
Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found 
with Coverity Scan.

200 new defect(s) introduced to LibreOffice found with Coverity Scan.
1 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent 
build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
Showing 20 of 200 defect(s)

** CID 1467018:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/text/txtparae.cxx: 131 in ()

*** CID 1467018:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/text/txtparae.cxx: 131 in ()
125     using namespace ::xmloff;
126     using namespace ::xmloff::token;
128     // Implement Title/Description Elements UI (#i73249#)
129     const OUStringLiteral gsTitle(u"Title");
130     const OUStringLiteral gsDescription(u"Description");
>>>     CID 1467018:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
131     const OUStringLiteral gsAnchorPageNo(u"AnchorPageNo");
132     const OUStringLiteral gsAnchorType(u"AnchorType");
133     const OUStringLiteral gsBookmark(u"Bookmark");
134     const OUStringLiteral gsChainNextName(u"ChainNextName");
135     const OUStringLiteral gsContourPolyPolygon(u"ContourPolyPolygon");
136     const OUStringLiteral gsDocumentIndexMark(u"DocumentIndexMark");

** CID 1467017:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/script/XMLScriptContextFactory.cxx: 36 in ()

*** CID 1467017:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/script/XMLScriptContextFactory.cxx: 36 in ()
30     using ::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XAttributeList;
31     using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue;
32     using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
33     using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence;
35     const OUStringLiteral gsEventType(u"EventType");
>>>     CID 1467017:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
36     const OUStringLiteral gsScript(u"Script");
37     const OUStringLiteral gsURL(u"Script");
39     XMLScriptContextFactory::XMLScriptContextFactory()
40     {
41     }

** CID 1467016:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sc/source/filter/oox/pagesettings.cxx: 476 in ()

*** CID 1467016:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sc/source/filter/oox/pagesettings.cxx: 476 in ()
471     } // namespace
473     const OUStringLiteral gaPageNumberService( 
u"com.sun.star.text.TextField.PageNumber" );
474     const OUStringLiteral gaPageCountService( 
u"com.sun.star.text.TextField.PageCount" );
475     const OUStringLiteral gaSheetNameService( 
u"com.sun.star.text.TextField.SheetName" );
>>>     CID 1467016:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
476     const OUStringLiteral gaFileNameService( 
u"com.sun.star.text.TextField.FileName" );
477     const OUStringLiteral gaDateTimeService( 
u"com.sun.star.text.TextField.DateTime" );
479     HeaderFooterParser::HeaderFooterParser( const WorkbookHelper& rHelper ) 
480         WorkbookHelper( rHelper ),
481         maBoldNames( sppcBoldNames, sppcBoldNames + 
SAL_N_ELEMENTS(sppcBoldNames) ),

** CID 1467015:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sfx2/source/doc/doctemplateslocal.cxx: 38 in ()

*** CID 1467015:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sfx2/source/doc/doctemplateslocal.cxx: 38 in ()
33     namespace
34     {
36     // Relations info related strings
37     const OUStringLiteral 
>>>     CID 1467015:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
38     const OUStringLiteral g_sGroupElement(u"groupuinames:template-group");
39     const OUStringLiteral g_sNameAttr(u"groupuinames:name");
40     const OUStringLiteral g_sUINameAttr(u"groupuinames:default-ui-name");
42     }

** CID 1467014:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmlscript/source/xml_helper/xml_impctx.cxx: 164 in ()

*** CID 1467014:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmlscript/source/xml_helper/xml_impctx.cxx: 164 in ()
158         virtual OUString SAL_CALL getUriByUid( sal_Int32 Uid ) override;
159     };
161     }
163     OUStringLiteral const g_sXMLNS_PREFIX_UNKNOWN( u"<<< unknown prefix 
>>>" );
>>>     CID 1467014:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
164     OUStringLiteral const g_sXMLNS( u"xmlns" );
167     DocumentHandlerImpl::DocumentHandlerImpl(
168         Reference< xml::input::XRoot > const & xRoot,
169         bool bSingleThreadedUse )

