On 01/16/2012 02:09 PM, Caolán McNamara wrote:
On Mon, 2012-01-16 at 09:18 +0100, Stephan Bergmann wrote:
The UNO concept is to thread the (one and only) component context
instance through the code

Does the configmgr need the component context just for
Components::getExternalValue, which I imagine is to handle stuff like

officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/System.xcu work, i.e.

     <prop oor:name="Locale">
       <value oor:external=
           "com.sun.star.configuration.backend.LocaleBackend Locale"/>

where a com.sun.star.configuration.backend.LocaleBackend has to be
instantiated to get the value for the locale ? Or are there other uses ?

I suppose
for config items that don't/can't instantiate uno foo for their values
officecfg::Office::Foo::Bar::Baz::get(context); for ones that do/can is
probably not practical ?

The context is already needed to instantiate the com.sun.star.configuration.ReadOnlyAccess service.

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