On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Gary <gdri...@gmail.com> wrote: > On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 12:11 PM, Norbert Thiebaud wrote: >> I mentionned earlier GNUMAKE is always set by configure.in > > Yeah, I had it set there but it was being overridden by one entry in > unitools.mk as you suggested. > > So now it's failing in these four modules: > > --- > ERROR: error 65280 occurred while making > /usr/local/src/libreoffice-core- > gcc: unrecognized option `-KPIC'
That is where you need to deal with solenv/gbuild/platform/solaris.mk and solenv/inc/unxsol*4.mk ( note: git grep KPIC ) for the former you need to edit solenv/gbuild/platform/SOLARIS_INTEL/SPAC-GCC.mk to _not_ include solaris.mk but rather to use unxgcc.mk as a core and adapt around it. see NETBSD_SPARC_GCC.mk and other like that for ideas... as for the dmake side of thing (solenv/inc/sol*4.mk) something like .IF "$(COM)$(OS)$(CPU)" == "GCCSOLARISX" (for intel x86_64 ) or GCCSOLARISI for x86, etc... .INCLUDE : uxnsolg[x|i|..].mk and create such a file based on similar unxix build... look into bsd and linux ones for template... or even the existing solaris one.. and scrub out stuff that are SunStudio related... In general, git grep SOLARIS should point you to a lot of place that are 'solaris' sensitive... it is quite likely that a lot of these place really intended to be SunStudio sensitive, but that the two concept got mangled... Norbert PS: to be able to debug gmake and follow what is going on, you may want to get our 'debug-augmented' version of gmake in contrib/dev-tool/make-3.82-gbuild it has the ability to use --debug=c,e which trace all these $(eval and $(call . That is a must when trying to get a new platform to work under gbuild.... _______________________________________________ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice@lists.freedesktop.org http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/libreoffice