Hi Kohei,

On Friday, 2011-11-11 12:17:21 -0500, Kohei Yoshida wrote:

> > > commit eaea417bfdf8d06df2b7f2e42c904c32ce77e871
> > >     Removing the mixed comparison flag, which is no longer needed.
> > 
> > Isn't that needed for MATCH and ([HV])LOOKUP with mixed data such as
> > 1,2,3,b,c,d when queried for "a" would return the last less_or_equal
> > position, hence 3? Or are we now on a good track where when querying for
> > string we always return #N/A if the less_or_equal match is numeric (and
> > vice versa)?
> Thanks.  Reverted.  Will try to come up with a different approach then.

IMHO (correct me if I'm wrong) for the sorted range lookup Excel returns
#N/A if the search is of type Text and the last element found for
less_or_equal is of type Number. This is also what ODFF/OpenFormula
defines, for example for VLOOKUP

My question was more in the direction if, when the mixed lookup is
removed, we return the correct results for those spreadsheet functions
accordind to ODFF. If yes, then the removal is fine.


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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