
-        aShift[n] = n;
-        for (lcl_tSizeType k = 1; k<=n-1; ++k)
-        { // all basis functions are applied to t_k,
-            // results are elements in row k in matrix N
-            // find the one interval with u_i <= t_k < u_(i+1)
-            // remember u_0 = ... = u_p = 0.0 and u_(m-p) = ... u_m = 1.0 and 
-            lcl_tSizeType i = p;
-            while (u[i] > t[k] || t[k] >= u[i+1])
-            {
-                ++i;
-            }
-            // index in reduced matrix aMatN = (index in full matrix N) - (i-p)
-            aShift[k] = i - p;
-            applyNtoParameterT(i, t[k], p, u.get(), aMatN[k]);
-        } // next row k
-        // Get matrix C of control points from the matrix equation aMatN * C = 
-        // aPointsIn is overwritten with C.
-        // Gaussian elimination is possible without pivoting, see reference
-        lcl_tSizeType r = 0; // true row index
-        lcl_tSizeType c = 0; // true column index
-        double fDivisor = 1.0; // used for diagonal element
-        double fEliminate = 1.0; // used for the element, that will become zero
-        double fHelp;
-        tPointType aHelp;
-        lcl_tSizeType nHelp; // used in triangle change
-        bool bIsSuccessful = true;
-        for (c = 0 ; c <= n && bIsSuccessful; ++c)
-        {
-            // search for first non-zero downwards
-            r = c;
-            while ( r < n && aMatN[r][c-aShift[r]] == 0 )
-            {
-                ++r;
-            }
-            if (aMatN[r][c-aShift[r]] == 0.0)
-            {
-                // Matrix N is singular, although this is mathematically 
-                bIsSuccessful = false;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // exchange total row r with total row c if necessary
-                if (r != c)
-                {
-                    for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i <= p ; ++i)
-                    {
-                        fHelp = aMatN[r][i];
-                        aMatN[r][i] = aMatN[c][i];
-                        aMatN[c][i] = fHelp;
-                    }
-                    aHelp = aPointsIn[r];
-                    aPointsIn[r] = aPointsIn[c];
-                    aPointsIn[c] = aHelp;
-                    nHelp = aShift[r];
-                    aShift[r] = aShift[c];
-                    aShift[c] = nHelp;
-                }
-                // divide row c, so that element(c,c) becomes 1
-                fDivisor = aMatN[c][c-aShift[c]]; // not zero, see above
-                for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i <= p; ++i)
-                {
-                    aMatN[c][i] /= fDivisor;
-                }
-                aPointsIn[c].first /= fDivisor;
-                aPointsIn[c].second /= fDivisor;
-                // eliminate forward, examine row c+1 to n-1 (worst case)
-                // stop if first non-zero element in row has an higher column 
as c
-                // look at nShift for that, elements in nShift are equal or 
-                for ( r = c+1; r < n && aShift[r]<=c ; ++r)
-                {
-                    fEliminate = aMatN[r][0];
-                    if (fEliminate != 0.0) // else accidentally zero, nothing 
to do
-                    {
-                        for (sal_uInt32 i = 1; i <= p; ++i)
-                        {
-                            aMatN[r][i-1] = aMatN[r][i] - fEliminate * 
-                        }
-                        aMatN[r][p]=0;
-                        aPointsIn[r].first -= fEliminate * aPointsIn[c].first;
-                        aPointsIn[r].second -= fEliminate * 
-                        ++aShift[r];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }// upper triangle form is reached
-        if( bIsSuccessful)
-        {
-            // eliminate backwards, begin with last column
-            for (lcl_tSizeType cc = n; cc >= 1; --cc )
-            {
-                // In row cc the diagonal element(cc,cc) == 1 and all elements 
left from
-                // diagonal are zero and do not influence other rows.
-                // Full matrix N has semibandwidth < p, therefore element(r,c) 
-                // zero, if abs(r-cc)>=p.  abs(r-cc)=cc-r, because r<cc.
-                r = cc - 1;
-                while ( r !=0 && cc-r < p )
-                {
-                    fEliminate = aMatN[r][ cc - aShift[r] ];
-                    if ( fEliminate != 0.0) // else element is accidentally 
zero, no action needed
-                    {
-                        // row r -= fEliminate * row cc only relevant for 
right side
-                        aMatN[r][cc - aShift[r]] = 0.0;
-                        aPointsIn[r].first -= fEliminate * aPointsIn[cc].first;
-                        aPointsIn[r].second -= fEliminate * 
-                    }
-                    --r;
-                }
-            }
-            // aPointsIn contains the control points now.
-            // calculate the intermediate points according given resolution
-            // using deBoor-Cox algorithm
-            lcl_tSizeType nNewSize = nResolution * n + 1;
-            pSequenceX[nOuter].realloc(nNewSize);
-            pSequenceY[nOuter].realloc(nNewSize);
-            pSequenceZ[nOuter].realloc(nNewSize);
-            double* pNewX = pSequenceX[nOuter].getArray();
-            double* pNewY = pSequenceY[nOuter].getArray();
-            double* pNewZ = pSequenceZ[nOuter].getArray();
-            pNewX[0] = aPointsIn[0].first;
-            pNewY[0] = aPointsIn[0].second;
-            pNewZ[0] = fZCoordinate; // Precondition: z-coordinates of all 
points of a series are equal
-            pNewX[nNewSize -1 ] = aPointsIn[n].first;
-            pNewY[nNewSize -1 ] = aPointsIn[n].second;
-            pNewZ[nNewSize -1 ] = fZCoordinate;
-            std::unique_ptr<double[]> aP(new double[m+1]);
-            lcl_tSizeType nLow = 0;
-            for ( lcl_tSizeType nTIndex = 0; nTIndex <= n-1; ++nTIndex)
-            {
-                for (sal_uInt32 nResolutionStep = 1;
-                     nResolutionStep <= nResolution && ( nTIndex != n-1 || 
nResolutionStep != nResolution);
-                     ++nResolutionStep)
-                {
-                    lcl_tSizeType nNewIndex = nTIndex * nResolution + 
-                    double ux = t[nTIndex] + nResolutionStep * ( t[nTIndex+1] 
- t[nTIndex]) /nResolution;
-                    // get index nLow, so that u[nLow]<= ux < u[nLow +1]
-                    // continue from previous nLow
-                    while ( u[nLow] <= ux)
-                    {
-                        ++nLow;
-                    }
-                    --nLow;
-                    // x-coordinate
-                    for (lcl_tSizeType i = nLow-p; i <= nLow; ++i)
-                    {
-                        aP[i] = aPointsIn[i].first;
-                    }
-                    for (sal_uInt32 lcl_Degree = 1; lcl_Degree <= p; 
-                    {
-                        for (lcl_tSizeType i = nLow; i >= nLow + lcl_Degree - 
p; --i)
-                        {
-                            double fFactor = ( ux - u[i] ) / ( 
u[i+p+1-lcl_Degree] - u[i]);
-                            aP[i] = (1 - fFactor)* aP[i-1] + fFactor * aP[i];
-                        }
-                    }
-                    pNewX[nNewIndex] = aP[nLow];
-                    // y-coordinate
-                    for (lcl_tSizeType i = nLow - p; i <= nLow; ++i)
-                    {
-                        aP[i] = aPointsIn[i].second;
-                    }
-                    for (sal_uInt32 lcl_Degree = 1; lcl_Degree <= p; 
-                    {
-                        for (lcl_tSizeType i = nLow; i >= nLow +lcl_Degree - 
p; --i)
-                        {
-                            double fFactor = ( ux - u[i] ) / ( 
u[i+p+1-lcl_Degree] - u[i]);
-                            aP[i] = (1 - fFactor)* aP[i-1] + fFactor * aP[i];
-                        }
-                    }
-                    pNewY[nNewIndex] = aP[nLow];
-                    pNewZ[nNewIndex] = fZCoordinate;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        for (lcl_tSizeType row = 0; row <=n; ++row)
-        {
-            delete[] aMatN[row];
-        }
-    } // next piece of the series
 void SplineCalculater::CalculateBSplines(
             const std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rInput
             , std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rResult
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/charttypes/Splines.hxx 
index 3cd36131550e..b83c13931b47 100644
--- a/chart2/source/view/charttypes/Splines.hxx
+++ b/chart2/source/view/charttypes/Splines.hxx
@@ -31,20 +31,11 @@ namespace chart
 class SplineCalculater
-    static void CalculateCubicSplines(
-            const css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPoints
-            , css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rResult
-            , sal_uInt32 nGranularity );
     static void CalculateCubicSplines(
             const std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rPoints
             , std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rResult
             , sal_uInt32 nGranularity );
-    static void CalculateBSplines(
-            const css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPoints
-            , css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rResult
-            , sal_uInt32 nGranularity
-            , sal_uInt32 nSplineDepth );
     static void CalculateBSplines(
             const std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rPoints
             , std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rResult
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/inc/PropertyMapper.hxx 
