comphelper/      |    2 
 comphelper/source/misc/anycompare.cxx |  295 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 246 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit ba252c51f5b49314d8a8e5f9594aedb81f358b2b
Author:     Luboš Luňák <>
AuthorDate: Thu Jan 6 13:57:57 2022 +0100
Commit:     Luboš Luňák <>
CommitDate: Sun Jan 9 15:42:50 2022 +0100

    make anyLess() work also for compound types such as sequences
    The previous implementation used the specific predicates, which
    are not recursive. And since that'd require constructing Any
    instances, which copies, which would be slow, write new code
    based on anyToString() instead.
    Change-Id: I439f81d4b1efbd46c10d50d0725a5f6f40968b12
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Luboš Luňák <>

diff --git a/comphelper/ b/comphelper/
index 20067b14b4ce..9da69fca91a8 100644
--- a/comphelper/
+++ b/comphelper/
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,comphelper,\
     comphelper/source/misc/accessiblewrapper \
     comphelper/source/misc/accimplaccess \
     comphelper/source/misc/AccessibleImplementationHelper \
+    comphelper/source/misc/anycompare \
     comphelper/source/misc/anytostring \
     comphelper/source/misc/asyncnotification \
     comphelper/source/misc/asyncquithandler \
@@ -126,7 +127,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,comphelper,\
     comphelper/source/misc/simplefileaccessinteraction \
     comphelper/source/misc/solarmutex \
     comphelper/source/misc/stillreadwriteinteraction \
-    comphelper/source/misc/anycompare \
     comphelper/source/misc/storagehelper \
     comphelper/source/misc/string \
     comphelper/source/misc/synchronousdispatch \
diff --git a/comphelper/source/misc/anycompare.cxx 
index d802024e7502..68cd6dc0f9d2 100644
--- a/comphelper/source/misc/anycompare.cxx
+++ b/comphelper/source/misc/anycompare.cxx
@@ -18,7 +18,9 @@
 #include <memory>
+#include <optional>
 #include <comphelper/anycompare.hxx>
+#include <typelib/typedescription.hxx>
 #include <com/sun/star/util/Date.hpp>
 #include <com/sun/star/util/Time.hpp>
@@ -160,8 +162,250 @@ namespace comphelper
+    bool anyLess( void const * lhs, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * lhsType,
+                  void const * rhs, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * rhsType 
+    // For compound types we need to compare them member by member until we've
+    // checked them all or found a member that differs. For inequality checks
+    // we need to call anyLess() twice in both directions, this function does 
+    std::optional<bool> anyCompare( void const * lhs, 
typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * lhsType,
+              void const * rhs, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * rhsType )
+    {
+        if( anyLess( lhs, lhsType, rhs, rhsType ))
+            return std::optional( true );
+        if( anyLess( rhs, rhsType, lhs, lhsType ))
+            return std::optional( false );
+        return std::nullopt; // equal, so can't yet tell if anyLess() should 
+    }
+    using com::sun::star::uno::TypeDescription;
+    // This is like com::sun::star::uno::TypeDescription, but it uses 
+    // (which the code used originally, but it's easier to have a class to 
handle ownership).
+    class TypeDescriptionRef
+    {
+    public:
+        TypeDescriptionRef( typelib_TypeDescriptionReference* typeDef )
+        {
+            TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( &typeDescr, typeDef );
+        }
+        ~TypeDescriptionRef()
+        {
+            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( typeDescr );
+        }
+        typelib_TypeDescription* get()
+        {
+            return typeDescr;
+        }
+        typelib_TypeDescription* operator->()
+        {
+            return typeDescr;
+        }
+        bool is()
+        {
+            return typeDescr != nullptr;
+        }
+        bool equals( const TypeDescriptionRef& other ) const
+        {
+            return typeDescr && other.typeDescr && 
typelib_typedescription_equals( typeDescr, other.typeDescr );
+        }
+    private:
+        typelib_TypeDescription* typeDescr = nullptr;
+    };
+    // This is typelib_typedescription_equals(), but returns -1/0/1 values 
like strcmp().
+    int compareTypes( const typelib_TypeDescription * lhsType,
+                      const typelib_TypeDescription * rhsType )
+    {
+        if( lhsType == rhsType )
+            return 0;
+        if( lhsType->eTypeClass != rhsType->eTypeClass )
+            return lhsType->eTypeClass - rhsType->eTypeClass;
+        if( lhsType->pTypeName->length != rhsType->pTypeName->length )
+            return lhsType->pTypeName->length - rhsType->pTypeName->length;
+        return rtl_ustr_compare( lhsType->pTypeName->buffer, 
rhsType->pTypeName->buffer );
+    bool anyLess( void const * lhs, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * lhsType,
+                  void const * rhs, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * rhsType 
+    {
+        if (lhsType->eTypeClass != rhsType->eTypeClass)
+            return lhsType->eTypeClass < rhsType->eTypeClass;
+        if (lhsType->eTypeClass == typelib_TypeClass_VOID) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        assert(lhs != nullptr);
+        assert(rhs != nullptr);
+        switch (lhsType->eTypeClass) {
+        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE:
+            return lhs < rhs;
+        case typelib_TypeClass_STRUCT:
+        case typelib_TypeClass_EXCEPTION: {
+            TypeDescription lhsTypeDescr( lhsType );
+            if (!
