On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 12:37:48PM +0100, Michael Meeks wrote: > Hi Tor, > > Thanks for the nice summary :-) > > On Thu, 2012-05-17 at 12:22 +0300, Tor Lillqvist wrote: > > libraries into fewer. There is an option for that already, > > --enable-mergelibs, that merges quite a large number of them into one, > > libmergedlo.so. This works only for libraries in gbuildified modules, > > built in tail_build. > ... > > Anyway, this indeed has helped a lot. But not enough. I am not sure if > > the number of libraries merged this way can be easily increased much > > at this stage of gbuildification. > > IIRC the gbuild-ification work is continuing apace, and my hope was > that the two davids, matus & others' work on the large number of > gbuild_* git branches would get merged - and unblock tail_build so that > it can incorporate many more of the libraries that are already > gnu-makeized which in turn would help us getting much more into > libmerged ... > > That at least is my hope: David ? what's the plan there :-) hopefully > that good stuff is all going in somewhat before the 3.6 feature-freeze ?
Right. What I have finished converting is connectivity & reportbuilder (on feature/gbuild_conversions, based on Peter's work), shell (feature/gbuild_shell) and scp2 (feature/gbuild_scp2; finished, but not announced yet, because I am working on a script for comparing the install scripts produced by the old and new build). I plan to merge all three of them before the feature freeze. I do not think I will manage to convert anything else in the remaining three weeks. David Ostrovsky is currently working on testtools, but I am not sure it will be ready in time for 3.6. All these modules are candidates for adding into tail_build (adding of connectivity immediately allows adding of other modules: svl, sot, unixODBC). And I think there will be a couple of other candidates after these three branches are all merged into master. I must admit I do not know much about that "merged libs" stuff, because running libreoffice on android and similar devices is outside of my interest, so I cannot tell if these additions to tail_build are going to help Tor or not... D. _______________________________________________ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice