Good evening!
So I can't let my mailbox for the day without you stiffing it with mails
I will answer -almpost- all mails because I liked the discussions and some
need my right of reply.
Le Wed, 07 Mar 2012 14:03:16 +0100, Michael Stahl <> a
On 07/03/12 12:57, Lubos Lunak wrote:
On Wednesday 07 of March 2012, David Tardon wrote:
On Wed, Mar 07, 2012 at 01:28:05AM +0100, Mat M wrote:
Could someone point to archive on choosing gnumake ?
I am surprised cmake was not elected, since the C means
cross-platform, and that is one basic of LO.
indeed, and AFAIK most of the platforms are supported by CMake by way of
the (GNU) make backend. what was your point again? oh, GNU stands for
GNU's not UNIX, but we actually found that GNU make also works on UNIX
as well :)
Funny, my first insight was more about Microsoft OSes...
Sigh, life would not be complete without enthusiasts telling us we
should switch to cmake (or Qt) every few months. So, please, go read for the
basics and
for more questions and answers.
Thank you for providing the links I asked for. It seems OOo still a
reference to understand what's up now.
My second sentence was not to troll and/or rant (So you should not sigh
;)). I just wanted to expose my gut feelings about Cmake, and also had the
"having more Windows devs" rant in mind; I didn't talked about:
- Cmake roughly seems more active than gnu make. Not that it is a pledge
of quality, but fixing might be easier.
- Cmake also allows to build under Visual Studio
(Don't feel obliged to answer ;))
I will dive into links to understand.
That comparison appears to be seriously biased towards gbuild
(referred to
as 'GNU Make' in the document).
I'm not build system expert, but judging from my CMake experience in
KDE, the
information and conclusions for CMake are either outdated or just plain
(given the document dating to the time when KDE SC 4.4 had been
thus CMake having been used for more than 2 years by that time, I
assume it's
the the latter). In particular:
most of the people doing the comparison weren't build system experts
either, they just had a list of requirements that the current
dmake/ system could not fulfill. then they sought input from
build system experts on the tools@ooo mailing list, and the CMake
maintainer actually showed up there to discuss things.
So I have now a fresh view of what happened 2 years ago :)
Le Wed, 07 Mar 2012 13:28:09 +0100, Bjoern Michaelsen
<> a écrit:
Lets just finish this migration and kill of dmake and instead.
I totally agree
Best regards to you all enthusiasts
Mat M
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