+                lhsTypeDescr.makeComplete();
+            if (!
+                throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException("bad ordering", 
css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XInterface>(), -1);
+            TypeDescription rhsTypeDescr( rhsType );
+            if (!
+                rhsTypeDescr.makeComplete();
+            if (!
+                throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException("bad ordering", 
css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XInterface>(), -1);
+            int compare = compareTypes( lhsTypeDescr.get(), 
+            if( compare != 0 )
+                return compare < 0;
+            typelib_CompoundTypeDescription * compType =
+                reinterpret_cast< typelib_CompoundTypeDescription * >(
+                    lhsTypeDescr.get() );
+            sal_Int32 nDescr = compType->nMembers;
+            if (compType->pBaseTypeDescription) {
+                std::optional<bool> subLess = anyCompare(
+                    lhs, reinterpret_cast<
+                    typelib_TypeDescription * >(
+                        compType->pBaseTypeDescription)->pWeakRef,
+                    rhs, reinterpret_cast<
+                    typelib_TypeDescription * >(
+                        compType->pBaseTypeDescription)->pWeakRef);
+                if(subLess.has_value())
+                    return *subLess;
+            }
+            typelib_TypeDescriptionReference ** ppTypeRefs =
+                compType->ppTypeRefs;
+            sal_Int32 * memberOffsets = compType->pMemberOffsets;
+            for ( sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < nDescr; ++nPos )
+            {
+                TypeDescriptionRef memberType( ppTypeRefs[ nPos ] );
+                if (!
+                    throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException("bad ordering", 
css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XInterface>(), -1);
+                std::optional<bool> subLess = anyCompare(
+                     static_cast< char const * >(
+                         lhs ) + memberOffsets[ nPos ],
+                     memberType->pWeakRef,
+                     static_cast< char const * >(
+                         rhs ) + memberOffsets[ nPos ],
+                     memberType->pWeakRef);
+                if(subLess.has_value())
+                    return *subLess;
+            }
+            return false; // equal
+        }
+        case typelib_TypeClass_SEQUENCE: {
+            uno_Sequence * lhsSeq = *static_cast< uno_Sequence * const * 
+            uno_Sequence * rhsSeq = *static_cast< uno_Sequence * const * 
+            if( lhsSeq->nElements != rhsSeq->nElements)
+                return lhsSeq->nElements < rhsSeq->nElements;
+            sal_Int32 nElements = lhsSeq->nElements;
+            TypeDescriptionRef lhsTypeDescr( lhsType );
+            if (!
+                throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException("bad ordering", 
css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XInterface>(), -1);
+            TypeDescriptionRef rhsTypeDescr( rhsType );
+            if (!
+                throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException("bad ordering", 
css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XInterface>(), -1);
+            int compare = compareTypes( lhsTypeDescr.get(), 
+            if( compare != 0 )
+                return compare < 0;
+            typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * elementTypeRef =
+                reinterpret_cast< typelib_IndirectTypeDescription * 
+            TypeDescriptionRef elementTypeDescr( elementTypeRef );
+            if (!
+                throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException("bad ordering", 
css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XInterface>(), -1);
+            assert( elementTypeDescr.equals( TypeDescriptionRef(
+                        reinterpret_cast< typelib_IndirectTypeDescription * 
>(lhsTypeDescr.get())->pType )));
+            sal_Int32 nElementSize = elementTypeDescr->nSize;
+            if (nElements > 0)
+            {
+                char const * lhsElements = lhsSeq->elements;
+                char const * rhsElements = rhsSeq->elements;
+                for ( sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < nElements; ++nPos )
+                {
+                    std::optional<bool> subLess = anyCompare(
+                        lhsElements + (nElementSize * nPos),
+                        elementTypeDescr->pWeakRef,
+                        rhsElements + (nElementSize * nPos),
+                        elementTypeDescr->pWeakRef );
+                    if(subLess.has_value())
+                        return *subLess;
+                }
+            }
+            return false; // equal
+        }
+        case typelib_TypeClass_ANY: {
+            uno_Any const * lhsAny = static_cast< uno_Any const * >(lhs);
+            uno_Any const * rhsAny = static_cast< uno_Any const * >(rhs);
+            return anyLess( lhsAny->pData, lhsAny->pType, rhsAny->pData, 
rhsAny->pType );
+        }
+        case typelib_TypeClass_TYPE: {
+            OUString const & lhsTypeName = OUString::unacquired(
+                &(*static_cast< typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * const * 
+            OUString const & rhsTypeName = OUString::unacquired(
+                &(*static_cast< typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * const * 
+            return lhsTypeName < rhsTypeName;
+        }
+        case typelib_TypeClass_STRING: {
+            OUString const & lhsStr = OUString::unacquired(
+                static_cast< rtl_uString * const * >(lhs) );
+            OUString const & rhsStr = OUString::unacquired(
+                static_cast< rtl_uString * const * >(rhs) );
+            return lhsStr < rhsStr;
+        }
+        case typelib_TypeClass_ENUM: {
+            TypeDescription lhsTypeDescr( lhsType );
+            if (!
