Hi Eike,

>Heh, sorry for having taken away the work from you :-)
>I'll keep that in mind for next time.


>I thought I'd get that algorithm solved because I quite know the date
>calculation area and the quirks that may be lurking there.

Your quite right, of course.

>Usually for spreadsheet functions we strive for Excel interoperability.
>(Actually they implemented this function because Lotus 1-2-3 had it the
>same way, anyway...)  If we allowed reversed date arguments, importing
>a document in Excel would give different results, errors in this case.
>The ODFF definition lacks a constraint that date1 must be <= date2,
>seems we didn't think of that back then, I'll submit a comment. Also
>Gnumeric implemented it the same.

My experience with datedif(f) is more with SQL and the like, but your reasoning 
is very sound.

>I'd rather stick with the current implementation for the above reasons.

Quite right, again :)

>> And a big thank you for all your corrections/inprovements!
>> I hope to be able to send in more formula based patches, I like this area:)
>Great! I'm looking forward. Do you have already an idea what you'll pick

I did do a prelimary search of formula-related bugs, but didn't have time yet 
to look more closely at them.
I prefer the formula coding/behaviour itself more than UI. Perhaps you have 
suggestions, or wishes?
You have a better notion of priorities, I guess...
I must say, that I will be absent for some days, so don't be alarmed when you 
don't get a respons from me right away.

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