index 897876128429..652a6a05131c 100644
--- a/chart2/source/view/inc/PropertyMapper.hxx
+++ b/chart2/source/view/inc/PropertyMapper.hxx
@@ -89,11 +89,6 @@ public:
                          , const tNameSequence& rPropNames
                          , bool bLimitedHeight );
-    static void setMultiProperties(
-                  const tNameSequence& rNames
-                , const tAnySequence&  rValues
-                , const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySet >& 
xTarget );
     static void setMultiProperties(
                   const tNameSequence& rNames
                 , const tAnySequence&  rValues
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/inc/ShapeFactory.hxx 
index e8ff694f32cc..c9e7aab8384a 100644
--- a/chart2/source/view/inc/ShapeFactory.hxx
+++ b/chart2/source/view/inc/ShapeFactory.hxx
@@ -69,16 +69,9 @@ enum SymbolEnum { Symbol_Square=0
 class ShapeFactory
-    css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory>   m_xShapeFactory;
-    ShapeFactory(css::uno::Reference< css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory> const & 
-        {m_xShapeFactory = xFactory;}
     enum class StackPosition { Top, Bottom };
-    static ShapeFactory* getOrCreateShapeFactory(const css::uno::Reference< 
css::lang::XMultiServiceFactory>& xFactory);
     ShapeFactory() = delete;
     static rtl::Reference< SvxShapeGroup >
@@ -150,19 +143,11 @@ public:
                     , short nRotatedTexture = 0 //0 to 7 are the different 
                     , bool bFlatNormals=true );
-    static rtl::Reference<Svx3DExtrudeObject>
-        createArea3D( const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeGroupAnyD>& xTarget
-                    , const css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPolyPolygon
-                    , double fDepth);
     static rtl::Reference<Svx3DExtrudeObject>
         createArea3D( const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeGroupAnyD>& xTarget
                     , const 
std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rPolyPolygon
                     , double fDepth);
-    static SdrPathObj*
-        createArea2D( const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeGroupAnyD>& xTarget
-                    , const css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPolyPolygon
-                    , bool bSetZOrderToZero = true);
     static SdrPathObj*
         createArea2D( const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeGroupAnyD>& xTarget
                     , const 
std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rPolyPolygon
@@ -273,7 +258,6 @@ public:
     static OUString getStackedString( const OUString& rString, bool bStacked );
-    static bool hasPolygonAnyLines( css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPoly );
     static bool hasPolygonAnyLines( const 
std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rPoly );
     static bool isPolygonEmptyOrSinglePoint( css::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& 
rPoly );
     static bool isPolygonEmptyOrSinglePoint( const 
std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rPoly );
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/main/PropertyMapper.cxx 
index c8edc21aa852..3003ca9ccfe9 100644
--- a/chart2/source/view/main/PropertyMapper.cxx
+++ b/chart2/source/view/main/PropertyMapper.cxx
@@ -616,56 +616,6 @@ void PropertyMapper::setMultiProperties(
-void PropertyMapper::setMultiProperties(
-                  const tNameSequence& rNames
-                , const tAnySequence&  rValues
-                , const css::uno::Reference<
-                  css::beans::XPropertySet >& xTarget )
-    bool bSuccess = false;
-    try
-    {
-        uno::Reference< beans::XMultiPropertySet > xShapeMultiProp( xTarget, 
uno::UNO_QUERY );
-        if( )
-        {
-            xShapeMultiProp->setPropertyValues( rNames, rValues );
-            bSuccess = true;
-        }
-    }
-    catch( const uno::Exception& )
-    {
-        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("chart2", "" ); //if this occurs more often think 
of removing the XMultiPropertySet completely for better performance
-    }
-    if(bSuccess)
-        return;
-    try
-    {
-        sal_Int32 nCount = std::max( rNames.getLength(), rValues.getLength() );
-        OUString aPropName;
-        uno::Any aValue;
-        for( sal_Int32 nN = 0; nN < nCount; nN++ )
-        {
-            aPropName = rNames[nN];
-            aValue = rValues[nN];
-            try
-            {
-                xTarget->setPropertyValue( aPropName, aValue );
-            }
-            catch( const uno::Exception& )
-            {
-                TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("chart2", "" );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    catch( const uno::Exception& )
-    {
