loleaflet/                            |    1 
 loleaflet/src/control/Control.MobileBottomBar.js |  137 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 loleaflet/src/layer/tile/CalcTileLayer.js        |   53 --------
 loleaflet/src/layer/tile/ImpressTileLayer.js     |   48 --------
 loleaflet/src/layer/tile/WriterTileLayer.js      |   55 ---------
 5 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit a4201e929e9d75ff746492f57e619798a31e8b40
Author:     Szymon Kłos <>
AuthorDate: Fri Apr 10 19:44:21 2020 +0200
Commit:     Szymon Kłos <>
CommitDate: Wed Apr 15 15:27:09 2020 +0200

    Move bottom mobile toolbar to separate file
    Change-Id: I32e8fe251fcabd5d1c5af19cd7a72f60250c2851
    Tested-by: Jenkins CollaboraOffice <>
    Reviewed-by: Szymon Kłos <>

diff --git a/loleaflet/ b/loleaflet/
index 303e53d6b..a57e9ebd4 100644
--- a/loleaflet/
+++ b/loleaflet/
@@ -265,6 +265,7 @@ LOLEAFLET_JS =\
        src/control/Control.StatusBar.js \
        src/control/Control.SearchBar.js \
        src/control/Control.MobileTopBar.js \
+       src/control/Control.MobileBottomBar.js \
        src/control/Control.Layers.js \
        src/control/Search.js \
        src/control/Permission.js \
diff --git a/loleaflet/src/control/Control.MobileBottomBar.js 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..078e8d880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/loleaflet/src/control/Control.MobileBottomBar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+/* -*- js-indent-level: 8 -*- */
+ * L.Control.MobileBottomBar
+ */
+/* global $ w2ui _ _UNO */
+L.Control.MobileBottomBar = L.Control.extend({
+       options: {
+               doctype: 'text'
+       },
+       initialize: function (docType) {
+               L.setOptions(this, {docType: docType});
+       },
+       onAdd: function (map) {
+      = map;
+               this.create();
+       },
+       getToolItems: function(docType) {
+               if (docType == 'text') {
+                       return [
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'showsearchbar',  img: 
'search', hint: _('Show the search bar')},
+                               {type: 'break'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'bold',  img: 'bold', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Bold'), uno: 'Bold'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'italic', img: 'italic', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Italic'), uno: 'Italic'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'underline',  img: 
'underline', hint: _UNO('.uno:Underline'), uno: 'Underline'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'strikeout', img: 
'strikeout', hint: _UNO('.uno:Strikeout'), uno: 'Strikeout'},
+                               {type: 'break'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'fontcolor', img: 
'textcolor', hint: _UNO('.uno:FontColor')},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'backcolor', img: 
'backcolor', hint: _UNO('.uno:BackgroundColor')},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'leftpara',  img: 
'alignleft', hint: _UNO('.uno:LeftPara', '', true),
+                                       uno: {textCommand: 'LeftPara', 
objectCommand: 'ObjectAlignLeft'},
+                                       unosheet: 'AlignLeft', disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'centerpara',  img: 
'alignhorizontal', hint: _UNO('.uno:CenterPara', '', true),
+                                       uno: {textCommand: 'CenterPara', 
objectCommand: 'AlignCenter'},
+                                       unosheet: 'AlignHorizontalCenter', 
disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'rightpara',  img: 
'alignright', hint: _UNO('.uno:RightPara', '', true),
+                                       uno: {textCommand: 'RightPara', 
objectCommand: 'ObjectAlignRight'},
+                                       unosheet: 'AlignRight', disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'justifypara',  img: 
'alignblock', hint: _UNO('.uno:JustifyPara', '', true), uno: 'JustifyPara', 
unosheet: '', disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'break', id: 'breakspacing'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'defaultnumbering',  img: 
'numbering', hint: _UNO('.uno:DefaultNumbering', '', true),uno: 
'DefaultNumbering', disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'defaultbullet',  img: 
'bullet', hint: _UNO('.uno:DefaultBullet', '', true), uno: 'DefaultBullet', 
disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'break', id: 'breakbullet', hidden: 
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'incrementindent',  img: 
'incrementindent', hint: _UNO('.uno:IncrementIndent', '', true), uno: 
'IncrementIndent', disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'decrementindent',  img: 
'decrementindent', hint: _UNO('.uno:DecrementIndent', '', true), uno: 
'DecrementIndent', disabled: true},
+                       ];
+               } else if (docType == 'spreadsheet') {
+                       return [
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'showsearchbar',  img: 
'search', hint: _('Show the search bar')},
+                               {type: 'break'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'bold',  img: 'bold', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Bold'), uno: 'Bold'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'italic', img: 'italic', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Italic'), uno: 'Italic'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'underline',  img: 
