Seemingly I forgot to post these last Thursday: apologies !

* Present:
    + Thorsten, Miklos, Kendy, Caolan, Olivier, Shinnok, Xisco, Michael M,
      Stephan, Eike, Jan-Marek, Sophie, Heiko, Christian, Michael S

* Completed Action Items:
    + submitted an ESC / architecture discussion talk (Michael)
    + send a nice mail explaining cleanup commit issues (Michael)
    + simplify & update dev-central build details & link to wiki (Shinnok)
         [ found the repo, looked at the code – could simplify it and 
           have pointers to the wiki – doing it as lower prio. ]

* Pending Action Items:
    + fwd build details on Mac / CVE build / test failure to the list (Shinnok)
         [ need to re-compile to find the errors and/or transcribe the text.
           How many tinderboxes on Mac ?
             + three – should have configure line there (Thorsten)
             + both Jenkins and non-Jenkins builders look different (Michael) ]
    + font issues
             + have a deeper look / hunt for solutions (Xisco)
                                + See below
         + dialog / cropping → perhaps have a look ? (Caolan)
            + landed in master: looks like it fixes -lots- of things:
            + gone into all version (Caolan)
                + Comparisons before and after:
            + better ceil() than round() to avoid cropping by all means (Jay)
                 + we want it to work as the original code did (Caolan)
                 + still not perfect 136092 – attachment, a difference (Heiko)
                       + smaller line-spacing vs. 5.1
                       + best to get a new bug – with the file (Xisco)
                           + pictures less useful ]

* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + this week – nothing.
    + 5.3.7 - 1st week of October as initially scheduled
    + 5.4.2 RC1 – branch next Tuesday ...
    + Online
    + Android
         + fixed x86 platform / NSS building & will push patch
         + focus on getting the viewer into shape.
    + will split off the 5.4 project in pootle this weekend
         + and move to actual master strings.
    + do we have a conference gap in the schedule ? (Michael)
         + move it if there is a concern ?

* Documentation (Olivier)
     * Implemented L10n in UI for
         + and browser detect language
         + built in
         + backporting to 5.4 and 5.3
     * Entering in revision phase for Getting started Guide 6.0,
         + Now waiting for 6.0 new features
            + Please fill the wiki page with the new features

* UX Update (Heiko)
    + Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics
        255(255) (topicUI) bugs open, 408(408) (needsUXEval) needs to be 
evaluated by the UXteam
    + Updates:
        BZ changes   1 week   1 month   3 months   12 months  
             added      6(1)     19(2)     32(-1)     133(-8) 
         commented     40(4)    180(14)   475(-17)   2952(-72)
           removed      0(0)      0(-1)     4(-1)      43(-1) 
          resolved      5(0)     22(-3)    68(-2)     285(-2) 
    + top 10 contributors:
          Tietze, Heiko made 124 changes in 1 month, and 1588 changes in 1 year
          Thomas Lendo made 59 changes in 1 month, and 460 changes in 1 year
          Philips, Yousuf made 45 changes in 1 month, and 1428 changes in 1 year
          Adolfo Jayme Barrientos made 38 changes in 1 month, and 66 changes in 
1 y
          Cor Nouws made 38 changes in 1 month, and 336 changes in 1 year
          Foote, V Stuart made 32 changes in 1 month, and 562 changes in 1 year
          Buovjaga made 18 changes in 1 month, and 354 changes in 1 year
          Dieter Praas made 14 changes in 1 month, and 52 changes in 1 year
          Telesto made 13 changes in 1 month, and 75 changes in 1 year
          Faulí Tarazona, Xisco made 12 changes in 1 month, and 470 changes in 
1 y
    + Mascot update
       + more triage work requested
    + OS survey
       + users of ours vs. github users’ importance.
       + having a “Trusted Producer” is more important for LibreOffice
         than all other github projects
           + “How is it important for you to have a trusted producer ?”
              + very.

* Crash Hunting (Caolan)
    + 34 import failures, 582 export failures
        + seems the script is broken that produces these.
AI:     + numbers scripts produce junk here (7 and 7) for these numbers 
        + fixed the impress
    + 7 coverity issues
    + Google / ossfuzz: 32 fuzzers active now
        + a fairly constant trickle of these
        + don’t have XML formats under surgery yet
        + XML fuzzer guy found 2 more in last week.
        + RH team looking at the libwpd

* Crash Reporter (Xisco)
        + 2121 (last 7 days)
        + 516 (last 7 days)
        + 285 (lasy 7 days)
        + 2286 (last 7 days)
        + 417 (last 7 days)

* Hackfests & Events (Thorsten)
    + new plan from Bjoern:
         + another kickoff call September 17th at 14:30 UTC  for planning.
    + LibreOffice Conference

* mentoring/easyhack update (Shinnok)
          committer...   1 week     1 month     3 months    12 months    
                  open      44(-26)    122(-5)     125(-7)      132(-7)  
               reviews     530(-85)   2123(57)    5128(55)    17103(20)  
                merged     190(6)      817(-28)   2588(-61)   10427(-119)
             abandoned      15(4)       57(0)      168(-54)     582(-68) 
           own commits     292(80)    1002(281)   1354(-1)    14090(-170)
        review commits      87(16)     345(83)     390(30)     2851(24)  
        contributor...   1 week     1 month    3 months    12 months   
                  open      26(-7)      57(-8)     61(-7)       64(-7) 
               reviews     668(-84)   2662(97)   6401(108)   21125(153)
                merged      37(-9)     191(30)    422(62)     1427(149)
             abandoned      21(12)      51(19)    141(76)      344(86) 
           own commits      33(-15)    191(32)    219(10)      953(24) 
        review commits       0(0)        0(0)       0(0)         0(0)  
    + easyHack statistics:
       needsDevEval 28(28)   needsUXEval 0(0)   cleanup_comments 199(199)   
       total 255(255)   assigned 14(14)   open 212(212)   
    + top 5 contributors:
          Gelmini, Andrea made 40 patches in 1 month, and 138 patches in 1 year
          Carl, Jens made 29 patches in 1 month, and 103 patches in 1 year
          Dhall, Varun made 20 patches in 1 month, and 27 patches in 1 year
          Grzegorz Araminowicz made 11 patches in 1 month, and 13 patches in 1 
          Kainz, Andreas made 11 patches in 1 month, and 58 patches in 1 year
    + top 5 reviewers:
          Pootle bot made 313 review comments in 1 month, and 325 in 1 year
          Stahl, Michael made 228 review comments in 1 month, and 1720 in 1 year
          Mohrhard, Markus made 196 review comments in 1 month, and 1321 in 1 
          Behrens, Thorsten made 186 review comments in 1 month, and 667 in 1 
          Grandin, Noel made 151 review comments in 1 month, and 1263 in 1 year
    + big CONGRATULATIONS to contributors who have at least 1 merged patch, 
since last report:
          Andreas Brandner 
          Christian Glombek 
          Naeil ZOUEIDI 
          Kiyotaka Nishibori 

        + reduced bugs without attention in daily mails
            + script prints these out
            + starting to tackle the NeedsDevEval bugs - 20-25 pending.
            + no easy hacks in 'NEEDINFO'
            + some hacks as EasyHacks are pending more work so can't close.
            + German comments
                 + some one-liners and a few German words left
                 + people are checking manually still.
            + convert Java -> python - ongoing.
        + reducing comments ?
            + has some details on hiding them (Xisco)
            + will summarize too.
        + ssrlabs - no further success contacting these interns
            + plan to drop the previous ones
        + moved code from vm -> git - reducing local change
            + pending cut&paste killing there.
        + also improvements from last ESC: re-base etc.
        + capstone project - no replies
            + not ideal forum for picking up GSOC slack (Thorsten)
               + GSOC a bit of a mentoring / resource strain anyway
               + good to keep on radar for next year..

* GSoC update (Thorsten)
    + timeline:
        + September 6: passing projects announced
                       + we celebrate 9 successful projects
    + thanks to all students & mentors - hope to see you all at LibOCon!!

