Hi Josh,

On Fri, 2012-03-09 at 15:25 +1030, Josh Heidenreich wrote:
> I was doing some compiling yesterday, and noticed that "autogen.sh
> --help" clobbers your autogen.lastrun.

        Ah - indeed, there should be an autogen.lastrun.bak these days - but,
yes that's annoying :-)

> My original thought was to change the code to fix the bug, but then I
> had an idea - make "--help" more useful.

        So this looks like it would work well, but it substantially duplicates
the functionality of ./configure --help - and maintaining that stuff in
two places sounds like work :-)

        I wonder if instead it would be better to special case '--help' in
autogen.sh so that if it is detected we don't write it to

        How does that sound ?

        Thanks !


michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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