I'm sure I'd tried that before ... ahh yes:

Compiling: registry/tools/rdbedit.cxx
Making:    regmerge
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
_ZTI*                               ../unxsoli/lib/libreg.so
_ZTS*                               ../unxsoli/lib/libreg.so
_ZGVNSt7num_put*                    ../unxsoli/lib/libreg.so
_ZNSt7num_put*                      ../unxsoli/lib/libreg.so
ld: fatal: symbol referencing errors. No output written to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dmake:  Error code 1, while making '../unxsoli/bin/regmerge'

some of the map files have "*"s in them, I'm assuming that SUN ld map
stuff doesn't like them ...

I'd prefer to stick with the system supplied gcc, but will move to a
packaged version that is stored somewhere else if that'd help.

On 5 March 2012 11:56, Michael Stahl <mst...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 05/03/12 12:08, Jonathan Adams wrote:
>> anyone got a quick fix for all the "version-script" code in gcc (using SUN 
>> ld)?
>> "-Wl,--version-script ../unxsoli/misc/store_store.map"
>> Making:    libstore.so.3
>> ld: fatal: unrecognized option '--'
>> ld: fatal: use the -z help option for usage information
>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>> dmake:  Error code 1, while making '../unxsoli/lib/libstore.so.3'
> this is from the old build system; so apparently solenv/inc/unxsogi.mk has:
>  LINKVERSIONMAPFLAG=-Wl,--version-script
> which is for GNU ld, while solenv/inc/unxsoli.mk has:
> which is for Sun ld.
> i don't have an opinion on whether it would be better to use GNU ld or
> Sun ld, guess if you're using a bundled/easy-to-get GCC build then it's
> best to use whatever ld that was configured with.
> presumably for using GCC with Sun ld, the following would work:
>  -Wl,-M
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