On Wed, Jan 04, 2012 at 04:24:22PM +0100, Jan Holesovsky <ke...@suse.cz> wrote:
> >     One more review needed, I'd love to get Thorsten's input of course.
> For the late feature - the ideal would be cross-affiliation, if
> possible :-)  So if anybody non-SUSE can have a look, it would be great
> - Caolan?  Miklos?  Ivan?  Anybody else?
> As explained earlier, this makes many non-working pptx presentations
> suddenly working; and we will see even more over the lifetime of 3.5.
> The patch itself is really short & self-contained, so I think no real
> Impress or PPTX knowledge is necessary for the approval.  And we will
> still have enough time to revert it in case of trouble if it gets into
> Beta3.

Hi Kendy,

Sure, from a user's perspective, I agree to have it in 3.5, it can't
make the situation worse. ;-)


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