solenv/gbuild/      |   26 ++++++++++++++++++++++----
 solenv/gbuild/ |    4 ++++
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit ecc50f56b3282ec3b0364101d860f22fe8da9042
Author:     Jan-Marek Glogowski <>
AuthorDate: Tue Dec 21 04:36:55 2021 +0100
Commit:     Jan-Marek Glogowski <>
CommitDate: Fri Dec 24 02:17:37 2021 +0100

    gbuild: set library dependency for static builds
    For DISABLE_DYNLOADING builds, all libraries become real and not
    export-only dependencies. And all real linking targets need a
    dependency on all static libraries.
    Change-Id: I8433a0225d428951739f7afa3068a61dce9e61eb
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Jan-Marek Glogowski <>

diff --git a/solenv/gbuild/ b/solenv/gbuild/
index 57b9a40d7560..12c4dec988fa 100644
--- a/solenv/gbuild/
+++ b/solenv/gbuild/
@@ -1197,6 +1197,11 @@ define gb_PrintDeps_info
 $(info LibraryDep: $(1) links against $(2))
+# returns $(true), if the target class really calls a linker.
+# call gb_LinkTarget_does_real_link,linktarget
+gb_LinkTarget_does_real_link = $(if $(filter Executable CppunitTest $(if 
+    $(call gb_LinkTarget__get_workdir_linktargetclass,$(1))),$(true))
 # avoid problem when a module is built partially but other modules that define
 # needed libraries is not yet built: prevent invocation of pattern rule
 # for library with invalid parameters by depending on the header target
@@ -1218,12 +1223,21 @@ endif
 $(call gb_LinkTarget_get_target,$(1)) : LINKED_LIBS += $(3)
 # depend on the exports of the library, not on the library itself
-# for faster incremental builds when the ABI is unchanged
+# for faster incremental builds when the ABI is unchanged.
+# export files are created from the library, so this also ensures the library 
 $(call gb_LinkTarget_get_target,$(1)) : \
        $(foreach lib,$(3),$(call gb_Library_get_exports_target,$(lib)))
+# depend on the now-static libraries themself, but only if the target actually 
links to it
+ifneq (,$(call gb_LinkTarget_does_real_link,$(1)))
+$(foreach lib,$(3),$(if $(filter $(lib),$(gb_Library_KNOWNLIBS)), \
+    $(eval $(call gb_LinkTarget_get_target,$(1)) : $(call 
gb_Library_get_target,$(lib))) \
 $(call gb_LinkTarget_get_headers_target,$(1)) : \
        $(foreach lib,$(2),$(call gb_Library_get_headers_target,$(lib)))
@@ -1311,8 +1325,12 @@ $(if $(call gb_LinkTarget__is_merged,$(1)),\
        $(call gb_LinkTarget_get_target,$(call 
gb_Library_get_linktarget,merged)) : \
                LINKED_STATIC_LIBS += $$(if $$(filter-out 
-$(call gb_LinkTarget_get_target,$(1)) : $(foreach lib,$(2),$(call 
+# depend on the static libraries, but only if the target actually links to it
+ifneq (,$(call gb_LinkTarget_does_real_link,$(1)))
+# make has a size limit for the prerequisites string, which will be exceeded 
for some larger static links,
+# like soffice.bin, but there seems to be no limit for makefile lines...
+$(foreach lib,$(2), \
+    $$(eval $(call gb_LinkTarget_get_target,$(1)): $(call 
 $(call gb_LinkTarget_get_headers_target,$(1)) : \
        $(foreach lib,$(2),$(call gb_StaticLibrary_get_headers_target,$(lib)))
diff --git a/solenv/gbuild/ b/solenv/gbuild/
index 24e1210b2563..d2bbfe0cdfb2 100644
--- a/solenv/gbuild/
+++ b/solenv/gbuild/
@@ -114,7 +114,11 @@ gb_JunitTest_get_classsetname = JunitTest/$(1)
 gb_JunitTest_get_target = $(WORKDIR)/JunitTest/$(1)/done
 gb_JunitTest_get_userdir = $(WORKDIR)/JunitTest/$(1)/user
 gb_PythonTest_get_target = $(WORKDIR)/PythonTest/$(1)/done
+# linktarget = class/object<>some_optional_target, like 
+# while the target is optional, the workdir functions will always work 
 gb_LinkTarget__get_workdir_linktargetname = $(firstword $(subst <>,  ,$(1)))
+gb_LinkTarget__get_workdir_linktargetclass =  $(firstword $(subst /,  ,$(call 
+gb_LinkTarget__get_workdir_linktargetobject = $(lastword $(subst /,  ,$(call 
 gb_LinkTarget_get_headers_target = \
  $(WORKDIR)/Headers/$(call gb_LinkTarget__get_workdir_linktargetname,$(1))
 gb_LinkTarget_get_objects_list = \

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