El 10/12/17 a las 00:52, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos escribió:
> 2017-12-09 8:07 GMT-06:00 Ricardo Palomares Martínez
> <rpmdisguise-j...@yahoo.es>:
>> As usual, I've forgotten to rebase my local copy of the repository
>> until I've tried to push the changes and got the error message. In
>> order to update our wiki, which is the right moment to run git rebase?
>> Would it be best to run it right after pulling the changes from the
>> master repository and before committing the new changes, or just
>> before trying to push upstream?
> I’d say the former. That way, you minimize the risk of conflicts.

Thank you so much, I've updated our wiki. I've also put a note to
myself to not forget to update description.xml, which I see you have
had to update by hand in Gerrit, sorry. :-)

Thanks again for all your help, as always.

Ricardo Palomares (RickieES)
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