Hi Mathias,
A little late in replying, just getting through the backlog of the post Christmas vacation mail backlog
On 24/12/11 01:04, Mat M wrote:
Hello Noel,

Le Mon, 12 Dec 2011 16:27:29 +0100, Noel Power <nopo...@suse.com> a écrit:

On 12/12/11 14:39, Maxime de Roucy wrote:

I checked with a recent master build on Archlinux and it works
perfectly :-).
I also checked with the 3.5 beta on Windows XP but the behaviour of Ctrl
+Enter changed. Now it switch the auto-wrap mode.
I don't know if it's normal or not ...

It is intentional, since now it displays multiple lines ( even if there is only space for 1 )

It is not related. Auto-wrap tells the text to not overlap the next cell on the right. I may want to have multiple lines in my cell and still want to overlap next cells rather than having it wrapping.
I think once 3.5 is release, some issue will be raised for this.
I think ( hope ) you are confused about what we are talking about here. I assume ( hopefully correctly ) that Maxime is talking about the auto-wrap behaviour of the inputline of the formula bar and not the auto-wrap behaviour of the cell content ( whether the text overlaps into the next cell etc. ) which of course should not have changed at all.


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