On 14 February 2012 06:55, David Tardon <dtar...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 01:33:57PM +0100, David Tardon wrote:
>> I have converted 6 modules to gbuild on branch feature/gbuild_java:
>> javaunohelper, jurt, jvmaccess, jvmfwk, ridljar and unoil. It builds
>> fine here and smoketest finishes with status OK, but some of the modules
>> contain platform specific stuff (e.g., unoil creates some .NET
>> assemblies :) I would appreciate if people tried if it builds correctly
>> on Windows/MacOS X/other-system-than-mine. I am going to be waiting for
>> protests for 2-3 weeks and then merge the branch into master :-)
> I actually waited a lot longer than promised and there is still no
> response from any developer using Windows. You have your last chance to
> test it now :-) I am going to merge it on Friday morning (probably
> around 6:00 UTC).

I don't think it's a crime if you break master by changing build
system in 6 modules for some platform.
I had a look but couldn't build jurt:
cannot find symbol
symbol  : class XComponentContext
location: package com.sun.star.uno
import com.sun.star.uno.XComponentContext;
package com.sun.star.lang does not exist
import com.sun.star.lang.XInitialization;

Please push attached patches, I can't do so here.
jvmaccess, jvmfwk, ridljar are ok then and the remaining two could be also.

Thanks for your work,


Attachment: 0001-jvmfwk-these-are-also-linked_libs.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 0002-add-gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs_native.patch
Description: Binary data

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