---------- Forwarded message ---------
Van: Stef Bon <stef...@gmail.com>
Date: vr 2 okt. 2020 om 19:51
Subject: Re: A "normal" client interface.
To: Miklos Vajna <vmik...@collabora.com>

Op vr 2 okt. 2020 om 09:26 schreef Miklos Vajna <vmik...@collabora.com>:
> Hi Stef,
> I guess the hard part of this is that nextcloud and others don't
> actually have access to the document, just tiles of it, i.e. bitmaps.

I know that. Thats the way to access a document while keeping it on
the server: only a tile
or a window.

And is it possible to explain why these (nextcloud ea) only get bitmaps.
That's not something like a text, which you can edit and send back.
Are you sure bitmaps are used.
For example how can you change the font in a bitmap. It's a image
format, not a text format.

> This architecture has benefits like "your documents never leave the
> server" and also that there are ~no edit conflicts, but has costs like
> very hard integration with an existing running server.

Yes that a document stays on the server is great. No edit conflicts
are there only
when the server supports "locking" of a part/tile/window of the document.
(like: others can view your tile at most, but cannot edit, and two
tiles of different users can not overlap)

Huh? I do not understand what you say. What existing running server.
You mean libreoffice, but then running as server?

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