On Mon, 2012-02-20 at 11:25 +0100, Xuacu Saturio wrote:
> I was about to start working in Asturian Lightproof checker when I was 
> told our Asturian spellchecker people were working in languagetool.


> Please, can you tell us which is/will be the default grammar checker 
> (if any)? It shouldn't be that hard to convert rules, but it's better 
> to do it now if needed.

        The default checker that is bundled will be lightproof this is
primarily due to the choice of Java for LanguageTool - which gives a
-very- substantial performance hit of the order of a handful of seconds
of non-responsive-ness, as you start typing / interacting with a new
libreoffice process the first time after load. Lightproof is written in
python which we bundle, and is reasonably fast to bootstrap.



michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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