> Ah, yes. With a current Xcode 4.3, the automake and autoconf tools are
> no longer included, sigh, not even when you add the "command-line
> tools" (or whatever they are called, don't recall exactly). (aclocal
> is part of the automake package.)
> You need to download tarballs for some recent version of automake and
> autoconf, configure and install them somewhere, like /usr/local. A bit
> of bother, yes. I wonder if we should start including a pre-autogened
> configure script somewhere in the git tree.
I've done this and that problem is solved. However, I can't seem to resolve
a problem building the nss module. There are also errors in jurt, ucbhelper
and pango. I've tried cleaning and building each of these but they won't
build. There's <http://pastebin.ca/2152150> a paste bin for the error log.
I've tried disabling nss but the option is unrecognised.

In other news, I've been more productive on the android UI front.


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