
I use LibreOffice daily on my Mac (Sierra), I happen to also be a developer and 
build LO for the Mac.

> 2. There are no decent ways to do debug logging on MacOS; none of the
> commandline options are available
> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/BugReport/Debug_Information#Mac_OSX:_How_to_get_debug_information
> <https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/QA/BugReport/Debug_Information#Mac_OSX:_How_to_get_debug_information>
I normally work with versions compiled with —enable-debug, which give me plenty 
of debug.

> 4. Since MacOS Sierra LibreOffice is generally very slow. We have been
> getting reports of people having issues after performing a couple of actions
> with our extension, but there have been no changes on our end since 2015.
> Moreover, it seems that LibreOffice itself is terribly slow -- on my 2014
> MacBook Pro it takes some good 5 seconds to open Character..., Paragraph...
> or Bullets and Numbering... dialogs. On a 2016 linux machine with similar
> specs it's essentially instantaneous. There are some reports of this
> slowness online, but no bugs on the bugtracker that I could find.
> https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/79342/libreoffice-extremely-slow-in-mac-os-sierra/
> https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/77793/libreoffice-hangs-on-macos-sierra/
> <https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/77793/libreoffice-hangs-on-macos-sierra/>
I cannot recognise your timing, on my mac the example takes far less than a 

There was a startup issue, with libreoffice, but that has nothing to do with 
slow performance.

> What is the current state of MacOS LO development
> and is it possible to get some love for the MacOS version?

We are some developers that work on Mac, so the love is there, but it seems a 
bit as if you have some other problems.

jan I.

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