On Wed, 2012-02-15 at 15:13 +0000, Michael Meeks wrote:
>       Since we switched ~everything to passive registration, I believe this
> comes from the bundled extension help indexing on very-first-start.

So, if its the case that its from extension help indexing, then this
would probably be from xmlhelp/source/cxxhelp/provider/databases.cxx and
search for com.sun.star.help.HelpIndexer 

Thing is though, is that the extension-help indexer should only be run
if there is help but no foo.idxl pre-created index set of files, at
least since my recent look at help that's what I thought I saw.

And the bundled-extensions that comes with help, at least
presenter-screen, and so forth are supposed to come with .idxl files
which are created at build-time, so they shouldn't need to generate any
index files.

And anyway, I got the impression that even if there is no .idxl file
that it would only be generated on first help query or some such.


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