On 11/11/11 19:56, Noel Power wrote:
On 11/11/11 19:25, August Sodora wrote:
Also, is there a consensus on how
the option to hide/display line numbers should be added? Currently I'm
trying to add a page to the options dialog in cui but I suppose it
will really only have one option for now, is that ok?
hmm, I'd keep it simple, imo either of the options I mentioned
On 11/11/11 16:50, Noel Power wrote:
Of course I was looking at the stuff in cui for adding an option
somewhere, is that the correct place to be looking? Also I'm not sure
if the basic ide deserves its own entire category for options yet as I
think this is the first configurable thing about the basic ide.
I wasn't thinking about anything so grand, mostly I was thinking
about maybe either adding a new checkbox under view or perhaps adding
a 'toggle linenumbers' button to macro toolbar ( see
view|toolbars|macros ) For a first cut/release I wouldn't even worry
about persisting that option
ok, since let me try and help with this, I am trying to add the menu
and some supporting code to tie that in, when I have it done I hope you
can take the patch and look at dynamically displaying/undisplaying the
linenumbers. Perhaps as a start you could assume the ComplexEditor will
be constructed with no line numbers displayed ( e.g. the
linenumberwindow should not be shown ) You could add a method void
ComplexEditor::SetLineNumberDisplay( bool ) which would show/hide the
linenumber windows and do/call whatever resizing magic that needs to
happen. How does that sound?
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