-        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("chart2", "" );
-    }
 void PropertyMapper::getTextLabelMultiPropertyLists(
     const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >& xSourceProp
     , tNameSequence& rPropNames, tAnySequence& rPropValues
diff --git a/chart2/source/view/main/ShapeFactory.cxx 
index 92167165ba14..65edbda37094 100644
--- a/chart2/source/view/main/ShapeFactory.cxx
+++ b/chart2/source/view/main/ShapeFactory.cxx
@@ -1056,59 +1056,6 @@ rtl::Reference<Svx3DPolygonObject>
     return xShape;
-        ShapeFactory::createArea3D( const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeGroupAnyD>& 
-                    , const drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPolyPolygon
-                    , double fDepth )
-    if( ! )
-        return nullptr;
-    if( !rPolyPolygon.SequenceX.hasElements())
-        return nullptr;
-    //create shape
-    rtl::Reference<Svx3DExtrudeObject> xShape = new 
-    xShape->setShapeKind(SdrObjKind::E3D_Extrusion);
-    xTarget->add(xShape);
-    //set properties
-    try
-    {
-        uno::Sequence<OUString> aPropertyNames{
-            UNO_NAME_3D_DOUBLE_SIDED,
-        };
-        uno::Sequence<uno::Any> aPropertyValues {
-            uno::Any(sal_Int32(fDepth)), // depth
-            uno::Any(sal_Int16(0)),      // PercentDiagonal
-            uno::Any(rPolyPolygon),      // Polygon
-            uno::Any(true)               // DoubleSided
-        };
-        //the z component of the polygon is now ignored by the drawing layer,
-        //so we need to translate the object via transformation matrix
-        //Matrix for position
-        if (rPolyPolygon.SequenceZ.hasElements()&& 
-        {
-            basegfx::B3DHomMatrix aM;
-            aM.translate(0, 0, rPolyPolygon.SequenceZ[0][0]);
-            drawing::HomogenMatrix aHM = B3DHomMatrixToHomogenMatrix(aM);
-            lcl_addProperty(aPropertyNames, aPropertyValues, 
-        }
-        xShape->setPropertyValues(aPropertyNames, aPropertyValues);
-    }
-    catch( const uno::Exception& )
-    {
-        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("chart2", "" );
-    }
-    return xShape;
         ShapeFactory::createArea3D( const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeGroupAnyD>& 
                     , const 
std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rPolyPolygon
@@ -1164,38 +1111,6 @@ rtl::Reference<Svx3DExtrudeObject>
     return xShape;
-        ShapeFactory::createArea2D( const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeGroupAnyD>& 
-                    , const drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPolyPolygon
-                    , bool bSetZOrderToZero )
-    if( ! )
-        return nullptr;
-    //create shape
-    SdrPathObj* pPath = new 
-    if (bSetZOrderToZero)
-        // insert at ZOrder 0, an area should always be behind other shapes
-        xTarget->GetSdrObject()->GetSubList()->InsertObject(pPath, 0);
-    else
-        xTarget->GetSdrObject()->GetSubList()->InsertObject(pPath);
-    //set properties
-    try
-    {
-        // Polygon
-        basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon aNewPolyPolygon( 
PolyToB2DPolyPolygon(rPolyPolygon) );
-        // tdf#117145 metric of SdrModel is app-specific, metric of UNO API is 
-        pPath->ForceMetricToItemPoolMetric(aNewPolyPolygon);
-        pPath->SetPathPoly(aNewPolyPolygon);
-    }
-    catch( const uno::Exception& )
-    {
-        TOOLS_WARN_EXCEPTION("chart2", "" );
-    }
-    return pPath;
         ShapeFactory::createArea2D( const rtl::Reference<SvxShapeGroupAnyD>& 
                     , const 
std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rPolyPolygon
@@ -2516,12 +2431,6 @@ rtl::Reference<SvxShapeText>
     return xShape;
-ShapeFactory* ShapeFactory::getOrCreateShapeFactory(const uno::Reference< 
lang::XMultiServiceFactory>& xFactory)
-    static ShapeFactory* pShapeFactory = new ShapeFactory(xFactory);
-    return pShapeFactory;
 rtl::Reference<SvxShapeGroupAnyD> ShapeFactory::getChartRootShape(
     const rtl::Reference<SvxDrawPage>& xDrawPage )
@@ -2638,15 +2547,6 @@ OUString ShapeFactory::getStackedString( const OUString& 
rString, bool bStacked
     return aStackStr.makeStringAndClear();
-bool ShapeFactory::hasPolygonAnyLines( drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPoly)
-    // #i67757# check all contained polygons, if at least one polygon contains 
2 or more points, return true
-    for( auto const & i : std::as_const(rPoly.SequenceX) )
-        if( i.getLength() > 1 )
-            return true;
-    return false;
 bool ShapeFactory::hasPolygonAnyLines( const 
std::vector<std::vector<css::drawing::Position3D>>& rPoly)
     // #i67757# check all contained polygons, if at least one polygon contains 
2 or more points, return true

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