On 12/15/2011 04:29 PM, Terrence Enger wrote:
   Nowhere is it written that you will understand everything.

Sometimes there are surprising side-effects.  :)

So, I take it, the helpful question to investigate is the
reason why the state of the object violates the
expectation--the expectation that the container is empty--
that the destructor asserts.  Or, coming from the opposite
side of the question, why should the destructor expect the
container to be empty by that time?

Yes. I would assume that the destructor's expectation is legitimate, and that the code keeping the container non-empty is in error. But maybe Michael Stahl can tell you more about this; at least, he recently changed that assertion into a true one (aborting the program in a debug build), so looks like he considers the assertion correct, too.

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