'underline', hint: _UNO('.uno:Underline'), uno: 'Underline'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'strikeout', img: 
'strikeout', hint: _UNO('.uno:Strikeout'), uno: 'Strikeout'},
+                               {type: 'break'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'fontcolor', img: 
'textcolor', hint: _UNO('.uno:FontColor')},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'backcolor', img: 
'backcolor', hint: _UNO('.uno:BackgroundColor')},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'togglemergecells',  img: 
'togglemergecells', hint: _UNO('.uno:ToggleMergeCells', 'spreadsheet', true), 
uno: 'ToggleMergeCells', disabled: true},
+       //                      {type: 'break', id: 'breakmergecells'},
+                               {type: 'break'},
+                               {type: 'button', id: 'alignleft', img: 
'alignleft', hint: _UNO('.uno:AlignLeft', 'spreadsheet', true), uno: 
+                               {type: 'button', id: 'alignhorizontalcenter', 
img: 'alignhorizontal', hint: _UNO('.uno:AlignHorizontalCenter', 'spreadsheet', 
true), uno: 'AlignHorizontalCenter'},
+                               {type: 'button', id: 'alignright', img: 
'alignright', hint: _UNO('.uno:AlignRight', 'spreadsheet', true), uno: 
+                               {type: 'button', id: 'alignblock', img: 
'alignblock', hint: _UNO('.uno:AlignBlock', 'spreadsheet', true), uno: 
+                               {type: 'break'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'wraptext',  img: 
'wraptext', hint: _UNO('.uno:WrapText', 'spreadsheet', true), uno: 'WrapText', 
disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'insertrowsafter',  img: 
'insertrowsafter', hint: _UNO('.uno:InsertRowsAfter'), uno: 'InsertRowsAfter'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'insertcolumnsafter',  
img: 'insertcolumnsafter', hint: _UNO('.uno:InsertColumnsAfter'), uno: 
+       /*                      {type: 'button',  id: 'numberformatcurrency',  
img: 'numberformatcurrency', hint: _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatCurrency', 
'spreadsheet', true), uno: 'NumberFormatCurrency', disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'numberformatpercent',  
img: 'numberformatpercent', hint: _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatPercent', 
'spreadsheet', true), uno: 'NumberFormatPercent', disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 
'numberformatdecdecimals',  img: 'numberformatdecdecimals', hint: 
_UNO('.uno:NumberFormatDecDecimals', 'spreadsheet', true), hidden: true, uno: 
'NumberFormatDecDecimals', disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 
'numberformatincdecimals',  img: 'numberformatincdecimals', hint: 
_UNO('.uno:NumberFormatIncDecimals', 'spreadsheet', true), hidden: true, uno: 
'NumberFormatIncDecimals', disabled: true},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'sum',  img: 'autosum', 
hint: _('Sum')},
+                               {type: 'break',   id: 'break-number'}, */
+                       ];
+               } else if (docType == 'presentation') {
+                       return [
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'showsearchbar',  img: 
'search', hint: _('Show the search bar')},
+                               {type: 'break'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'bold',  img: 'bold', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Bold'), uno: 'Bold'},
+       //                      {type: 'button',  id: 'italic', img: 'italic', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Italic'), uno: 'Italic'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'underline',  img: 
'underline', hint: _UNO('.uno:Underline'), uno: 'Underline'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'strikeout', img: 
'strikeout', hint: _UNO('.uno:Strikeout'), uno: 'Strikeout'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'fontcolor', img: 
'textcolor', hint: _UNO('.uno:FontColor')},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'backcolor', img: 
'backcolor', hint: _UNO('.uno:BackgroundColor')},
+                               {type: 'break'},
+                               {type: 'button', id: 'leftpara', img: 
'alignleft', hint: _UNO('.uno:LeftPara', '', true),
+                                       uno: {textCommand: 'LeftPara', 
objectCommand: 'ObjectAlignLeft'}},
+                               {type: 'button', id: 'centerpara', img: 
'alignhorizontal', hint: _UNO('.uno:CenterPara', '', true),
+                                       uno: {textCommand: 'CenterPara', 
objectCommand: 'AlignCenter'}},
+                               {type: 'button', id: 'rightpara', img: 
'alignright', hint: _UNO('.uno:RigthPara', '', true),
+                                       uno: {textCommand: 'RightPara', 
objectCommand: 'ObjectAlignRight'}},
+                               {type: 'button', id: 'justifypara', img: 
'alignblock', hint: _UNO('.uno:JustifyPara', '', true), uno: 'JustifyPara'},
+                               {type: 'break'},
+                               {type: 'button',  id: 'defaultbullet',  img: 
'bullet', hint: _UNO('.uno:DefaultBullet', '', true), uno: 'DefaultBullet', 
disabled: true},
+                       ];
+               }