* Commit Access
AI: + restore bit (Kendy)
AI:     + write a mail (Michael)

* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
    + sleeping for 4 weeks

* Jenkins / CI update (Christian)
    from:Thu Aug 31 16:07:28 2017
    master linux rel  jobs: 191 ok: 186 ko:   5 fail ratio:  2.62 % break:   1 
broken duration: 0.75%
    master linux dbg  jobs: 167 ok: 161 ko:   5 fail ratio:  2.99 % break:   4 
broken duration: 1.74%
    master mac rel    jobs: 198 ok: 165 ko:  33 fail ratio: 16.67 % break:   6 
broken duration:15.40%
    master mac dbg    jobs: 192 ok: 163 ko:  29 fail ratio: 15.10 % break:   5 
broken duration:15.38%
    master win rel    jobs: 117 ok:  99 ko:  18 fail ratio: 15.38 % break:  13 
broken duration:19.46%
    master win dbg    jobs: 122 ok: 102 ko:  20 fail ratio: 16.39 % break:  18 
broken duration:14.01%
    master win64 dbg  jobs: 125 ok: 117 ko:   8 fail ratio:  6.40 % break:   7 
broken duration: 6.24%
    lo-5.3 mac        jobs:   6 ok:   6 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 
broken duration: 0.00%
    lo-5.4 mac        jobs:   0 ok:   0 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 
broken duration: 0.00%
    branch gerrit all jobs:   0 ok:   0 ko:   0 fail ratio: 0.00%
    master gerrit lin jobs: 467 ok: 425 ko:  42 fail ratio: 8.99%
    master gerrit plg jobs: 465 ok: 367 ko:  96 fail ratio:20.65%
    master gerrit win jobs: 460 ok: 358 ko: 101 fail ratio:21.96%
    master gerrit mac jobs:   0 ok:   0 ko:   0 fail ratio: 0.00%
    master gerrit all jobs: 460 ok: 309 ko: 148 fail ratio:32.17%
    + slight increase in Windows problems.
    + looking forward to Norbert's return and Mac builders (Jmux)

* l10n (Sophie/Christian)
    + switching to track master this week rather than 5.4

* A high-resolution, monotonic-ticks output for SAL log (Jan-Marek)
    + just found SAL logging allows prefixing output lines with timestamps
    + original intention:
        1. get a high resolution, monotonic time source for Scheduling
        2. add these timestamps to log
            - currently in scheduler SAL_INFO messages    
            - don’t care whatever output; but SAL_LOG seems reasonable
    + Patches:
        - add osl_getMonotonicTicks
        - add +SYSTEMTICKS to SAL_LOG
    + std::crono::* has no resolution specified
        - *::high_resolution_clock can even be an alias to system_clock
        - *::steady_clock resolution was low in VS2012 stackoverflow claims
    + tools::Time::getSystemTicks() is not monotonic
        - comment “Elapsed time since epoch in milliseconds” is not always 
        - Windows uses QueryPerformanceCounter (monotonic since system start)
        - no SAL time functions currently monotonic
        - AFAIK it’s just used to measure durations
            # would support a change to monotonic
    + there are already multiple monotonic implementations (opencl, canvas)
        - with a comment “// TEMP!!! Awaiting corresponding functionality in 
        - opencl implementation uses currently recommended APIs AFAIK
    + Can’t use tools from sal
        - Is there a way to add LO private API to SAL?
    + current suggested solutions:
        1. merge the patches
        2. duplicate code in SAL logging function and add to tools::Time
           + change existing +RELATIVETIMER flag
        3. keep the logging code in the Scheduler and add to tools::Time
        4. ???
      + when things come up to add to sal/ "do we really need that" (Stephan)
           + is there a replacement in std:: C++
           + just want to keep the sal/ interfaces as small as possible.
           + unsure if these patches match what we need here.
       + need to see 'ticks' in the log to see what happens (Jmux)
           + is there a private part of sal/ ?
           + if nothing else that provides it - nothing against adding it.
           + if we want it in the scheduler sal-infos - can we add it there ?
           + then timers only from the vcl/ code.
           + but someone else "might be interested" not so great (Sberg)
               + a couple of other places want it too in the write-up.
          + SAL_INFO - concerned we have too many of them anyway too
     + Debian - harming the world world with .so bumps (Michael)
     + patch does this, and replaces three implementations.
     + was in tools/time - but wanted time-stamp logging (jmux)
     => put it into sal later when there is another user wanting monotonoic time
     => have it in tools/time.hpp

* QA update (Xisco)

    + UNCONFIRMED: 448 (-22)
        + enhancements: 46  (-3)
        + needsUXEval: 3 (+2)
        + haveBackTrace: 9 (-1)
        + needsDevAdvice: 34 (+2)
        + documentation:  3 (+0)

    + Most Pressing Bugs:
        + New:

        + Older:
          + CALC - crashes on COPYing 3+ whole rows to clipboard with OpenGL
                + Fix proposal:
                        + Review appreciated

        + Fixed:
            + LO crash on loading this document
                    + thanks to Dennis.

