Hi Caolán,

On Friday, 2012-04-13 13:07:16 +0100, Caolán McNamara wrote:

> I suppose we don't have a current mechanism to get a list a build time
> of all the languages that we support in the UI as options for setting
> the language ?

If it's languages that can be used as character attribution that would
be svtools/source/misc/langtab.src

The LangID constant there can be fed to (the very hackish)
i18npool/source/isolang/langid.pl that outputs some strategic places
where the LangID is used or locale data defined and such. One of them is
the ISO 639/3166 mapping in i18npool/source/isolang/isolang.cxx

I guess it wouldn't be too hard to generate a complete list out of that.


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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