+       },
+       create: function() {
+               var toolItems = this.getToolItems(this.options.docType);
+               var toolbar = $('#toolbar-down');
+               toolbar.w2toolbar({
+                       name: 'editbar',
+                       tooltip: 'top',
+                       items: toolItems,
+                       onClick: function (e) {
+                               // use global handler
+                               window.onClick(e,;
+                               window.hideTooltip(this,;
+                       },
+                       onRefresh: function(edata) {
+                               if ( === 'inserttable')
+                                       window.insertTable();
+                               if ( === 'insertshapes')
+                                       window.insertShapes();
+                       }
+               });
+               toolbar.bind('touchstart', function(e) {
+                       w2ui['editbar'].touchStarted = true;
+                       var touchEvent = e.originalEvent;
+                       if (touchEvent && touchEvent.touches.length > 1) {
+                               L.DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
+                       }
+               });
+       }
+L.control.mobileBottomBar = function (docType) {
+       return new L.Control.MobileBottomBar(docType);
diff --git a/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/CalcTileLayer.js 
index 446e339eb..e6cb0ec1a 100644
--- a/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/CalcTileLayer.js
+++ b/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/CalcTileLayer.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * Calc tile layer is used to display a spreadsheet document
-/* global $ _ w2ui w2utils _UNO */
+/* global $ _ w2ui w2utils */
 L.CalcTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
        STD_EXTRA_WIDTH: 113, /* 2mm extra for optimal width,
                                                          * 0.1986cm with TeX 
@@ -71,35 +71,6 @@ L.CalcTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
        onMobileInit: function (map) {
-               var toolItems = [
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'showsearchbar',  img: 'search', 
hint: _('Show the search bar')},
-                       {type: 'break'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'bold',  img: 'bold', hint: 
_UNO('.uno:Bold'), uno: 'Bold'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'italic', img: 'italic', hint: 
_UNO('.uno:Italic'), uno: 'Italic'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'underline',  img: 'underline', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Underline'), uno: 'Underline'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'strikeout', img: 'strikeout', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Strikeout'), uno: 'Strikeout'},
-                       {type: 'break'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'fontcolor', img: 'textcolor', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:FontColor')},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'backcolor', img: 'backcolor', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:BackgroundColor')},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'togglemergecells',  img: 
'togglemergecells', hint: _UNO('.uno:ToggleMergeCells', 'spreadsheet', true), 
uno: 'ToggleMergeCells', disabled: true},
-//                     {type: 'break', id: 'breakmergecells'},
-                       {type: 'break'},
-                       {type: 'button', id: 'alignleft', img: 'alignleft', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:AlignLeft', 'spreadsheet', true), uno: 'AlignLeft'},
-                       {type: 'button', id: 'alignhorizontalcenter', img: 
'alignhorizontal', hint: _UNO('.uno:AlignHorizontalCenter', 'spreadsheet', 
true), uno: 'AlignHorizontalCenter'},
-                       {type: 'button', id: 'alignright', img: 'alignright', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:AlignRight', 'spreadsheet', true), uno: 'AlignRight'},
-                       {type: 'button', id: 'alignblock', img: 'alignblock', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:AlignBlock', 'spreadsheet', true), uno: 'AlignBlock'},
-                       {type: 'break'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'wraptext',  img: 'wraptext', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:WrapText', 'spreadsheet', true), uno: 'WrapText', disabled: 
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'insertrowsafter',  img: 
'insertrowsafter', hint: _UNO('.uno:InsertRowsAfter'), uno: 'InsertRowsAfter'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'insertcolumnsafter',  img: 
'insertcolumnsafter', hint: _UNO('.uno:InsertColumnsAfter'), uno: 
-/*                     {type: 'button',  id: 'numberformatcurrency',  img: 
'numberformatcurrency', hint: _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatCurrency', 'spreadsheet', 
true), uno: 'NumberFormatCurrency', disabled: true},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'numberformatpercent',  img: 
'numberformatpercent', hint: _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatPercent', 'spreadsheet', 
true), uno: 'NumberFormatPercent', disabled: true},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'numberformatdecdecimals',  img: 