            + Writer crashes with specific TTF font installed
                    + thanks to Caolán.

* QA stats
      +145  -22 (-193) overall)
      many thanks to the top bug squashers:
       QA Administrators       44
       Caolán McNamara         14
       Buovjaga                13
       Justin L                12
       Xisco Faulí             10
       Jean-Baptiste Faure     8
       Christian Lohmaier      8
       Eike Rathke             7
       Timur                   6
       V Stuart Foote          6
       m.a.riosv               4
       Adolfo Jayme            4
       Heiko Tietze            4
       Yousuf Philips (jay)    4
       Julien Nabet            4

    + top 10 bugs reporters:
       Yousuf Philips (jay)    9
       Thomas Lendo            6
       Dinh Le                 5
       Heiko Tietze            5
       Emil Tanev              5
       Xisco Faulí             4
       Aron Budea              4
       bugzilla                4
       Bob Furber              3
       Christian Lohmaier      3
       Stuart Edwards          2
       h.goebel                2
       Lenge                   2
       m.a.riosv               2
       Miklos Vajna            2

    + top 10 bugs fixers:
       McNamara, Caolán       15
       Justin L                7
       Rathke, Eike            5
       Christian Lohmaier      4
       Francis, Dennis P.      3
       Vajna, Miklos           3
       Stahl, Michael          2
       Zolnai, Tamás           2
       Kelemen, Gabor          2
       Faulí Tarazona, Xisco   1

* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
     5.3 : 1/44 -     2 %  (-2)
     5.2 : 3/38 -     7 %  (+2)
     5.1 : 1/34 -     2 %  (+0)
     5.0 : 2/61 -     3 %  (+0)
     4.4 : 3/76 -     3 %  (+0)
     4.3 : 7/74 -     9 %  (+1)
     4.2 : 6/134 -    4 %  (+0)
     4.1 : 3/83 -     3 %  (+0)
     4.0 : 4/83 -     4 %  (+0)
     old : 27/257 -   10 %  (+0)

* Bisected bugs open: keyword 'bisected'
   + more accurate - down to a single commit.
   + 372/1569 375/1557 381/1551 377/1541 383/1533 381/1515 380/1500 

     done by:
        Faulí Tarazona, Xisco   6
        Raal                    3
        Terrence Enger          1
        Kaganski, Mike          1
        Budea, Áron             1

* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'
   + 461/2173 466/2159 477/2152 471/2139 476/2129 469/2106 468/2088 

     done by:
        Faulí Tarazona, Xisco   6
        Raal                    3
        Terrence Enger          3
        Kaganski, Mike          1
        Budea, Áron             1

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
   + 874(-2) bugs open of 6314(+25) total 7(+1) high prio.

     done by:
        Buovjaga                8
        Faulí Tarazona, Xisco   6
        Alex Thurgood           2
        Justin L                1
        Telesto                 1
        Christian Lohmaier      1
        Thomas Lendo            1
        MM                      1
        Budea, Áron             1
        Faure, Jean-Baptiste    1

* ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
     Impress       - 2(+0)
     LibreOffice   - 2(+0)
     Calc          - 2(+1)
     Writer        - 1(+0)

   by OS:
     Windows       - 1(+0)
     Linux         - 0(+0)
     Mac OS X      - 3(+0)
     All           - 3(+1)

* ~Component   count net * all regressions
     Writer: other            - 147(+1)
     Calc                     - 139(+2)
     Impress                  - 84(+1)
     LibreOffice              - 72(-1)
     Writer: docx filter      - 69(-4)
     UI                       - 49(-1)
     Writer: doc filter       - 39(-2)
     graphics stack           - 38(+0)
     Draw                     - 35(+0)
     Writer: perf             - 32(+0)
     Base                     - 30(+0)
     Borders                  - 30(+1)
     Writer: other filter     - 28(+0)
     filters and storage      - 23(+0)
     Chart                    - 21(+1)
     Printing and PDF export  - 17(+0)
     Crashes                  - 15(+0)
     BASIC                    - 15(+0)
     framework                - 4(+0)
     Installation             - 3(+0)
     Linguistic               - 2(+0)
     Extensions               - 2(+0)
     sdk                      - 1(+0)
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