On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 a-t 03:36:25PM +0100, Philipp Weissenbacher wrote:

> Here are the files you mentioned earlier.

Thank you very much. Radek beat me to it to commit that, but there
seems to be an untranslated word that is left; "Geschachtelte" in

-    // MIB 25.6.98: Geschachtelte Formulare abfangen ... oder muesste
-    // man sie submitten?
+    // MIB 25.6.98: Catch nested Forms Geschachtelte; or would we need to 
submit them?

Maybe it means "nested" and should just be removed? I'm not sure.

> You might want to take a look at line num 2185 in DatabaseForm.cxx.
> Looks like commented out code.

Line 2185 *after* your patch? That is:

    } // if (xDisp.is())

My guess is that this is an explicit "end if". It shows what if is
being closed there, so that one does not have to count braces / go up
to see that. So it is a "real" comment, not forgotten code.

Thanks for the pointer, though. Was worth checking out.

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