Dne Po 30. dubna 2012 10:20:27, Bjoern Michaelsen napsal(a):
> Hi,
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 08:57:05AM +0200, Tomáš Chvátal wrote:
> > What will happen now if I build with:
> > ./configure --with-max-jobs2
> > make GMAKE_OPTIONS="-j30"
> make will be called with:
>  make -j32 -j30
> and execute with 30 jobs.

Splendid so I will just drop the max-jobs one.
Now we have the GMAKE_OPTIONS that affect gbuild and --with-num-cpus that
affects dmake right? Or they still kinda collide with each other?
> > And second why the LO must be special and just don't accept the arguments
> > like normal make process?
> We can (and should) simplify this once build.pl/dmake is completely gone.
> Though that would mean to default to makes default (which is -j1) and some
> people will argue we cant have that as newcomers are too lazy to set their
> own -jXX flag.
Thanks for the explanation (Both of you Norbert and Bjoern, I am too lazy to
reply to both mails :-]).
It makes sense with the dmake still around but in the long run I think it is
better to print some information to the user / describe it in the compilation
guide. If someone is too lazy to read that, they deserve to compile it for 6
hours :D



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