>>> "Wl" == Wol's lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> writes:

   > On 04/07/2019 11:08, Uwe Brauer wrote:

   > And yes, I would dearly love to have reveal codes back - so much so
   > that I am seriously considering shelling out for an up-to-date copy of
   > WordPerfect, but sadly I suspect Corel have butchered it. WP8 was
   > ported to linux, but that requires libc5, and I'm not aware of any
   > newer linux compatible version (WP9, aka WP2000, was implemented on
   > top of Wine, but I've never managed to get Wine to run WordPerfect 8
   > or earlier, which are the "real" versions. WP9 was the Corel Windows
   > re-write - yeuch!!!)

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