** CID 1467013:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/text/XMLFootnoteConfigurationImportContext.cxx: 116 in ()

*** CID 1467013:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/text/XMLFootnoteConfigurationImportContext.cxx: 116 in ()
110     // XMLFootnoteConfigurationImportContext
112     const OUStringLiteral 
113     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyCharStyleName(u"CharStyleName");
114     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyNumberingType(u"NumberingType");
115     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyPageStyleName(u"PageStyleName");
>>>     CID 1467013:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
116     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyParagraphStyleName(u"ParaStyleName");
117     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyPrefix(u"Prefix");
118     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyStartAt(u"StartAt");
119     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertySuffix(u"Suffix");
120     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyPositionEndOfDoc(u"PositionEndOfDoc");
121     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyFootnoteCounting(u"FootnoteCounting");

** CID 1467012:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sfx2/source/doc/doctemplateslocal.cxx: 37 in ()

*** CID 1467012:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sfx2/source/doc/doctemplateslocal.cxx: 37 in ()
31     using namespace ::com::sun::star;
33     namespace
34     {
36     // Relations info related strings
>>>     CID 1467012:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
37     const OUStringLiteral 
38     const OUStringLiteral g_sGroupElement(u"groupuinames:template-group");
39     const OUStringLiteral g_sNameAttr(u"groupuinames:name");
40     const OUStringLiteral g_sUINameAttr(u"groupuinames:default-ui-name");
42     }

** CID 1467011:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sd/source/ui/presenter/PresenterTextView.cxx: 50 in ()

*** CID 1467011:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sd/source/ui/presenter/PresenterTextView.cxx: 50 in ()
44     using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
46     const OUStringLiteral gsTextPropertyName(u"Text");
47     const OUStringLiteral gsBitmapPropertyName(u"Bitmap");
48     const OUStringLiteral gsSizePropertyName(u"Size");
49     const OUStringLiteral gsBackgroundColorPropertyName(u"BackgroundColor");
>>>     CID 1467011:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
50     const OUStringLiteral gsTextColorPropertyName(u"TextColor");
51     const OUStringLiteral gsFontDescriptorPropertyName(u"FontDescriptor");
52     const OUStringLiteral gsTopPropertyName(u"Top");
53     const OUStringLiteral gsTopRelativePropertyName(u"RelativeTop");
54     const OUStringLiteral gsTotalHeightPropertyName(u"TotalHeight");

** CID 1467010:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/test/source/sheet/xsheetoutline.cxx: 31 in ()

*** CID 1467010:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/test/source/sheet/xsheetoutline.cxx: 31 in ()
26     using namespace css;
27     using namespace css::uno;
29     namespace apitest {
>>>     CID 1467010:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
31     const OUStringLiteral colLevel1 = u"OutlineSheet.A1:Z1";
32     const OUStringLiteral colLevel2 = u"OutlineSheet.C1:W1";
33     const OUStringLiteral colLevel3 = u"OutlineSheet.E1:U1";
34     const OUStringLiteral colLevel4 = u"OutlineSheet.G1:S1";
36     const OUStringLiteral rowLevel1 = u"OutlineSheet.A1:A30";

** CID 1467009:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/package/source/manifest/ManifestImport.cxx: 38 in ()

*** CID 1467009:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/package/source/manifest/ManifestImport.cxx: 38 in ()
32     using namespace com::sun::star::beans;
33     using namespace com::sun::star;
34     using namespace std;
37     const OUStringLiteral gsFileEntryElement     ( u"" ELEMENT_FILE_ENTRY );
>>>     CID 1467009:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
38     const OUStringLiteral gsEncryptionDataElement( u"" 
39     const OUStringLiteral gsAlgorithmElement ( u"" ELEMENT_ALGORITHM );
40     const OUStringLiteral gsStartKeyAlgElement   ( u"" 
41     const OUStringLiteral gsKeyDerivationElement( u"" ELEMENT_KEY_DERIVATION 
43     const OUStringLiteral gsMediaTypeAttribute           ( u"" 