+                lhsTypeDescr.makeComplete();
+            if (!
+                throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException("bad ordering", 
css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XInterface>(), -1);
+            TypeDescription rhsTypeDescr( rhsType );
+            if (!
+                rhsTypeDescr.makeComplete();
+            if (!
+                throw css::lang::IllegalArgumentException("bad ordering", 
css::uno::Reference<css::uno::XInterface>(), -1);
+            int compare = compareTypes( lhsTypeDescr.get(), 
+            if( compare != 0 )
+                return compare < 0;
+            return *static_cast< int const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< int const 
* >(rhs);
+        }
+        case typelib_TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
+            return *static_cast< sal_Bool const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< 
sal_Bool const * >(rhs);
+        case typelib_TypeClass_CHAR:
+            return *static_cast< sal_Unicode const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< 
sal_Unicode const * >(rhs);
+        case typelib_TypeClass_FLOAT:
+            return *static_cast< float const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< float 
const * >(rhs);
+        case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
+            return *static_cast< double const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< double 
const * >(rhs);
+        case typelib_TypeClass_BYTE:
+            return *static_cast< sal_Int8 const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< 
sal_Int8 const * >(rhs);
+        case typelib_TypeClass_SHORT:
+            return *static_cast< sal_Int16 const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< 
sal_Int16 const * >(rhs);
+        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
+            return *static_cast< sal_uInt16 const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< 
sal_uInt16 const * >(rhs);
+        case typelib_TypeClass_LONG:
+            return *static_cast< sal_Int32 const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< 
sal_Int32 const * >(rhs);
+        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:
+            return *static_cast< sal_uInt32 const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< 
sal_uInt32 const * >(rhs);
+        case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
+            return *static_cast< sal_Int64 const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< 
sal_Int64 const * >(rhs);
+        case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
+            return *static_cast< sal_uInt64 const * >(lhs) < *static_cast< 
sal_uInt64 const * >(rhs);
+    //     case typelib_TypeClass_UNKNOWN:
+    //     case typelib_TypeClass_SERVICE:
+    //     case typelib_TypeClass_MODULE:
+        default:
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    } // namespace
     std::unique_ptr< IKeyPredicateLess > getStandardLessPredicate( Type const 
& i_type, Reference< XCollator > const & i_collator )
         std::unique_ptr< IKeyPredicateLess > pComparator;
@@ -231,56 +475,7 @@ namespace comphelper
     bool anyLess( css::uno::Any const & lhs, css::uno::Any const & rhs)
-        auto lhsTypeClass = lhs.getValueType().getTypeClass();
-        auto rhsTypeClass = rhs.getValueType().getTypeClass();
-        if (lhsTypeClass != rhsTypeClass)
-            return lhsTypeClass < rhsTypeClass;
-        switch ( lhsTypeClass )
-        {
-        case TypeClass_CHAR:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< sal_Unicode >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_BOOLEAN:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< bool >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_BYTE:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< sal_Int8 >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_SHORT:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< sal_Int16 >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< sal_uInt16 >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_LONG:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< sal_Int32 >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< sal_uInt32 >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_HYPER:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< sal_Int64 >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< sal_uInt64 >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_FLOAT:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< float >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-            return ScalarPredicateLess< double >().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_STRING:
-            return StringPredicateLess().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_TYPE:
-            return TypePredicateLess().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_ENUM:
-            return EnumPredicateLess( lhs.getValueType() ).isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_INTERFACE:
-            return InterfacePredicateLess().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-        case TypeClass_STRUCT:
-            if ( lhs.getValueType().equals( ::cppu::UnoType< Date >::get() ) )
-                return DatePredicateLess().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-            else if ( lhs.getValueType().equals( ::cppu::UnoType< Time 
>::get() ) )
-                return TimePredicateLess().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-            else if ( lhs.getValueType().equals( ::cppu::UnoType< DateTime 
>::get() ) )
-                return DateTimePredicateLess().isLess(lhs, rhs);
-            break;
-        default: ;
-        }
-        // type==VOID
-        return false;
+        return anyLess( lhs.getValue(), lhs.getValueTypeRef(), rhs.getValue(), 
 } // namespace comphelper

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