
Le 09/12/2011 05:43, Shoubhik Bose a écrit :
> Hello, 
> I had earlier got in touch with you a couple of months back.
> I wish to work on a couple of projects. Here's one of them,( I'm sending
> the other idea in a different mail )
> I wish to build a predictive typing feature for LibreOffice Writer (
> later port it to Impress, Calc ).
> [ Motivation: Reduce typing time, just like in IDEs like Eclipse and
> Visual Studio ]
> The prediction would take into account:
>   * How often some words are used while typing/speaking English(language
>     or any other language).
>   * How often some words have occurred in that specific document.
>   * The most simple one: Auto-complete ( atleast 4 letters have to be
>     typed before this feature is shown).

I am not sure to understand well but what is the difference with
auto-completion : Tools > AutoCorrect options ... > Word completion Tab ?

Best regards.
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