source/text/shared/optionen/01070100.xhp |    2 +-
 source/text/swriter/02/14020000.xhp      |    2 +-
 source/text/swriter/02/14030000.xhp      |    2 +-
 source/text/swriter/02/14040000.xhp      |    2 +-
 source/text/swriter/02/14050000.xhp      |    2 +-
 5 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit c43bfbb67d64bfa72f36177784bbebf165f06a39
Author: Gabor Kelemen <>
Date:   Mon Nov 20 14:07:26 2017 +0100

    Display extended help tips in Writer Formula toolbar
    Change-Id: I8f00071bc9a67e59b6dcede06a3ac2c4b5ca48fb
    Reviewed-by: Gabor Kelemen <>
    Tested-by: Gabor Kelemen <>

diff --git a/source/text/swriter/02/14020000.xhp 
index 505e21828..3d7de3a36 100644
--- a/source/text/swriter/02/14020000.xhp
+++ b/source/text/swriter/02/14020000.xhp
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 <bookmark_value>arithmetical operators in formulas</bookmark_value>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/SW_HID_TBX_FORMULA_CALC" 
id="bm_id3155175" localize="false"/><paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3149687" 
xml-lang="en-US" level="1"><link href="text/swriter/02/14020000.xhp" 
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3143270" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid="FN_FORMULA_CALC">Opens a submenu, from which you can insert a formula into 
the cell of a table.</ahelp> Place the cursor in a cell in the table or at the 
position in the document where you want the result to appear. Click the<emph> 
Formula </emph>icon and choose the desired formula from the submenu.</paragraph>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3143270" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".">Opens a submenu, from which you can insert a formula into the cell of a 
table.</ahelp> Place the cursor in a cell in the table or at the position in 
the document where you want the result to appear. Click the<emph> Formula 
</emph>icon and choose the desired formula from the submenu.</paragraph>
 <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149096" xml-lang="en-US">The formula 
appears in the input line. To specify a range of cells in a table, select the 
desired cells with the mouse. The corresponding cell references also appear in 
the input line. Enter additional parameters, as necessary, and click 
<emph>Apply</emph> to confirm your entry. You can also enter the formula 
directly if you know the appropriate syntax. This is necessary, for example, in 
the <link href="text/swriter/01/04090000.xhp" name="Insert Fields"><emph>Insert 
Fields</emph></link> and <emph>Edit Fields</emph> dialogs.</paragraph>
 <section id="syformel">
diff --git a/source/text/swriter/02/14030000.xhp 
index b2eb42ed4..08e3319aa 100644
--- a/source/text/swriter/02/14030000.xhp
+++ b/source/text/swriter/02/14030000.xhp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 <section id="abbrechen">
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/SW_HID_TBX_FORMULA_CANCEL" 
id="bm_id3149968" localize="false"/>
 <paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3149957" xml-lang="en-US" level="1"><link 
href="text/swriter/02/14030000.xhp" name="Cancel">Cancel</link></paragraph>
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149602" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid="FN_FORMULA_CANCEL">Clears the contents of the input line and closes the 
formula bar.</ahelp></paragraph>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3149602" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".">Clears the contents of the input line and closes the formula 
 <section id="syabbrechen">
 <table id="tbl_id3145093">
diff --git a/source/text/swriter/02/14040000.xhp 
index a4c15b26d..47f0a5bd4 100644
--- a/source/text/swriter/02/14040000.xhp
+++ b/source/text/swriter/02/14040000.xhp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   <section id="uebernehmen">
   <bookmark branch="hid/SW_HID_TBX_FORMULA_APPLY" xml-lang="en-US" 
id="bm_id3145827" localize="false"/><paragraph id="hd_id3154834" role="heading" 
level="1" xml-lang="en-US"><link href="text/swriter/02/14040000.xhp" 
-  <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3147173" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid="FN_FORMULA_APPLY" visibility="visible">Transfers the contents of the input 
line into your document and closes the formula bar. The contents of the input 
line are inserted at the cursor position in the document.</ahelp></paragraph>
+  <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3147173" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".">Transfers the contents of the input line into your document and closes 
the formula bar. The contents of the input line are inserted at the cursor 
position in the document.</ahelp></paragraph>
   <section id="syuebernehmen">
   <table id="tbl_id3148573">
diff --git a/source/text/swriter/02/14050000.xhp 
index 457148f0d..e22b7a30b 100644
--- a/source/text/swriter/02/14050000.xhp
+++ b/source/text/swriter/02/14050000.xhp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   <section id="formelbereich">
   <bookmark branch="hid/SW_HID_EDIT_FORMULA" xml-lang="en-US" 
id="bm_id3145829" localize="false"/><paragraph id="hd_id3155624" role="heading" 
level="1" xml-lang="en-US"><link href="text/swriter/02/14050000.xhp" 
name="Formula Area">Formula Area</link></paragraph>
-  <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3154501" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
visibility="visible" hid="HID_EDIT_FORMULA">Allows you to create a formula by 
typing it directly into the input line or by clicking the <emph>Formula</emph> 
icon to display the formulas in submenu.</ahelp></paragraph>
+  <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3154501" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid=".">Allows you to create a formula by typing it directly into the input 
line or by clicking the <emph>Formula</emph> icon to display the formulas in 
   <section id="syformelbereich">
   <table id="tbl_id3151188">
commit 6786fb57ceb730812c8096365ee199bc108f3524
Author: Gabor Kelemen <>
Date:   Sat Nov 18 02:00:39 2017 +0100

    Display extended help on the Help Lines Move icon of Drawing Object toolbar
    Change-Id: Id5717e6d6fdd019f05e20e0c90d0aaee5bae9f9e
    Reviewed-by: Gabor Kelemen <>
    Tested-by: Gabor Kelemen <>

diff --git a/source/text/shared/optionen/01070100.xhp 
index 5a5d7ec90..68913326f 100644
--- a/source/text/shared/optionen/01070100.xhp
+++ b/source/text/shared/optionen/01070100.xhp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3147443" xml-lang="en-US"><ahelp 
hid="modules/simpress/ui/sdviewpage/ruler">Specifies whether to display the 
rulers at the top and to the left of the work area.</ahelp></paragraph>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="hid/.uno:HelplinesMove" id="bm_id2451068" 
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" 
branch="hid/modules/simpress/ui/sdviewpage/dragstripes" id="bm_id3147213" 
localize="false"/><paragraph role="heading" id="hd_id3145364" xml-lang="en-US" 
level="3">Helplines While Moving</paragraph>
-<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3154147" xml-lang="en-US"><variable 
id="helplines"><variable id="verschieb"><ahelp 
hid="modules/simpress/ui/sdviewpage/dragstripes">Specifies whether to display 
guides when moving an object.</ahelp>
+<paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3154147" xml-lang="en-US"><variable 
id="helplines"><variable id="verschieb"><ahelp hid=".">Specifies whether to 
display guides when moving an object.</ahelp>
 <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_id3150488" xml-lang="en-US"><variable 
id="vertext"><item type="productname">%PRODUCTNAME</item> creates dotted guides 
that extend beyond the box containing the selected object and which cover the 
entire work area, helping you position the object. 
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