Hi Caolán,
Caolán McNamara schrieb:
On Sun, 2011-11-13 at 14:48 +0100, Regina Henschel wrote:
I had tried --disable-mozilla too, but that has failed same as only
--disable-build-mozilla. Why does it demands mozilla build tools, when
mozilla should not be used at all?
There is "mozilla" and there is "nss", two different things that both
require "mozilla build tools" to build from source.
In September I could use --disable-build-mozilla plus
--disable-nss-module and could build without the mozilla build tools,
but using the zip-files with the prebuild Mozilla. Now
--disable-nss-module is not possible. Is there a replacement for
FWIW right now --disable-xmlsec which disables building the libxmlsec
lib, will as a side-effect also not build nss if --disable-mozilla is
also in effect. This is technically probably a really bad idea as there
is more than just xmlsigning and mozilla using nss, e.g. encrypting .odt
documents uses nss.
Kind regards
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