** CID 1467008:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/vbahelper/source/msforms/vbaprogressbar.cxx: 25 in ()

*** CID 1467008:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/vbahelper/source/msforms/vbaprogressbar.cxx: 25 in ()
19     #include "vbaprogressbar.hxx"
21     using namespace com::sun::star;
22     using namespace ooo::vba;
24     // uno servicename com.sun.star.awt.UnoControlProgressBarMode
>>>     CID 1467008:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
25     const OUStringLiteral SVALUE( u"ProgressValue" );
27     ScVbaProgressBar::ScVbaProgressBar( const uno::Reference< 
ov::XHelperInterface >& xParent, const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext 
>& xContext, const uno::Reference< uno::XInterface >& xControl, const 
uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& xModel, 
std::unique_ptr<ov::AbstractGeometryAttributes> pGeomHelper )
28         : ProgressBarImpl_BASE( xParent, xContext, xControl, xModel, 
std::move(pGeomHelper) )
29     {
30     }

** CID 1467007:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/script/XMLStarBasicExportHandler.cxx: 35 in ()

*** CID 1467007:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/script/XMLStarBasicExportHandler.cxx: 35 in ()
29     using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
30     using namespace ::xmloff::token;
32     using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue;
>>>     CID 1467007:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
35     const OUStringLiteral gsStarBasic(u"StarBasic");
36     const OUStringLiteral gsLibrary(u"Library");
37     const OUStringLiteral gsMacroName(u"MacroName");
38     const OUStringLiteral gsStarOffice(u"StarOffice");
39     const OUStringLiteral gsApplication(u"application");

** CID 1467006:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sw/source/core/edit/edfcol.cxx: 105 in ()

*** CID 1467006:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sw/source/core/edit/edfcol.cxx: 105 in ()
100     namespace
101     {
102     const OUStringLiteral MetaFilename(u"tscp/bails.rdf");
103     const OUStringLiteral MetaNS(u"urn:bails");
104     const OUStringLiteral ParagraphSignatureRDFNamespace = 
>>>     CID 1467006:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
105     const OUStringLiteral ParagraphSignatureIdRDFName = 
106     const OUStringLiteral ParagraphSignatureDigestRDFName = u":digest";
107     const OUStringLiteral ParagraphSignatureDateRDFName = u":date";
108     const OUStringLiteral ParagraphSignatureUsageRDFName = u":usage";
109     const OUStringLiteral ParagraphSignatureLastIdRDFName = 
110     const OUStringLiteral ParagraphClassificationNameRDFName = 

** CID 1467005:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/text/XMLLineNumberingImportContext.cxx: 47 in ()

*** CID 1467005:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/text/XMLLineNumberingImportContext.cxx: 47 in ()
41     using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet;
42     using ::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XAttributeList;
43     using ::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList;
44     using ::com::sun::star::text::XLineNumberingProperties;
>>>     CID 1467005:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
47     const OUStringLiteral gsCharStyleName(u"CharStyleName");
48     const OUStringLiteral gsCountEmptyLines(u"CountEmptyLines");
49     const OUStringLiteral gsCountLinesInFrames(u"CountLinesInFrames");
50     const OUStringLiteral gsDistance(u"Distance");
51     const OUStringLiteral gsInterval(u"Interval");
52     const OUStringLiteral gsSeparatorText(u"SeparatorText");

** CID 1467004:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sd/source/ui/presenter/PresenterTextView.cxx: 48 in ()

