On Sun, 2012-03-18 at 12:30 +0100, Miklos Vajna wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 01:15:01AM +0200, Коростіль Данило 
> <ted.korosti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I want to be honest. I was planed to be involved in LanguageTool
> > project. Unfortunately, Google refused their application form for
> > some reasons. I wasn't ready for that cruel turn.


> > However I have big hope than I can switch to LightProof (because
> > it's almost the same project). I have some experience of localization
>>  and languages rules. Actually I'm current Ukrainian coordinator
>> of LO localization.
> > 
> > So I'm just spreading new idea. Is it acceptable as a task ?

        So - yes; it sounds like an excellent idea, and working on the
Lightproof which we bundle is well within the scope of the LibreOffice

> > I've already mailed to László Németh (creator of LightProof).
>> Most likely he will be my mentor.

        If Lazlo is happy to mentor it sounds fine to me - can you create a
well defined task statement / idea - which is bounded and clear ie. so
we can assess whether you are 50% through 100% done etc. Then we can get
that in the wiki for you.

        It would also be fantastic to have a mentor from the LanguageTool side
- there was talk of re-using / sharing rules from LanguageTool which
sounds like some dual-mentor-ship might be a good idea.

        And of course, we'd want to have some easy-hack in this area committed
before we go too much further :-) if there is no EasyHack in this area,
can you suggest something ? the real intention there is to make sure you
are fully equipped for the task, have everything you need (build-tree
wise) to get going, and are able to create & send in patches.

        All the best,


michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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