Cor Nouws schrieb:

AFAIAC, no need to say sorry for that. It's part of our work that we
carry that happily, isn't it, Rainer ;-)


Yes! I did not want to blame anyone, I only regretted our mishap to catch one of the worse ones of the Source stages of development. And for me Cor's idea Concerning "Alpha" before branch sounds reasonable. I, for example misunderstood proceeding (because I did not read the announcement careful enough) and thought that we are already in the branch, what now shows that at least one of my decisions to reopen bugs because Fixes are not in Beta0 might have been wrong. I will watch that.

For testers a reliable statement whether the beta will install in parallel or replace the stable version would be useful - for example on <> and in announcements (where the comment already was for Beta0).

Do we already have any idea why WIN build did not install (at least for me, <>)? At least a normal(parallel) installation should be possible with Beta1).


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