Hi Florent,

On Saturday, 2012-04-28 06:53:34 +0200, Florent Gallaire wrote:

> Probably the problem is the global calc behaviour and won't be fixed.

Wrong ;-)  It is already fixed with the locale dependent date acceptance
patterns recently implemented. Anyway, this is not really related to the
"export as shown" option that is general to all number formats. 

> For me "=4/2" is the number "2", and "4/2" should always be the string
> "4/2" and never the evil "02/04/12", which should only be the result
> of "=DATE(2012;2;4)".

Actually no. In en_US locale it is expected that the input of 4/2
results in 04/02/12, of course that is not desired in other locales that
use a different date separator. What the fix mentioned is about. For
details see


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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