
On Sat, 2012-03-03 at 22:07 +0100, john malc wrote:
> I write a seminar paper, where I need to have a footer with link
> (URL).
> NOW : Let's imagine there is a page 1 with 2 URLs. After finishing
> this page, I begin to write the second one, where I don't want to have
> the same links as on the first one. Basically at the end of my paper
> (e.g. page 30 with 2 URL for each page) I will have more URLs then the
> text itself. 
> I don't know if you get me, I can give you some pics. If its already a
> bug, then sorry. BUT THIS is annoying

Please avoid posting on usage problems on the developer's list unless
you have a patch for it or the intention to create one! There are users
lists for that, please raise the question there.


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