sw/source/filter/html/htmltabw.cxx |   74 -------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 74 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit e1424390d45deb75a75a167e7eba36c012f32d74
Author: Michael Stahl <mst...@redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Apr 30 21:18:29 2012 +0200

    fdo#47670: sw: HTML: fix table border export:
    SwHTMLWrtTable::Write no longer writes BORDER and BORDERCOLOR attributes
    on TABLE elements, but instead various CSS "border" properties into STYLE
    attributes of the TD elements.  However, it was forgotten to also remove
    the ROWS and FRAMES attributes, which (as the comments helpfully explain)
    only make sense in case BORDER is actually written, and cause Mozilla to
    not render some of the borders in cases RULES=ROWS or RULES=COLS.
    (regression from d18feffd49f4481626417daac7984b2a7e70c3bf)

diff --git a/sw/source/filter/html/htmltabw.cxx 
index 1f9cc92..e66f006 100644
--- a/sw/source/filter/html/htmltabw.cxx
+++ b/sw/source/filter/html/htmltabw.cxx
@@ -722,12 +722,6 @@ void SwHTMLWrtTable::Write( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt, sal_Int16 
-    // BORDER ausgeben, aber nur wenn wir die Umrandung selbst berechnet
-    // haben oder die Umrandung 0 ist oder es irgendwelche Umrandungen gibt.
-    // Anderenfalls enthaelt nBorder naemlich nur die Breite der Umrandung,
-    // die genutzt wird, wenn gar kein sheet::Border angegeben ist.
-    sal_Bool bHasAnyBorders = nFrameMask || bColsHaveBorder || bRowsHaveBorder;
     // CELLPADDING ausgeben: Stammt aus Layout oder ist berechnet
     sOut.append(' ').append(OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_cellpadding).
@@ -736,74 +730,6 @@ void SwHTMLWrtTable::Write( SwHTMLWriter& rWrt, sal_Int16 
     sOut.append(' ').append(OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_cellspacing).
-    // FRAME/RULES ausgeben (nur sinnvoll, wenn border!=0)
-    if( nBorder!=0 && (bCollectBorderWidth || bHasAnyBorders) )
-    {
-        const sal_Char *pFrame = 0;
-        switch( nFrameMask )
-        {
-            case 0:  pFrame = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TF_void       ;break;
-            case 1:  pFrame = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TF_above  ;break;
-            case 2:  pFrame = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TF_below  ;break;
-            case 3:  pFrame = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TF_hsides ;break;
-            case 4:  pFrame = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TF_lhs        ;break;
-            case 8:  pFrame = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TF_rhs        ;break;
-            case 12: pFrame = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TF_vsides ;break;
-        };
-        if( pFrame )
-        {
-            sOut.append(' ').append(OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_frame).
-                append('=').append(pFrame);
-        }
-        const sal_Char *pRules = 0;
-        if( aCols.Count() > 1 && aRows.Count() > 1 )
-        {
-            if( !bColsHaveBorder )
-            {
-                if( !bRowsHaveBorder )
-                    pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_none;
-                else if( bRowsHaveBorderOnly )
-                    pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_rows;
-                else
-                    pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_groups;
-            }
-            else if( bColsHaveBorderOnly )
-            {
-                if( !bRowsHaveBorder || !bRowsHaveBorderOnly )
-                    pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_cols;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                if( !bRowsHaveBorder )
-                    pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_groups;
-                else if( bRowsHaveBorderOnly )
-                    pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_rows;
-                else
-                    pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_groups;
-            }
-        }
-        else if( aRows.Count() > 1 )
-        {
-            if( !bRowsHaveBorder )
-                pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_none;
-            else if( !bRowsHaveBorderOnly )
-                pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_groups;
-        }
-        else if( aCols.Count() > 1 )
-        {
-            if( !bColsHaveBorder )
-                pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_none;
-            else if( !bColsHaveBorderOnly )
-                pRules = OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_TR_groups;
-        }
-        if( pRules )
-        {
-            sOut.append(' ').append(OOO_STRING_SVTOOLS_HTML_O_rules).
-                append('=').append(pRules);
-        }
-    }
     rWrt.Strm() << sOut.makeStringAndClear().getStr();
     // Hintergrund ausgeben
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