On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Pedro Lino <pedl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Norbert
>> the problem is that this 'time' is not recorded anywhere. git does not
>> keep track of it.
> I have the pull time because the tinderbox code was kindly modified to
> provide a log file for each build
> E.g. 
> http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily/Win-x86@6-fast/libreoffice-3-5/current/libreoffice-3-5~2011-12-09_12.44.50_build_info.txt

I know, I did it... but you don't have a 'push time'

> And Petr Vladek has suggested that this info should/could be included
> in the About box
> http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/Naming-builds-Please-tt3556898.html#a3561117

it is less reliable and at best redundant with the git-sha... otoh I
am considering addin the tinderbox id to the about box, so one can
know which box built it (and therefore what config was used)

> Can you do that? :)

The shell script that give you the anwser given the about box info and
the sha1 of the fix, yes... the web page that wrap it all nicely, no

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