Hi all,
I'm currently working on improving the import of group shapes in docx,
see https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/115668
In that the unittests testDmlTextshape and testDmlTextshapeB in
sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport6.cxx fail. But I think, the problem
is not my patch but an export bug, see
The unittests assume a position, which does not correspond to the actual
position is the saved file.
With my patch applied, in 'normal' cases the position is nearly correct.
But here LibreOffice writes the position with a large negative y-value
in the groups chOff element. In Word this results in an overlap of group
members with the following text. Such rendering would require a negative
bottom margin in LibreOffice and that is currently not implemented, see
May I remove the positioning parts from these unittests?
Kind regards
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