On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 13:21 +0100, Chr. Rossmanith wrote:
> Now I tried "ooinstall -l ./install" in the toplevel dir and below you 
> find my results  :-(  What are those files which cannot be found?

        Heh :-)

> ... languages en-US ...
> ... analyzing files ...
> ERROR: The following files could not be found:
> ERROR: File not found: dict-ar.oxt

        Ah - some dictionary extensions; odd. It is possible that scp2 has not
re-built itself cleanly:

        rm -Rf scp2/unxlngi6.pro

        and re-run 'build' && 'deliver' in there. Or it is possible that there
is a configuration error that is not compiling and/or installing the
dictionaries properly.

        If that is really blocking you (and it's highly unlikely to be your
fault), then you can manually hack:


        to remove the sections mentioning the files in the list above -
hopefully they're in a block together. I assume a re-build from clean
would also fix it but ... ;-) if you're just trying to test something to
submit that's a bit of a pain.



michael.me...@suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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