*** CID 1467004:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/sd/source/ui/presenter/PresenterTextView.cxx: 48 in ()
42     using namespace ::com::sun::star;
43     using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
44     using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
46     const OUStringLiteral gsTextPropertyName(u"Text");
47     const OUStringLiteral gsBitmapPropertyName(u"Bitmap");
>>>     CID 1467004:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
48     const OUStringLiteral gsSizePropertyName(u"Size");
49     const OUStringLiteral gsBackgroundColorPropertyName(u"BackgroundColor");
50     const OUStringLiteral gsTextColorPropertyName(u"TextColor");
51     const OUStringLiteral gsFontDescriptorPropertyName(u"FontDescriptor");
52     const OUStringLiteral gsTopPropertyName(u"Top");
53     const OUStringLiteral gsTopRelativePropertyName(u"RelativeTop");

** CID 1467003:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/script/XMLScriptExportHandler.cxx: 34 in ()

*** CID 1467003:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/script/XMLScriptExportHandler.cxx: 34 in ()
29     using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
30     using namespace ::xmloff::token;
32     using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue;
>>>     CID 1467003:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
34     const OUStringLiteral gsURL(u"Script");
36     XMLScriptExportHandler::XMLScriptExportHandler()
37     {
38     }

** CID 1467002:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/text/txtflde.cxx: 303 in ()

*** CID 1467002:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/text/txtflde.cxx: 303 in ()
297         // service names
298     const OUStringLiteral gsServicePrefix(u"com.sun.star.text.textfield.");
299     const OUStringLiteral 
300     const OUStringLiteral 
302         // property names
>>>     CID 1467002:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
303     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyAdjust(u"Adjust");
304     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyAuthor(u"Author");
305     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyChapterFormat(u"ChapterFormat");
306     const OUStringLiteral 
307     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyCharStyleNames(u"CharStyleNames");
308     const OUStringLiteral gsPropertyCondition(u"Condition");

** CID 1467001:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/script/XMLStarBasicContextFactory.cxx: 39 in ()

*** CID 1467001:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/script/XMLStarBasicContextFactory.cxx: 39 in ()
33     using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence;
36     const OUStringLiteral gsEventType(u"EventType");
37     const OUStringLiteral gsLibrary(u"Library");
38     const OUStringLiteral gsMacroName(u"MacroName");
>>>     CID 1467001:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
39     const OUStringLiteral gsStarBasic(u"StarBasic");
41     XMLStarBasicContextFactory::XMLStarBasicContextFactory()
42     {
43     }

** CID 1467000:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/comphelper/source/xml/ofopxmlhelper.cxx: 276 in ()

*** CID 1467000:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/comphelper/source/xml/ofopxmlhelper.cxx: 276 in ()
271     // Relations info related strings
272     OUStringLiteral const g_aRelListElement(u"Relationships");
273     OUStringLiteral const g_aRelElement( u"Relationship" );
274     OUStringLiteral const g_aIDAttr( u"Id" );
275     OUStringLiteral const g_aTypeAttr( u"Type" );
>>>     CID 1467000:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
276     OUStringLiteral const g_aTargetModeAttr( u"TargetMode" );
277     OUStringLiteral const g_aTargetAttr( u"Target" );
279     // ContentType related strings
280     OUStringLiteral const g_aTypesElement( u"Types" );
281     OUStringLiteral const g_aDefaultElement( u"Default" );

** CID 1466999:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/text/XMLIndexBibliographyConfigurationContext.cxx: 48 in ()

*** CID 1466999:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
/xmloff/source/text/XMLIndexBibliographyConfigurationContext.cxx: 48 in ()
42     using ::com::sun::star::xml::sax::XFastAttributeList;
43     using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue;
44     using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet;
45     using ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory;
>>>     CID 1466999:  Parse warnings  (PARSE_ERROR)
>>>     class template name must be a placeholder for the complete type being 
>>> initialized (not for a component of that type)
48     const OUStringLiteral 
49     const OUStringLiteral gsBracketBefore(u"BracketBefore");
50     const OUStringLiteral gsBracketAfter(u"BracketAfter");
51     const OUStringLiteral gsIsNumberEntries(u"IsNumberEntries");
52     const OUStringLiteral gsIsSortByPosition(u"IsSortByPosition");
53     const OUStringLiteral gsSortKeys(u"SortKeys");

To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, 

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