writerfilter/source/dmapper/PropertyMap.cxx |  224 ++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 112 insertions(+), 112 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 2dee7d6205832a1212790ac1ab168a6b6fce686d
Author: Noel Power <noel.po...@novell.com>
Date:   Fri May 11 09:50:31 2012 +0100

    Revert "another partial fix for bnc#693238" ( and fixes fdo#44292 )
    This reverts commit cd1c434c4bd4756fa1355e906cb2e8de4aae0618.
    Change-Id: I I83ae3418438aa02db744e6b6eb5a9c199938c91f

diff --git a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/PropertyMap.cxx 
index 36ddd32..3df48e4 100644
--- a/writerfilter/source/dmapper/PropertyMap.cxx
+++ b/writerfilter/source/dmapper/PropertyMap.cxx
@@ -835,130 +835,130 @@ void SectionPropertyMap::CloseSectionGroup( 
DomainMapper_Impl& rDM_Impl )
         if( m_nColumnCount > 0 && xSection.is())
             ApplyColumnProperties( xSection );
-    //get the properties and create appropriate page styles
-    uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFollowPageStyle = GetPageStyle( 
rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles(), rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory(), false );
-    if( m_nDzaGutter > 0 )
+    else
-        //todo: iGutterPos from DocProperties are missing
-        if( m_bGutterRTL )
-            m_nRightMargin += m_nDzaGutter;
-        else
-            m_nLeftMargin += m_nDzaGutter;
-    }
-    operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_LEFT_MARGIN, false )) =  
uno::makeAny( m_nLeftMargin  );
-    operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_RIGHT_MARGIN, false )) = 
uno::makeAny( m_nRightMargin );
-    /*** if headers/footers are available then the top/bottom margins of the
-        header/footer are copied to the top/bottom margin of the page
-    */
-    CopyLastHeaderFooter( false, rDM_Impl );
-    PrepareHeaderFooterProperties( false );
-    const ::rtl::OUString sTrayIndex = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( 
-    if( m_nPaperBin >= 0 )
-        xFollowPageStyle->setPropertyValue( sTrayIndex, uno::makeAny( 
m_nPaperBin ) );
-    uno::Reference< text::XTextColumns > xColumns;
-    if( m_nColumnCount > 0 )
-        xColumns = ApplyColumnProperties( xFollowPageStyle );
-    //prepare text grid properties
-    sal_Int32 nHeight = 1;
-    PropertyMap::iterator aElement = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEIGHT, 
false ));
-    if( aElement != end())
-        aElement->second >>= nHeight;
-    sal_Int32 nWidth = 1;
-    aElement = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_WIDTH, false ));
-    if( aElement != end())
-        aElement->second >>= nWidth;
-    text::WritingMode eWritingMode = text::WritingMode_LR_TB;
-    aElement = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_WRITING_MODE, false ));
-    if( aElement != end())
-        aElement->second >>= eWritingMode;
-    sal_Int32 nTextAreaHeight = eWritingMode == text::WritingMode_LR_TB ?
-    nHeight - m_nTopMargin - m_nBottomMargin :
-    nWidth - m_nLeftMargin - m_nRightMargin;
-    operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_GRID_LINES, false )) =
-    uno::makeAny( static_cast<sal_Int16>(nTextAreaHeight/m_nGridLinePitch));
+        //get the properties and create appropriate page styles
+        uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFollowPageStyle = GetPageStyle( 
rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles(), rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory(), false );
-    sal_Int32 nCharWidth = 423; //240 twip/ 12 pt
-    //todo: is '0' the right index here?