'numberformatdecdecimals', hint: _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatDecDecimals', 
'spreadsheet', true), hidden: true, uno: 'NumberFormatDecDecimals', disabled: 
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'numberformatincdecimals',  img: 
'numberformatincdecimals', hint: _UNO('.uno:NumberFormatIncDecimals', 
'spreadsheet', true), hidden: true, uno: 'NumberFormatIncDecimals', disabled: 
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'sum',  img: 'autosum', hint: 
-                       {type: 'break',   id: 'break-number'}, */
-               ];
                var toolbar = $('#formulabar');
@@ -153,27 +124,7 @@ L.CalcTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
-               toolbar = $('#toolbar-down');
-               toolbar.w2toolbar({
-                       name: 'editbar',
-                       tooltip: 'top',
-                       items: toolItems,
-                       onClick: function (e) {
-                               window.onClick(e,;
-                               window.hideTooltip(this,;
-                       },
-                       onRefresh: function(edata) {
-                               if ( === 'insertshapes')
-                                       window.insertShapes();
-                       }
-               });
-               toolbar.bind('touchstart', function(e) {
-                       w2ui['editbar'].touchStarted = true;
-                       var touchEvent = e.originalEvent;
-                       if (touchEvent && touchEvent.touches.length > 1) {
-                               L.DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
-                       }
-               });
+               map.addControl(L.control.mobileBottomBar('spreadsheet'));
diff --git a/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/ImpressTileLayer.js 
index 36dabf7ba..30648c179 100644
--- a/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/ImpressTileLayer.js
+++ b/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/ImpressTileLayer.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * Impress tile layer is used to display a presentation document
-/* global $ _ w2ui w2utils _UNO L */
+/* global $ w2ui w2utils L */
 L.ImpressTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
        extraSize: L.point(290, 0),
@@ -114,27 +114,6 @@ L.ImpressTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
        onMobileInit: function (map) {
-               var toolItems = [
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'showsearchbar',  img: 'search', 
hint: _('Show the search bar')},
-                       {type: 'break'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'bold',  img: 'bold', hint: 
_UNO('.uno:Bold'), uno: 'Bold'},
-//                     {type: 'button',  id: 'italic', img: 'italic', hint: 
_UNO('.uno:Italic'), uno: 'Italic'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'underline',  img: 'underline', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Underline'), uno: 'Underline'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'strikeout', img: 'strikeout', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Strikeout'), uno: 'Strikeout'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'fontcolor', img: 'textcolor', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:FontColor')},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'backcolor', img: 'backcolor', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:BackgroundColor')},
-                       {type: 'break'},
-                       {type: 'button', id: 'leftpara', img: 'alignleft', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:LeftPara', '', true),
-                               uno: {textCommand: 'LeftPara', objectCommand: 
-                       {type: 'button', id: 'centerpara', img: 
'alignhorizontal', hint: _UNO('.uno:CenterPara', '', true),
-                               uno: {textCommand: 'CenterPara', objectCommand: 
-                       {type: 'button', id: 'rightpara', img: 'alignright', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:RigthPara', '', true),
-                               uno: {textCommand: 'RightPara', objectCommand: 
-                       {type: 'button', id: 'justifypara', img: 'alignblock', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:JustifyPara', '', true), uno: 'JustifyPara'},
-                       {type: 'break'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'defaultbullet',  img: 'bullet', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:DefaultBullet', '', true), uno: 'DefaultBullet', disabled: 
-               ];
                var toolbar = $('#presentation-toolbar');
@@ -145,30 +124,7 @@ L.ImpressTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
                        items: []
-               toolbar = $('#toolbar-down');
-               toolbar.w2toolbar({
-                       name: 'editbar',
-                       tooltip: 'top',
-                       items: toolItems,
-                       onClick: function (e) {
-                               window.onClick(e,;
-                               window.hideTooltip(this,;
-                       },
-                       onRefresh: function(edata) {
-                               if ( === 'inserttable')
-                                       window.insertTable();
-                               if ( === 'insertshapes')
