On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 5:26 AM, Noel Grandin <n...@peralex.com> wrote:
> On 2012-05-07 14:08, Andras Timar wrote:
>> Out of interest, could you please share the know-how of building with
>> RAM-Drive under Windows 7? Thanks, Andras
> (0) I'm building under Windows7-64, using the latest Cygwin release, and the
> Visual Studio 2008 compiler.
> (1) I use the excellent free (donationware) IMDisk utility to create a
> ram-disk. I appear to need around 5G of space for this RAM-disk.
> http://www.ltr-data.se/opencode.html/#ImDisk
> During the build, at peak this machine was using around 10G of RAM.
> (2) run configure with the --with-solver-and-workdir-root option pointing at
> the ram-drive. For example, mine looks like
> --with-solver-and-workdir-root=/cygdrive/D
> where D: is my RAM-drive.
> (3) You need Matus Kukan's patch to use mixed paths under cygwin (at least
> until it gets committed).
> And voila! It builds in about an hour on this machine (8-core AMD processor)

As oppose to how long before ? iow what is the gain ?

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