-    const StyleSheetEntryPtr pEntry = 
-    if( pEntry.get( ) )
-    {
-        PropertyMap::iterator aElement_ = 
pEntry->pProperties->find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT_ASIAN, false ));
-        if( aElement_ != pEntry->pProperties->end())
+        if( m_nDzaGutter > 0 )
-            double fHeight = 0;
-            if( aElement_->second >>= fHeight )
-                nCharWidth = ConversionHelper::convertTwipToMM100( (long)( 
fHeight * 20.0 + 0.5 ));
+            //todo: iGutterPos from DocProperties are missing
+            if( m_bGutterRTL )
+                m_nRightMargin += m_nDzaGutter;
+            else
+                m_nLeftMargin += m_nDzaGutter;
+        }
+        operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_LEFT_MARGIN, false )) =  
uno::makeAny( m_nLeftMargin  );
+        operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_RIGHT_MARGIN, false )) = 
uno::makeAny( m_nRightMargin );
+        /*** if headers/footers are available then the top/bottom margins of 
+            header/footer are copied to the top/bottom margin of the page
+          */
+        CopyLastHeaderFooter( false, rDM_Impl );
+        PrepareHeaderFooterProperties( false );
+        const ::rtl::OUString sTrayIndex = rPropNameSupplier.GetName( 
+        if( m_nPaperBin >= 0 )
+            xFollowPageStyle->setPropertyValue( sTrayIndex, uno::makeAny( 
m_nPaperBin ) );
+        uno::Reference< text::XTextColumns > xColumns;
+        if( m_nColumnCount > 0 )
+            xColumns = ApplyColumnProperties( xFollowPageStyle );
+        //prepare text grid properties
+        sal_Int32 nHeight = 1;
+        PropertyMap::iterator aElement = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_HEIGHT, 
false ));
+        if( aElement != end())
+            aElement->second >>= nHeight;
+        sal_Int32 nWidth = 1;
+        aElement = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_WIDTH, false ));
+        if( aElement != end())
+            aElement->second >>= nWidth;
+        text::WritingMode eWritingMode = text::WritingMode_LR_TB;
+        aElement = find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_WRITING_MODE, false ));
+        if( aElement != end())
+            aElement->second >>= eWritingMode;
+        sal_Int32 nTextAreaHeight = eWritingMode == text::WritingMode_LR_TB ?
+            nHeight - m_nTopMargin - m_nBottomMargin :
+            nWidth - m_nLeftMargin - m_nRightMargin;
+        operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_GRID_LINES, false )) =
+                uno::makeAny( 
+        sal_Int32 nCharWidth = 423; //240 twip/ 12 pt
+        //todo: is '0' the right index here?
+        const StyleSheetEntryPtr pEntry = 
+        if( pEntry.get( ) )
+        {
+            PropertyMap::iterator aElement_ = 
pEntry->pProperties->find(PropertyDefinition( PROP_CHAR_HEIGHT_ASIAN, false ));
+            if( aElement_ != pEntry->pProperties->end())
+            {
+                double fHeight = 0;
+                if( aElement_->second >>= fHeight )
+                    nCharWidth = ConversionHelper::convertTwipToMM100( (long)( 
fHeight * 20.0 + 0.5 ));
+            }
-    }
-    //dxtCharSpace
-    if(m_nDxtCharSpace)
-    {
-        sal_Int32 nCharSpace = m_nDxtCharSpace;
-        //main lives in top 20 bits, and is signed.
-        sal_Int32 nMain = (nCharSpace & 0xFFFFF000);
-        nMain /= 0x1000;
-        nCharWidth += ConversionHelper::convertTwipToMM100( nMain * 20 );
-        sal_Int32 nFraction = (nCharSpace & 0x00000FFF);
-        nFraction = (nFraction * 20)/0xFFF;
-        nCharWidth += ConversionHelper::convertTwipToMM100( nFraction );
-    }
-    operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_GRID_BASE_HEIGHT, false )) = 
uno::makeAny( nCharWidth );
-    sal_Int32 nRubyHeight = m_nGridLinePitch - nCharWidth;
-    if(nRubyHeight < 0 )
-        nRubyHeight = 0;
-    operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_GRID_RUBY_HEIGHT, false )) = 
uno::makeAny( nRubyHeight );
+        //dxtCharSpace
+        if(m_nDxtCharSpace)
+        {
+            sal_Int32 nCharSpace = m_nDxtCharSpace;
+            //main lives in top 20 bits, and is signed.