-                                       window.insertShapes();
-                       }
-               });
-               toolbar.bind('touchstart', function(e) {
-                       w2ui['editbar'].touchStarted = true;
-                       var touchEvent = e.originalEvent;
-                       if (touchEvent && touchEvent.touches.length > 1) {
-                               L.DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
-                       }
-               });
+               map.addControl(L.control.mobileBottomBar('presentation'));
diff --git a/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/WriterTileLayer.js 
index e9e89ddbc..72e7561fb 100644
--- a/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/WriterTileLayer.js
+++ b/loleaflet/src/layer/tile/WriterTileLayer.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
  * Writer tile layer is used to display a text document
-/* global $ _ w2ui _UNO */
+/* global */
 L.WriterTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
        newAnnotation: function (comment) {
@@ -52,58 +52,7 @@ L.WriterTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
        onMobileInit: function (map) {
-               var toolItems = [
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'showsearchbar',  img: 'search', 
hint: _('Show the search bar')},
-                       {type: 'break'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'bold',  img: 'bold', hint: 
_UNO('.uno:Bold'), uno: 'Bold'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'italic', img: 'italic', hint: 
_UNO('.uno:Italic'), uno: 'Italic'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'underline',  img: 'underline', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Underline'), uno: 'Underline'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'strikeout', img: 'strikeout', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:Strikeout'), uno: 'Strikeout'},
-                       {type: 'break'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'fontcolor', img: 'textcolor', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:FontColor')},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'backcolor', img: 'backcolor', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:BackgroundColor')},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'leftpara',  img: 'alignleft', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:LeftPara', '', true),
-                               uno: {textCommand: 'LeftPara', objectCommand: 
-                               unosheet: 'AlignLeft', disabled: true},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'centerpara',  img: 
'alignhorizontal', hint: _UNO('.uno:CenterPara', '', true),
-                               uno: {textCommand: 'CenterPara', objectCommand: 
-                               unosheet: 'AlignHorizontalCenter', disabled: 
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'rightpara',  img: 'alignright', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:RightPara', '', true),
-                               uno: {textCommand: 'RightPara', objectCommand: 
-                               unosheet: 'AlignRight', disabled: true},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'justifypara',  img: 
'alignblock', hint: _UNO('.uno:JustifyPara', '', true), uno: 'JustifyPara', 
unosheet: '', disabled: true},
-                       {type: 'break', id: 'breakspacing'},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'defaultnumbering',  img: 
'numbering', hint: _UNO('.uno:DefaultNumbering', '', true),uno: 
'DefaultNumbering', disabled: true},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'defaultbullet',  img: 'bullet', 
hint: _UNO('.uno:DefaultBullet', '', true), uno: 'DefaultBullet', disabled: 
-                       {type: 'break', id: 'breakbullet', hidden: true},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'incrementindent',  img: 
'incrementindent', hint: _UNO('.uno:IncrementIndent', '', true), uno: 
'IncrementIndent', disabled: true},
-                       {type: 'button',  id: 'decrementindent',  img: 
'decrementindent', hint: _UNO('.uno:DecrementIndent', '', true), uno: 
'DecrementIndent', disabled: true},
-               ];
-               var toolbar = $('#toolbar-down');
-               toolbar.w2toolbar({
-                       name: 'editbar',
-                       tooltip: 'top',
-                       items: toolItems,
-                       onClick: function (e) {
-                               window.onClick(e,;
-                               window.hideTooltip(this,;
-                       },
-                       onRefresh: function(edata) {
-                               if ( === 'inserttable')
-                                       window.insertTable();
-                               if ( === 'insertshapes')
-                                       window.insertShapes();
-                       }
-               });
-               toolbar.bind('touchstart', function(e) {
-                       w2ui['editbar'].touchStarted = true;
-                       var touchEvent = e.originalEvent;
-                       if (touchEvent && touchEvent.touches.length > 1) {
-                               L.DomEvent.preventDefault(e);
-                       }
-               });
+               map.addControl(L.control.mobileBottomBar('text'));
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