+            sal_Int32 nMain = (nCharSpace & 0xFFFFF000);
+            nMain /= 0x1000;
+            nCharWidth += ConversionHelper::convertTwipToMM100( nMain * 20 );
+            sal_Int32 nFraction = (nCharSpace & 0x00000FFF);
+            nFraction = (nFraction * 20)/0xFFF;
+            nCharWidth += ConversionHelper::convertTwipToMM100( nFraction );
+        }
+        operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_GRID_BASE_HEIGHT, false )) = 
uno::makeAny( nCharWidth );
+        sal_Int32 nRubyHeight = m_nGridLinePitch - nCharWidth;
+        if(nRubyHeight < 0 )
+            nRubyHeight = 0;
+        operator[]( PropertyDefinition( PROP_GRID_RUBY_HEIGHT, false )) = 
uno::makeAny( nRubyHeight );
-    sal_Int16 nGridMode = text::TextGridMode::NONE;
+        sal_Int16 nGridMode = text::TextGridMode::NONE;
-    switch (m_nGridType)
-    {
-        case NS_ooxml::LN_Value_wordprocessingml_ST_DocGrid_lines:
-            nGridMode = text::TextGridMode::LINES;
-            break;
-        case NS_ooxml::LN_Value_wordprocessingml_ST_DocGrid_linesAndChars:
-            nGridMode = text::TextGridMode::LINES_AND_CHARS;
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
+        switch (m_nGridType)
+        {
+            case NS_ooxml::LN_Value_wordprocessingml_ST_DocGrid_lines:
+                nGridMode = text::TextGridMode::LINES;
+                break;
+            case NS_ooxml::LN_Value_wordprocessingml_ST_DocGrid_linesAndChars:
+                nGridMode = text::TextGridMode::LINES_AND_CHARS;
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
-    operator[](PropertyDefinition(PROP_GRID_MODE, false)) = 
+        operator[](PropertyDefinition(PROP_GRID_MODE, false)) = 
-    _ApplyProperties( xFollowPageStyle );
+        _ApplyProperties( xFollowPageStyle );
-    //todo: creating a "First Page" style depends on HasTitlePage und 
-    if( m_bTitlePage )
-    {
-        CopyLastHeaderFooter( true, rDM_Impl );
-        PrepareHeaderFooterProperties( true );
-        uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFirstPageStyle = GetPageStyle(
-        rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles(), rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory(), true );
-        _ApplyProperties( xFirstPageStyle );
-        sal_Int32 nPaperBin = m_nFirstPaperBin >= 0 ? m_nFirstPaperBin : 
m_nPaperBin >= 0 ? m_nPaperBin : 0;
-        if( nPaperBin )
-            xFollowPageStyle->setPropertyValue( sTrayIndex, uno::makeAny( 
nPaperBin ) );
-        if( xColumns.is() )
-            xFollowPageStyle->setPropertyValue(
-        rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_TEXT_COLUMNS ), uno::makeAny( xColumns 
-    }
+        //todo: creating a "First Page" style depends on HasTitlePage und 
+        if( m_bTitlePage )
+        {
+            CopyLastHeaderFooter( true, rDM_Impl );
+            PrepareHeaderFooterProperties( true );
+            uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFirstPageStyle = 
+                                rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles(), 
rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory(), true );
+            _ApplyProperties( xFirstPageStyle );
+            sal_Int32 nPaperBin = m_nFirstPaperBin >= 0 ? m_nFirstPaperBin : 
m_nPaperBin >= 0 ? m_nPaperBin : 0;
+            if( nPaperBin )
+                xFollowPageStyle->setPropertyValue( sTrayIndex, uno::makeAny( 
nPaperBin ) );
+            if( xColumns.is() )
+                xFollowPageStyle->setPropertyValue(
+                    rPropNameSupplier.GetName( PROP_TEXT_COLUMNS ), 
uno::makeAny( xColumns ));
+        }
-    ApplyBorderToPageStyles( rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles( ), 
rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory( ), m_nBorderParams );
+        ApplyBorderToPageStyles( rDM_Impl.GetPageStyles( ), 
rDM_Impl.GetTextFactory( ), m_nBorderParams );
-    if ( m_nBreakType != 0 )
-    {
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